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AFTAH Attends World Congress of Families-Madrid: USA Promotes Homosexuality to the World
By Peter LaBarbera MADRID, Spain–Greetings from the World Congress of Families conference in Madrid! After a long flight across the Atlantic, I arrived in Spain early yesterday morning and have already spent an amazing day in this beautiful city, discussing cultural developments and strategy with some of the top names in the pro-life and pro-family movement–people I have long admired like Stephen Mosher, Dr. Janice Crouse and Don Feder. World Congress is put on every year by the Rockford, Illinois-based Howard Center, founded by the prolific scholar Dr. Allan Carlson, himself a national treasure. Please support the Howard Center, whose work in uniting pro-family advocates from across the world is a blessing. On Saturday, I will chairing a panel on “Freedom to Educate” — dealing with the escalating threat to parental rights authority posed by neo-totalitarian governments like Sweden’s — which actively persecutes home-schoolers. Naturally, I will also discuss the homosexualist agenda that somehow translates “nondiscrimination against gays” into ACTIVE DISCRIMINATION against Christians and those who resist the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) agenda in the public square. This now includes forcing people of faith and even religious schools to indoctrinate impressionable children with pro-homosexual propaganda — as is threatened in Canada. [See this video on Bill 13 in Ontario, Canada — another attempt by the Homosexual Lobby to hijack the “bullying” issue.] America: Corrupting the World Over dinner last evening I heard a comment from a Venezuelan-born journalist, Omar, that shook me. Omar lives in Virginia but is widely traveled, and observed how on a recent trip to Mexico City he saw something that he said he never would have witnessed just a few years ago: homosexual male lovers walking hand-in-hand down the street and then stopping to engage in a perverted male-to-male kiss right out in the open. (So-called homosexual “marriage” was legalized in Mexico City in 2009.) My new acquaintance and I agreed about how to explain this perverse development in once socially conservative Mexico: the tremendous influence of decadent American Culture. “People all over the world look to America as a leader in trends,” Omar said. But just as the USA largely has been a force for international good — and helped rescue so many nations from tyranny — we now have become, tragically, a force for immorality, abortion and perversion. Untold millions of people in foreign countries watch popular American TV shows, which have become ever more blatant tools of general raunchiness and specifically homosexual and transgender activist propaganda. (This is precisely the aim of GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination, which holds unchallenged sway in Hollywood and is constantly pushing for more pro-homosexual and pro-transgender characters in TV shows and movies.) As anyone who has watched TV lately knows, most programs now glamorize homosexuality or work in a “gay” angle (not even subtly) wherever possible. Remember “Glee’s” romantic kiss between two teenage boys, during primetime (see photo above)? It’s all part of an orchestrated campaign to normalize the sexual sin of homosexuality. Thankfully, though GLAAD lobbies against the idea of former homosexuals, the proof is in that same-sex behavior is changeable, as Omar reminded me by joyfully recounting the story of a Columbian man who nearly died of AIDS after falling into homosexuality. In his desperation the man, whom Omar interviewed, began reading the Bible, asked God to save him, was reborn through Jesus Christ, said good-bye to the homosexual “deathstyle,” and becaame miraculously free of AIDS and a husband and father to boot. Praise God! It is bad enough that Americans have grown so accustomed to the barrage of pro-homosexual propaganda emanating from Hollywood and the media that we shrug our shoulders and say that nothing can be done about it. But how often do we think of a America as a corrupting influence abroad? Our beloved United States of America, which has been blessed so abundantly by God, is now squandering its creativity and accumulated cultural power to “mainstream” sexual perversion and gender confusion — not only to our our people and youth — but in foreign lands. Where is our collective shame and anger at what the secular-liberal elitists have done to America’s reputation abroad? A Strange Diffidence Lastly, I am again struck by the enormous gulf between the international pro-life groups and leaders that have assembled in Madrid — with their tremendous progress, momentum and cultural influence — and the diffident, ambiguous and defensive posture of groups and pro-life leaders opposing organized homosexuality. The pro-life movement has palpable energy and confidence — reflected in the myriad of pro-life groups tackling every aspect of the struggle to protect innocent life and reach and heal abortive or potentially abortive women. It is fantastic to behold and provides much-needed evidence that good can rally against evil (though there is of course much work to be done). Contrast that with the struggling “movement’ (if you can call it that) of those who are dedicated to the principled cause of defeating the Homosexual Lobby — just like pro-lifers aim to defeat the Abortion Lobby (i.e., without an ounce of guilt or reservations). Talking with pro-family activists from various countries here at World Congress reveals the simmering divide over how to approach the homosexual juggernaut: some, like me, favor a direct approach on the issue while others believe we should sidestep the “H” debate and instead focus positively on the campaign to protect the definition of marriage. [CONTINUES…click HERE to read the full essay on “The Strange Diffidence of Pro-Family Leaders on Homosexuality versus Pro-Life Issues.”] .
This article was posted
on Friday, May 25th, 2012 at 10:31 am and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Corrupting Children, News, Redefining Morality, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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