Press Release, January 5, 2012; contact: Peter LaBarbera:
WARNING: Offensive description

Dan Savage's evil creation. This graphic appears on the website, This graphic was creaed in April 2011, reflecting fewer "likes." the number as of Jan. 5, 2012 reached 52,274.
CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), today urged homosexual activist and writer Dan Savage to take down his notorious and vulgar anti-Rick Santorum website — — which diabolically “redefines” the presidential candidate’s last name as follows:
“Santorum: 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”
LaBarbera issued the following open appeal to Savage and the media:
Today, I appeal to homosexual activist Dan Savage: take down your anti-Rick Santorum hate-site,
Admittedly, it seems ludicrous to appeal to man who would go to such hateful lengths to sabotage religious conservatives that he would intentionally try to give a Republican presidential candidate a cold (Gary Bauer, 2000), or use Google to demonize an opponent in such a despicable way. Nevertheless, I make the appeal because bullying is bullying, and it must stop.
We get it, Dan, you HATE Rick Santorum, and you want to punish him for comments he made about the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing sodomy. But as a prolific writer and advocate, surely you have abundant opportunities to address Santorum’s arguments civilly — without resorting to cruel, twisted campaigns designed to destroy a man’s name and reputation by associating it with perversion.
“” (like its malevolent cousin, “Spreading Santorum”) is advanced cyber-bullying, pure and simple. You are a role model for “gay” youth, and your “It Gets Better” video campaign to help kids overcome bullying in their teen years has gained international attention. Yet bizarrely, with apparent ends-justifies-the-means rationale, you yourself have employed heinous bullying methods to malign Mr. Santorum – tactics you would strongly condemn if used against a self-identified “gay” kid. [AFTAH opposes all bullying of youth without regard to special criteria; we disagree with the “It Gets Better” campaign because it seeks to normalize homosexuality and celebrate immoral LGBT identities.]
Is this the lesson you want to teach young people? That if they encounter a person who disagrees with homosexual behavior, it’s OK to use the slimiest tactics imaginable to go after that person?
You and your homosexual partner have an adopted son. What did or will you tell him about Have you no compassion for Rick Santorum’s wife, children and extended family, who too must bear the brunt of your high-tech smear?And to the media I ask this: please hold Dan Savage and his homosexual and liberal supporters accountable for this heinous and malicious web slander. Stop joking about it, and do not act as if Rick Santorum’s “Google problem” just appeared out of nowhere. This is calculated character assassination engineered by a “gay” activist who, ironically, crusades against hate. Do not reward Savage with media appearances. In fact, treat him as you would, say, a deranged, far-right activist who had created “BarbaraBoxer[dot]com” and “redefined” her name in a similarly evil manner.

Dan Savage