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Please send this video far and wide. Bill Maher is a pro-LGBTQ, Trump-hating liberal, but he is honest enough to question the current fad (contagion?) of young people embracing LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+) identities, especially those on the “trans” spectrum. The Gallup survey to which Maher is referring is HERE, and an AFTAH story (a radio interview on VCYAmerica) discussing it is HERE. –Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News, Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Folks, here is a clip from an upcoming “Tucker Carlson Originals” interview, courtesy The Post Millennial Clips’ Rumble page (originally published 4/15/22). This young, articulate woman, Helena Kerschner, is just one of thousands of “detransitioners” who have returned to sanity after descending into disordered and destructive identities rooted in “transgender” ideology (the “T” in “LGBTQ=).
Here is Post Millennials’ description of the video:
Helena Kerschner tells Tucker Carlson about why she detransitioned and is now speaking out against pushing children to transition:
“I’m just really concerned for younger girls and boys being led down this path, and being hurt by it.”
Kershner has written a long account of her trials on her new Substack account. I am reading it carefully; you should, too. And remember: there would be no Big Trans without Big Gay. It’s all part of a sexual and social “revolution” (that’s the word LGBTQ historians use) against God and His wonderful, created order. — Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.New; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
From my Twitter account, reporting on the preposterous “1976” headline (shown above) on the History Channel website. Jenner “transitioned” to living as a pretend (“trans”) “woman” in 2015 [note female pronouns on his Wiki bio page]:
Here’s a reminder on how DUMB the “#transgender” agenda makes us (look) as a nation: actual “1976” headline on the
Channel site: “Caitlyn Jenner Wins Olympic Decathlon.” (also: real history via Wheaties box; [see below]) Even the Communists didn’t rewrite history this brazenly!
Here’s a reminder on how DUMB the “#transgender” agenda makes us (look) as a nation: actual “1976” headline on the @HISTORY Channel site: “Caitlyn Jenner Wins Olympic Decathlon.” (also: real history via Wheaties box)
Folks, this is an outstanding and very important piece by my friend Dr. Michael Brown, who obviously values Truth (capital “T”) above Republican and even conservative politics. AmericansForTruth.News and this writer are atypical of conservatives in that we have have not shied away from criticizing Fox News and conservative VIPs when they stray from wholesome morality. On 2013, I wrote an in-depth report on Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias, for Cliff Kincaid’s America’s Survival, and it has only gotten worse since then; read my report HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Christian conservatives: Do not put your trust in Fox News Michael Brown on network hiring ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner: ‘It has lost its voice and sold its soul’
For those who have watched Fox News over the years, it is no surprise that they announced the hiring of Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner with great fanfare and hype. In the words of CEO Suzanne Scott, “Caitlyn’s story is an inspiration to us all. She is a trailblazer in the LGBTQ+ community, and her illustrious career spans a variety of fields that will be a tremendous asset for our audience.”
Perhaps these words could be used as an epitaph on Fox’s legacy. Mark the day carefully.
All the talking points are in order in Scott’s short, effusive statement: Jenner’s transition from Bruce to Caitlyn is “an inspiration to us all.” This famous biological male is “she.” And LGBTQ+ activism is something to celebrate. You go, girl!
Surely this is the death knell for Fox, even if it remains large and influential for decades to come. It has lost its voice and sold its soul. And with what moral authority can Fox call on Jenner to speak against “Lia” Thomas competing against women? Is this Fox’s new message? “Transitioning is fine and sex and gender are whatever you perceive them to be. Just play fair!”
But, to repeat, this should come as no surprise to those who have watched Fox over the years. Although some of the biggest names on the station were Catholic (such as Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity), it was clear that O’Reilly’s views were hardly Bible-based.
The same with Megyn Kelly and others, whose names I mention not to demonize them but simply to say, “They are hardly basing their worldview on the Scriptures.”
As for Hannity, as much as he identifies proudly as a Christian, he had no trouble having Jenner on as a guest last year, not to criticize him but to interview him as a California gubernatorial candidate.
To quote Jenner’s words during the interview, “For me as a trans woman, I think role models are extremely important for young people.”
What? Jenner a role model for young people?
The transitioning of young people is nothing less than child abuse. (More on this in a moment.) And Hannity didn’t object?
Jenner continued, “Trans issues people struggle with, big time. Our suicide rate is nine times higher than the general public. And for me to be a role model for them, to be out there, I am running for governor of the state of California. Who would have ever thunk that? We’ve never even had a woman governor.”
