Part Two: Christians Resolutions for 2014 – Fighting the LGBT AgendaBy Peter LaBarbera WARNING: graphic descriptions of homosexual perversions Here is Part Two of our 2014 Resolutions for Christians Fighting the Homosexual/Transgender Lobby. Part One — link to it HERE — included the following:
__________________________ 6) Jesus Judged Sin, So You Can, Too (and You’re Judging Behavior): Regarding judging, first remember that we judge BAD BEHAVIORS all the time. It’s OK to judge! – as long as you’re not a sanctimonious, hypocritical jerk violating your own judgments and lacking God’s love and grace toward sinners. “But who am I to judge people who happen to be gay”? you ask. Answer: you are a follower of God, who reveals righteousness in His Word, the Bible. Besides, nobody just “happens to be gay” – and nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality recognized as a personal “identity” (see Point 7). The evil genius of the “gay” movement is that it turned a changeable sin into a proud, personal identity — one often embraced due to difficult or dysfunctional environmental circumstances in one’s childhood (including predatory sex abuse). Bottom line: God calls us to make right judgments on sin. The Secular- and Religious Left scream, “Judge Not!” but Jesus preached forgiveness of sin through humble repentance, such as when He told the adulteress, “Go and sin no more.” If Jesus didn’t approve of making righteous judgments, why did He praise John the Baptist as the greatest man every born – the same John the Baptist who publicly preached repentance from sin and even called out King Herod for his sexual sin? [See this interesting essay on King Herod and John the Baptist.] And isn’t it odd that the same pro-LGBT critics who scold us for judging “gays” JUDGE Bible-believing Christians all the time?! Here’s a terrific video by Frank Turek — a Christian who has suffered in the corporate world for opposing homosexual “marriage” — on proper “judging.” 7) Sodomy and Homosexual Behaviors Are Worthy of Judgment: Homosexuality is about “what people do,” not “who they are” (hence the existence of ex-“gays”; see point 4 in Part One). Perhaps you are ignorant of just how high-risk unnatural homosexual behaviors are: did you know that:
We need to teach kids to avoid homosexual behaviors not just for moral and spiritual reasons, but also because it is extremely unhealthy: over 300,000 “men who have sex with men” have died of AIDS since the epidemic began, according to the CDC. Lastly: even when practiced by heterosexuals, perverted, unhealthy behaviors like rectal sex are still wrong. In fact, one of the tragic developments in our porn-ridden culture is that more and more “straights” are engaging in high-risk “gay” sex practices like anal sodomy. 8) Stop Using Politicized LGBT Lingo: Avoid cavalierly using the word “gay” as opposed to “homosexual.” After all, what is “being gay” other than practicing and/or identifying with homosexual sin? (Note: there are faithful Christians who struggle with homosexual temptations yet remain faithful to the Lord by not indulging them.) Other phrases to avoid: “being gay” as “who you are”–and “marriage equality” (it’s far from “equal” to genuine marriage). Also remember to always to put quotation marks around same-sex “marriage” because it’s not really marriage, especially from God’s perspective. On “transgender” issues, do the opposite of what the liberal media are doing by avoiding Politically Correct yet biologically wrong pronouns for gender-confused individuals (e.g., calling a man in a dress “she”). Consider Genesis 1:26-28: “male and female He created them.” Remember: he who controls the language controls the debate—and homosexual ideologues are winning the language wars. 9) Get Right with God Yourself and Be Consistent on Sexual Sin: Have you become cavalier toward sexual sin, of whatever stripe? Are you adopting worldly attitudes? This is usually a sign that you’ve lost sight of God’s holiness. Repent, get back into the Bible seriously, and become salt and light to a dying culture. Here’s one area where I agree with “gay” advocates: many Americans DO tolerate certain sexual sins (e.g., pornography and sex outside marriage) while speaking out against homosexualism. Conversely, many compromised Christians pull out of the cultural battle over homosexuality because they feel shame in “judging” others due to their own sin. Repent, stop sinning, and ask God to give you a clean, consistent heart on sexual matters–then get back to defending the virtuous, biblical ideal of saving sex for (real) marriage. 10) Remember the Battle Is about God’s Truth, Not Politics (Republican Homosexualism Is Just as Offensive to the Lord as the Democratic Variety): Over the years I have seen many Christian Republicans who I thought were solid in opposing the “gay” agenda abandon or water down their moral principles – or their willingness to fight for them — out of loyalty to the GOP. (Some Republican leaders now are urging the Party to downplay social issues, ostensibly to win elections.) Resolve never to do this. Life is too short to sell out God for any political party. On the Democratic side, the problem is worse, as countless Christians who know better end up aiding a Party that avidly and officially (in its Platform) promotes homosexualism, gender confusion and abortion-on-demand as “civil rights.” Shame. We must endeavor to be consistent in speaking out boldly for the Truth, in the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
This article was posted
on Friday, January 17th, 2014 at 3:50 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anal Cancer, Anal Sex, Biblical Truth, Democrat Party, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Hate, News, Physical Health, Republican Party, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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