Americans For Truth News Release

November 5, 2008
Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;
NAPERVILLE, Ill. – Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality, issued the following statement on the election of Barack Obama:
We at Americans For Truth join millions of pro-life and pro-family advocates in expressing our profound sadness that America has just elected the most pro-homosexual and pro-abortion presidential candidate in our nation’s history: Barack Obama. However, President-elect Obama has no clear mandate on those issues because they were largely ignored by John McCain and the media in this race.
While we celebrate the transcendence of race as a dominant issue in U.S. politics – and the expiation of America’s past racial sins represented by Obama’s triumph — the truth is that Obama is a far-left ideologue on abortion and homosexuality. Incredibly, McCain largely avoided the life issue and failed to raise Obama’s hypocritical, confused stance on same-sex “marriage.” Had he run aggressively on these and other conservative issues, McCain could have won – as demonstrated by the victories of pro-natural-marriage amendments in California, Florida and Arizona yesterday.
Liberal Republicanism loses elections. The GOP must return to its pro-family roots if it wants to start winning again.
Most Americans have no idea how extreme Obama is on abortion and homosexuality, due to Obama’s clever obfuscations and McCain’s refusal to educate Americans on the Democratic candidate’s social record, which includes:
- Obama’s support of federal “civil unions” legislation that mimics “gay marriage” – and his promise to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which prevents states from being forced to recognize out-of-state same-sex “marriages”;
- Obama’s vow, in a time of war, to open up the U.S. military to open homosexuality;
- Obama’s promise to Planned Parenthood to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would override pro-life reform laws across the nation;
- Obama pledge to homosexual activists to use the White House “bully pulpit” to advocate for homosexual adoption – placing children in homes that are motherless or fatherless by design;
- Obama’s support of the most extreme, pro-transsexual version of ENDA, the Employment Nondiscrimination Act – which has severe implications for Americans’ religious and First Amendment freedoms. ENDA would dramatically expand federal power by forcing businessmen to factor in employees’ sexual habits and gender confusion in hiring and firing decisions;
- Obama’s distortion of the Bible and historic Christianity to justify his support for abortion-on-demand and homosexuality as a “civil right.”
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on Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 at 11:07 am and is filed under
"Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage",
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A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
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Log Cabin Republicans,
Planned Parenthood,
Pro-Homosexual Media,
The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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