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Jane Chastain: Boy Scouts Want to ‘Split the Baby’![]() The Boy Scouts’ proposed compromise implies that an openly homosexual boy — embracing a deviant sexual identity — can still be “morally straight” and faithful to God. The following is excerpted from a column published April 24, 2013 in WND.com (World Net Daily). Jane Chastain is right on, as she usually is. To listen to a radio interview I did yesterday on WVCY America on the Boy Scouts of America’s absurd and treacherous “compromise,” go HERE (and order it HERE). Keep fighting! We can save the Boy Scouts in spite of their corrupt leaders by winning the Scout Council vote in May. — Peter LaBarbera, www.AFTAH.org __________________________ Boy Scouts Want to ‘Split the Baby’WND Exclusive: Jane Chastain predicts end of organization if latest proposal on ‘gays’ is passed By Jane Chastain King Solomon was considered one of the wisest men in the world. According to the Bible, when two women came before him fighting over a baby, both claiming to be its mother, Solomon ordered that the child be cut in half with a sword. One woman was perfectly satisfied with his decision, but when the other offered to give up the child in order to save him, Solomon knew who the real mother was and gave the child to her. The leadership of the Boy Scouts of America has proposed a similar arrangement in the effort to satisfy its members, volunteers and donors over the issue of admitting open homosexuals into its ranks. The proposal, which will be voted on May 24, is to admit homosexual young people into Scouting, while keeping the ban in place that prevents homosexuals from serving as staff or adult leaders. This proposal satisfies no one and, if it goes through, will mean the death of Scouting as we know it. To pretend that this baby can survive is, at best, self-denial or, at worse, hypocrisy!
The Scout Oath, which members pledge to keep, begins: “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country …” Furthermore, a Scout pledges “To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” Since all major religions condemn the practice of homosexuality in the strongest terms, it is as impossible for young people who declare themselves to be homosexuals to keep the oath, as it is for atheists, who also are barred from becoming Boy Scouts. It is true that some liberal denominations or sects within religions have attempted to explain away the prohibitions on homosexuality, fornication and even adultery. They fool no one, least of all the Creator who designed and made us. So how did the BSA Executive Committee, which crafted this resolution, attempt to square this circle? The answer is in the whereases, which are part of the proposed amendment:
Hello! Homosexuality is a choice. One is not born that way as some claim. If that were the case there would be no former homosexuals. There is no gay gene. Science has found no biological basis for homosexuality, though not for lack of trying. Homosexuality is a practice, not a gender. How does a young boy decide that he is a homosexual? It is by engaging in this sexual conduct. It is no secret that surveys taken on gay issues like marriage show that the younger the respondents, the more likely they are to embrace the idea. The surveys taken by the Scouts in the run-up to this vote were no different. Why? Because, we sat idly by and allowed homosexuality to be mainstreamed, promoted and, in fact, encouraged in our schools along with all manner of sexual activity. Do the adults who drafted this resolution seriously believe that a young boy who “comes out” and declares himself to be homosexual and is demanding to be admitted to the Boy Scouts just came to that conclusion out of the blue? Seriously, are they really that naive? A closer examination of the “findings” of the study commissioned by the Executive Committee reveals that the major force behind the push to admit homosexuals is not from its membership or the chartering organizations but from its corporate donors. [continue reading at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/boy-scouts-want-to-split-the-baby/]
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on Friday, April 26th, 2013 at 12:17 pm and is filed under Biblical Truth, Boy Scouts of America, News, Redefining Morality.
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