Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has been busy doing what AFTAH does best: exposing the radical-as-ever LGBTQ agenda–see this photo-story about an evil “CLAW leather weekend” sponsored & hosted by the Holiday Inn-S. Cleveland and Embassy Suites hotels in Independence, OH. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera continues to appear as a voice for sanity on conservative media and Christian radio. Here are some of his recent media appearances:
- Life Site News: Seattle Mayor Signs Exec. Order for Men to Access Women’s: Bathrooms: “People who suffer from gender dysphoria do not need the government to affirm their aberrant desires and turn them into a supposed ‘civil right,’ LaBarbera [told LifeSite]. “They need to get real help – because men cannot become women, and women cannot become men.” [click here]
- Janet Mefferd Show: Target & Transgenderism: I recently appeared on Dallas-based Christian talker Janet Mefferd’s show to discuss Target’s transgender bathroom policy and the Day of Silence. My interview begins at approximately 25 minutes. [click here]
- WVCY America “Crosstalk“: GLSEN Day of Silence: In one of my regular appearances on this excellent Christian radio show out of Milwaukee, on April 14 I discussed the homosexual activist “Day of Silence” [click here]
- AFA “Sandy Rios in the Morning” show: Target Boycott: I discussed the “gay/transgender” revolution and the AFA Target boycott with Sandy Rios on April 25. Sandy’s monologue on this topic begins at approximately 20 minutes, and my remarks begin around the 25-minute mark. [click here]
- Tami Jackson Show: Joining the Target Boycott: I talked May 3 with Christian talker Tami Jackson about my article, “Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore.” [click here]

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14; NASB)
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