‘Coming Out’ – Of Homosexuality – Ex-‘Gays’ and Former Lesbians Are Truly a Thing to Celebrate

Every LGBTQ-affirming “coming out” is a tragedy

By Peter LaBarbera

Stephen Black left the homosexual lifestyle and is now happily married and a father.

Stephen Black “came out” of the homosexual lifestyle and is now happily married and a father. Black is executive director of First Stone Ministries and a Board Member of the Restored Hope Network.

There are so many LGBTQ activist celebration days that it’s getting difficult to keep track of them all. There is the “Day of Silence” (homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism in schools); National Day of Transgender Remembrance (November 20); IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia), and World AIDS Day (December 1). The reliably-left Wikipedia has a list of them HERE.

Another such day is “National Coming Out Day” (NCOD), marked by pro-“gay” and pro-“transgender” advocates every October 11. Here is a history of NCOD as provided by the world’s largest LGBTQ lobby organization, Human Rights Campaign:

On Oct. 11, 1987, half a million people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. It was the second such demonstration in our nation’s capital and resulted in the founding of a number of LGBTQ organizations, including the National Latino/a Gay & Lesbian Organization (LLEGÓ) and AT&T’s LGBTQ employee group, LEAGUE.  The momentum continued four months after this extraordinary march as more than 100 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer activists from around the country gathered in Manassas, Va., about 25 miles outside Washington, D.C. Recognizing that the LGBTQ community often reacted defensively to anti-LGBTQ actions, they came up with the idea of a national day to celebrate coming out and chose the anniversary of that second march on Washington to mark it…. From this idea the National Coming Out Day was born.

Each year on Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day continues to promote a safe world for LGBTQ individuals to live truthfully and openly.

Every LGBTQ Coming Out is a tragedy

I have said for many years that every pro-homosexual “coming out” is a tragedy. It is not “coming out” of a dark “closet” representing fear, self-loathing and lies–as LGBTQ activists would have us believe (although we all should have deep sympathy for the traumatic life experiences of so many homosexuals–particularly those victimized as youth). Rather, it is a “coming in” TO darkness–as the public embrace of sin is always spiritual darkness. [For thorough scholarship on the Bible’s clear proscription of homo-sexual behavior as sinful, see Prof. Robert Gagnon’s website.

Even if people feel better after embracing sexually aberrant identities, it does not justify their choice to identify with and celebrate immorality and behaviors God abhors. And of course, when one identifies his or her life with a sexual perversion and a sin against God–he or she is not coming into the “truth” but is actually living a new, public lie.

In contrast, walking away from homosexuality or any besetting (sexual) sin is a “coming out” truly worthy of celebration. According to Scripture, God loves when a sinner repents and returns to godly living. We cherish stories about reformed drug addicts and criminals who find new life united with Christ behind bars, and then go on to love and serve God. In the same way, we should cherish and thank God for the heart-warming testimonies of people who “came out” of homosexuality and whose lives are transformed from living against the Lord, to living for Him.

Instead, the LGBTQ movement and its liberal media and cultural allies ignore these ex-“gay” stories; suddenly they show no interest in “diversity,” “inclusion” of or “visibility” for this “sexual minority.” So these terrific testimonies to God’s love and grace become, collectively, The Greatest Story Never Told.

Thus it is up to us to share them. Here are a few testimonies of men and women who have “come out” of homosexual lifestyles:

Garry Ingraham

garry_ingraham_thumbnail_fb_love-and-truth-networkThough I grew up in a Christian family it was a home without much warmth or love. Our church was legalistic and unbalanced. As a child, a realization began to set in; I was developing strong and growing attraction to other guys. After praying for years and begging God to take away what He clearly condemned in Scripture, I worked up the nerve to approach several Christian leaders about the battle going on inside of me. They provided no answers and offered no help or support. After that I rebelled altogether. Looking for “Mr. Right” while experiencing sexual “freedom” took a huge toll on my life.

Eventually, God brought me to an unusual church that offered to walk alongside me, even with all my sin, weakness and immaturity. Over time, the men treated me as if I belonged with them (that was a new experience). They cared and showed the real love of Jesus to me. Just by being in relationship with me they began to “call out” the good of the masculine – established in me by God from the beginning. Honestly, they didn’t really even know what they were doing, they were just good men who understood their own depravity and didn’t view or treat me as uniquely screwed up. God began to use his sons and daughters in this “healthy-enough” church to reveal and bring out the “truest me”– the man I was created to be.

God called me into full-time ministry, and after 12 years of working at this church and pastoring, I’m still on my healing journey. I founded Love & Truth Network, a ministry that comes alongside Christian leaders to help equip them to create redemptive, compassionate and transformational environments for people experiencing all kinds of relational and sexual brokenness — the majority of us in the body of Christ!


Stephen Black

From Homosexuality to Holiness – Stephen Black from Pure Passion on Vimeo


Linda Wall

It is indeed a favorite time of the year for many: the lights, the decorations, the festivities, the caroling, finding the special gift for a loved one, and eating homemade goodies. I always look for that first automobile with the tree tied to the top knowing the great excitement and anticipation that awaits it back home. But, the greatest element of the season is the fact that all over the world, it is the one time of the year when there is the most focus on Jesus Christ.

Church denominations perform drama re-enactments and musical productions in every church building on every corner. Many good deeds are performed for less fortunate families, and every soup kitchen is at full capacity.

But, each year when Christmas rolls around I want to climb up on a rooftop somewhere and shout “Jesus isn’t in the manger anymore!” When I was sitting on a pew in Talbot Park Baptist Church thirty-three years ago, yearning to be free from homosexuality, I didn’t need a baby in the manger; I didn’t need an empty cross or empty tomb. I needed a touch from the resurrected Jesus Christ.

As I sat there on the pew, I wondered if this Jesus I had heard about in Sunday school was still in business or had he faded into the pages of time. Was He still healing and delivering people? Was He the same?

I was fortunate that I had never been told the “gay gene lie,” so I did not entertain the thought I was born this way and stuck forever in homosexuality. I did know though that no matter how hard I tried not to be a lesbian I could not stop myself. I was so tired and wanted out of it.

So, what did I really believe about Jesus Christ? If I believed Jesus was the same as yesterday, all I needed to do was call upon Him. I had the pre-requisites: a broken heart, a contrite spirit, burdened and heavy laden. But did I have the faith the size of a mustard seed that He could free me from the chains of sexual sin?

I recalled all of the miracles Jesus had performed when He walked the earth: restoring sight to the blind, enabling the lame to wall, healing lepers and even raising the dead. If He were alive and not just a historical figure, He could certainly heal me of homosexuality.

I cried out to Him and He showed up. The encounter was quite supernatural. He touched my life the same way I had heard and read about in centuries past. He forgave me; He healed me; He restored me. He became an active part of my daily life and still is to this day.

Every Christmas, American Christians place nativity scenes in front of buildings in celebration of Jesus’ birthday. They are displayed on tables in many Christian homes. One year, a well-known Christian bookstore sold figurines of Santa Clause kneeling to the baby Jesus in a manger. I have always wondered why we don’t celebrate the Living Christ.

Imagine a Church that grows up and sees Jesus as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings coming one day to judge the earth. Imagine Christians making Jesus Lord of their lives. Imagine living daily preparing to meet Him and be His Bride. Imagine what America could become if by next Christmas believers realize Jesus is not in the manger anymore, and that He is alive and is still waiting and wanting to save lost souls before He judges the earth.

This article was posted on Monday, October 10th, 2016 at 10:59 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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