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2016: The Year Walmart Went 100-Percent ‘Gay’Walmart funds leftist homosexual groups and perverse LGBTQueer “pride” parades, markets “gay” products like “Heather Has Two Mommies”![]() Walmart Now Markets Homosexuality to Kids: Walmart’s online store sells the new edition of “Heather Has Two Mommies,” a “children’s” picture book that promotes the normalcy of lesbian parenting. Above is a screen shot of Walmart.com. The retail giant now scores a “100 percent” on Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–which punishes corporations for giving to pro-family organizations, yet rewards them for funding LGBTQ activist groups. To receive a “100-percent” score, corporations must be committed to funding grotesque, body-disfiguring transsexual “sex-reassignment surgeries” as part of their company’s “health” insurance plan for employees. Take Action: contact Walmart HERE or call 800-925-6278). Click to enlarge. _____________________________________
Folks, below is a piece I wrote earlier this month for LifeSiteNews, an excellent pro-family and pro-life website (subscribe to their e-list HERE). Walmart’s capitulation to the demands of the leftist, anti-Christian–and very pro-Democrat–Human If Walmart can go “all gay,” any corporation can, and sadly the Bentonville, Arkansas-based retail giant’s moral capitulation shows how complete and entrenched America’s godless homosexual revolution has become. Nevertheless, liberal (pro-) LGBTQ “snowflakes” in post-Trump distress everywhere are acting as if the USA is on the verge of becoming like Saudi Arabia–despite Trump being the most PRO-homosexual Republican presidential nominee ever! ![]() Walmart’s new, immoral “values”: Walmart fielded a contingent in New York City’s 2015 homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, despite its sexually perverse nature. See this AFTAH photo-story and other photos below. As it has in recent years, Walmart again sponsored New York City’s homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (LGBTQueer) “pride” parade in 2016 (see page 35 of the “NYC Pride Guide”; also, see AFTAH’s photo-story exposé on the 2015 NYC “pride” parade sponsored by Walmart). And Walmart was among the corporate sponsors at a far-left-biased “International LGBT Leaders” conference (attended by this writer) in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, put on by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute. Despite its pro-disordered-sex-and-gender “philanthropy,” Walmart received a “Nice” (not “Naughty”) rating from our friends at American Family Association for celebrating Christmas, and was praised as a “pro-religious liberty” company by AFA in 2015. That confused some AFA followers who noted Walmart’s newfound support of homosexual “marriage” post-Obergefell. Moreover, Walmart reportedly fought against a religious-freedom-protection bill in its home state of Arkansas (and in other states). ![]() Walmart’s values? This nearly naked pervert marched in the 2015 New York City homosexual-transgender-sadomasochism (“gay”) Pride parade, at which many young children were in attendance. Click to enlarge photos. Ironically, under HRC’s horribly skewed “Corporate Equality Index“ (CEI), if Walmart were to give a direct grant to AFA (or Americans For Truth), it would LOSE 25 points and fall off the CEI’s “100-percent” list (see story below). Having the leftist HRC judge corporations on homosexual and “gender” issues is about as fair as having the far-left, pro-LGBTQ Southern Poverty Law Center serve as an arbiter of “hate.” Utterly absurd, and yet the corrupt media honor both rankings and report them as objective “news.” I’ll say this: you have to hand it to Walmart’s executives: cynically playing both sides of the LGBTQ-vs.-the-natural-family “culture war” and seemingly getting away with it. Or will they? I suppose that’s up to pro-family Americans, who correctly understand that the homosexual/transgender social-legal revolution is incompatible with the First Amendment and freedom of conscience. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera _____________________ TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s Arkansas headquarters at 479-273-4000 and choose ext. 3, then ask for the office of CEO Doug McMillon. Or call 1-800-WALMART (925-6278). Write Walmart online HERE (click the “Community and Giving” option). When I called the first number I was routed to Customer Relations. Send CEO McMillon a fax directly at 479-204-0798. Related articles:
_______________________________ LifeSiteNews reports: Walmart earns 100% gay approval rating on homosexual group’s corporate scorecardBy Peter LaBarbera ![]() Walmart and S&M “Pride”: a sadomasochism-celebrating float at the 2015 NYC “Pride” parade. Note the black-and-blue “leather pride” flags flying alongside the more familiar rainbow-imitating “gay pride” flags. See full AFTAH photo-story on the Walmart-sponsored parade HERE. Click to enlarge. December 6, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — For the first time ever, Walmart has scored a “perfect” 100 percent ranking on a leading homosexual lobby group’s “corporate scorecard,” meaning that to keep its score the retail giant will now cover transsexual employees’ “sex reassignment surgeries” as part of its healthcare coverage. The decidedly anti-social-conservative “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) is produced by Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby organization. Companies are ranked by whether or not they adopt pro-LGBTQ workplace and giving policies. From