“Discredited” Appointee? Obama “Faith Advisory Council” appointee Harry Knox called Pope Benedict a “discredited leader” of “an army of oppression” — leading a group of Congressmen to call for Knox’s dismissal. The “gay” activist claims his homosexuality is an “unchangeable gift from God, one for which I am very grateful. And it would fly in the face of my respect for God to give that gift back.” TAKE ACTION: Call or write your Senators and Congressmen (202-224-3121/202-225-3121) and President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge the removal of the bigoted Knox from the president’s faith council.
Following are the remarks by Preston Noell, President of Tradition, Family, and Property, at yesterday’s coalition press conference in Chicago against Obama’s homosexual agenda:
“President Obama’s much vaunted ‘search for a common ground’ no longer passes even a perfunctory smell test. His bromides are designed to soothe and assuage. But his hypnotic rhetoric belies his actions.
“By appointing Harry Knox to his Faith Advisory Council, Obama panders to the homosexual movement, and manifests cynicism at its worst.
“Knox is the very incarnation of hate-filled, anti-Catholic bigotry and must go. His militant, hate-mongering anti-Catholicism is amply on display. Knox’s malicious attack on Pope Benedict as a “discredited leader of an army of oppression” is the rallying cry portending the persecution of the Church.
“Knox is the ugly new face of anti-Catholic oppression and persecution. President Obama has a choice: either give Knox a pink slip or be known not only as the abortion president but the anti-Catholic president as well.
“Mr. President, fire Knox, NOW!!”
Related AFTAH stories on Harry Knox:
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on Thursday, June 18th, 2009 at 12:43 pm and is filed under
A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?,
D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches,
Gay and Christian?,
Government Promotion,
Homosexual Hate,
Homosexual Quotes,
The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality,
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