What’s fascinating is that in the wake of the passage of landmark federal “hate crimes” legislation including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” — designed to protect homosexuals as a group — there seems to be a resurgence of anti-Christian hate coming from “GLBT” (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) extremists. More on that coming. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Reprinted from the Christian Civic League of Maine website:
Nov 6, 2009
The normal routine of the League was interrupted Friday afternoon, when an anonymous caller called to say he owned guns and his next target was the former director of the League, Mike Heath (right). The death threat was apparently related to the recent win on Question 1, which revoked the right of homosexuals to be married in Maine.
The caller said the following:
“I am calling about Mr. Mike Heath, the Executive of your Christian Civic League of Maine. He thinks that gay people should have our rights revoked that we already have. Well I can tell him this – I’m a gay guy who owns guns, and he’s my next target.”
The call was the latest and most serious example of intimidation by homosexual rights supporters after the win on same sex marriage. The League withheld publishing comments from homosexual rights supporters since the referendum vote, for fear the comments would be too offensive for our readers.
The death threat now provides our readers with the proper context for understanding these comments, which are as follows. They will not be suitable for some readers:
“Your ‘Pastor” is a BIGOT…..and [expletive deleted] CRAZY.”
“You sick (expletive deleted)! You have nothing to offer except hate, bigotry, and lies. …homosexuality is not a sickness and you know it. It is perfectly normal. If anything is a sickness and a scourge, it is your hatred. Excuse me while I go puke.”
“The real sin is not treating all people equal. You will all burn in hell.”
Here is more:
“Please pray that people in Maine see through the charade of religious (expletive deleted) spewed by Rev. Heath. He is NOT a Christian. He needs to simply shut up. Just because same-sex marriage, which was voted on by a majority (heterosexuals) to discriminate against a minority (homosexuals) doesn’t mean it was right.”
“You people are devil worshipers and are going to (phrase deleted) and get nailed to a cross by a man in leather chaps listening to Barbara Streisand and the rest of the world will cheer for your slow painful death. [Expletive Deleted] [Expletive Deleted] [Expletive Deleted]”
“Seriously…Jesus would hate you. Everyone else does. You are sinners and not Christians. Again [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] do the world a favor by slitting your throats and the rest of your congregation too. [expletive deleted] Pray for yourselves you idiots. You are the ones who will burn in hell… not believing in equality for all. God hates you. and you know it deep down inside.”
The League immediately reported the death threat against Heath to the Augusta Police Department, which is investigating the incident.
This article was posted
on Sunday, November 8th, 2009 at 11:53 am and is filed under
"Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage",
"Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage",
Christian Persecution,
Freedom Under Fire,
Gay Activist Hate Against Christians,
GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution,
Homosexual Hate,
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