year to year, HRC usually makes the criteria more stringent, thus driving corporations to adopt ever-more radical pro-LGBTQ internal policies and commitments to maintain their “perfect” scores. Walmart’s new 100 percent score (up from 90 percent on last year’s scorecard) marks its steadily growing embrace of LGBTQ advocacy at the expense of its wholesome, pro-family image. In recent years, the corporation has begun funding “gay pride” parades, in which lewd behavior is paraded in front of children, and homosexual activist groups like the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. Lose points for backing natural marriageMoreover, according to HRC’s biased “Index,” corporations are punished (losing 25 points) for giving to pro-natural marriage groups and causes while they are rewarded for giving money to LGBTQ causes. According to “Criterion 5 of the “Index,”
In recent years, to accrue points toward a 100 percent ranking, major corporations like Walmart have stepped up their giving of large grants to LGBTQ organizations and events. HRC announced on page 6 of its 111-page CEI report:
A sampling of other 100 percent Fortune 500 corporations is below. Walmart settles with “gay” legal group
The Boston-based LGBTQ legal organization GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders) announced in a Dec. 2 release:
A Walmart executive, Sally Welborn, senior vice president, global benefits, signaled that the settlement is part of the retailer’s pro-LGBTQ ethos (Walmart did not admit guilt as part of the terms):
GLAD states that the number of people collecting from the class-action lawsuit is “expected to include no more than a few thousand current and former Walmart associates. Walmart employs nearly 1.5 million associates in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.” Walmart plays both sidesInterestingly, unlike many other corporations adopting pro-homosexual policies, Walmart plays both sides of the social-issues “culture war.” It does this by cultivating good relations with both homosexual activists like HRC and Christian conservative organizations like American Family Association (AFA). Last year, Walmart received high praise from one of the most prominent and respected pro-family leaders in America, Tim Wildmon, son of Don Wildmon, who founded the Tupelo, Mississippi-based AFA. See this 2015 article, where AFA president Tim Wildmon gives Walmart a “perfect 100” on its “Corporate Religious Liberty Index” because of Walmart’s answers “demonstrating that the corporation respects and values religious freedoms.” Other “perfect” pro-LGBTQ corporationsThe following corporations are among those that joined Walmart as Fortune 500 companies scoring 100 percent on HRC-skewed “Corporate Equality Index” (2017): Apple AT&T Ben and Jerry’s BB&T Corp. Best Buy Boeing 3M Chevron Capital One Comcast Clorox Coca-Cola Colgate-Palmolive Crate & Barrel Dell Eastman Kodak Ebay Expedia Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Ford GameStop Gap General Mills GM GE Groupon Hallmark Cards Inc. Harris Hartford Hasbro Hershey Home Depot Hyundai Motor America Hyatt Hotels Intel IKEA IBM JC Penney JetBlue John Hancock Financial Services Johnson & Johnson Kaiser Permanente Kellogg Co. Kimberly-Clark Corp Land O’Lakes Lexmark McDonald’s Macy’s Merck MetLife MGM Resorts Mattel MillerCoors Microsoft Nationwide Nestle-Palmolive Netflix New York Life Nike Office Depot Owens Corning PapPal Pepsico PetSmart Procter & Gamble Prudential Raytheon Replacements Salesforce Southwest Airlines Sony Corp. of America Sony Pictures Sprint Starbucks T-Mobile T. Rowe Price Tesla Motors Time-Warner Toys-R-Us UPS Walmart Walt Disney Whirlpool Wyndham Worldwide VW Viacom _____________________________ Help AFTAH Counter the “LGBTQ” Revolution!![]() AFTAH reached out in June 2016 with truth in love to men like this attending the annual Chicago sadomasochism perversion celebration known as “International Mr. Leather” conference. Donate to AFTAH safely online here. Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is one of the few organizations in the world that directly fights and exposes the homosexual-bisexual-lesbian-transgender-sadomasochism-pansexual-[insert latest perversion here] agenda. Please help us defend moral Truth and expose the reality of the destructive anti-Christian LGBTQueer movement. Help us today with your donation–go HERE to give safely online with our user-friendly form! AFTAH is the conscience of the pro-family movement on the “gay agenda.” We simply don’t do “PC.” For example, we don’t pretend like some other pro-family groups that the homosexual “marriage” debate is somehow NOT about homosexuality. (Of course it is.) And while we love sinners as Jesus does, and condemn real “hate” (toward anyone), we do not “love” or respect homosexualism, transsexualism–or any other branch of deviant “gay” sexual ideology–which is at war with God’s plan for sex, marriage and family. Sin is neither a “civil right” nor the basis for a healthy identity. And AFTAH celebrates godly EX-“gay” change. Help AFTAH today with your donation! Give safely online HERE, or send your gift to:
To become a regular monthly giver to Americans For Truth, contact Brad Wallace at connops@yahoo.com, or call him at 312-324-3787 to set up a giving plan.
This article was posted
on Saturday, December 31st, 2016 at 8:54 am and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Corporate Equality Index (HRC), Corporate Promotion, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Pride parades & activities, Wal-Mart (PRIDE), Walmart.
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