So Jenner, already crowned “Woman of the Year” by Glamour, would be California’s first “woman governor.”
Folks, I am honored to be speaking at the 2022 “God’s Voice” conference May-6-7 in Oklahoma City. This two-day conference is responding to the aggressive campaign by LGBTQ activists and “gay Christian” groups like REVOICE to push the Church to accept their distorted worldview. They are literally trying to redefine Christianity to accommodate immoral and disordered LGBTQ lifestyles and identities.
I was part of the original God’s Voice conference in 2020, and it was simply outstanding. I highly encourage you to attend this conference if you are able. Register HERE. Thanks to my good friend Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries for organizing this important educational event.
I can’t wait to attend and learn from our excellent speakers:
Dr. Everett Piper: “No Room for Christians: The Imago Dei and the New LGBTQ+ Religion”
David Pickup: “First They Came for the Books: LGBTQ+ Censorship Against Christians”
Michael Perkins: “Dangerous Affirmations of So-Called “LGBTQ+ Christianity”
Dr. Scott Lively: “The Legal Oppression of the Equality Act – LGBTQ+ Superiority”
Laura Leigh Stanlake (First Stone) & Denise Shick (Help4Families ministry): Support, Prayer, and Ministry for Those Affected by LGBTQ+ Tyranny
Rev. Al Baker: “What REVOICE Hath Wrought: LGBTQ+ Activism and the Future of the PCA, and the Church’s Challenge
Here (after the jump) is the schedule, followed by a description of God’s Voice and its genesis.
“Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming.”
Folks, if there’s anyone in the USA who has a right to say, “I told you so” about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, [__Insert current, trendy perversion HERE__]) lobby’s penetration of our educational system, it’s my good friend and longtime pro-family warrior, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. Please share this important piece far and wide.–Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda
By Linda Harvey, reprinted by permission from MissionAmerica.com, March 30, 2022
There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more obvious than ever.
The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.
This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.
The law makes perfect sense and my hope is that we can pass many such bills in other states. I wish lawmakers had extended it to all grade levels, but perhaps that seemed an unreachable goal. Yet the measure is a good start. It also helpfully elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.
The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does.
Human Rights Campaign, for instance, is already selling “Ok to Say Gay” T-shirts—but ironically, none in sizes for small children. Doesn’t HRC believe these “youth” should have the “right” to identify as “LGBTQ”? Or is that just for backroom discussions?
Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.
Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.
AFTAH Exclusive: then-leading homosexual activist Elizabeth Birch, also dished on Bill Clinton’s roaming hands
Folks, this stunning undercover AFTAH video I shot way back in1998 was first published in 2016, through LifeSiteNews (where it is now taken down because YouTube banned LifeSite’s account). If an astonishing 40 percent of Disney employees were “gay” almost a quarter of a century ago, as then-Disney-CEO Michael Eisner reportedly told Human Rights Campaign Executive Director Elizabeth Birch, imagine what the percentage of LGBTQ-affiliated employees is at Disney today!
Back then, Disney was only dipping its toes in pro-homosexual activism. Today, the once-wholesome corporation has joined the legion of radically pro-homosexual companies sold out to Big LGBTQ. Disney now crusades against a common-sense Florida parental rights measure recently signed into law by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis (see the latter on with Tucker Carlson HERE, where they discuss a video exposing Disney staffers’ LGBTQ activism). Go to around the 1:00 mark in the video to hear how even Birch was shocked to learn that 40 percent of Disney’s employees were homosexual. Note also what Birch had to say about our libidinous former President, Bill Clinton. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
This video comes courtesy of Illinois Family Institute, along with a terrific article by IFI’s Laurie Higgins. Illinois State Representative Tom Morrison is a good man, and certainly undeserving of this vicious smear by fellow State Rep. Kelly Cassidy. So many LGBTQ activists like Cassidy now view any opposition to their expansive and very radical agenda as “hate,” and then they rail against “hate speech”–and even support anti-“hate speech” laws like the one in Canada, which are inimical to America and our First Amendment. The transcript of Morrison’s floor speech is below the video. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
Transcript of St. Rep. Tom Morrison’s floor speech:
For these past several weeks, we’ve been hearing facts about women’s history month, and I’m sure that we’ll hear more facts today and this week. When we hear those words, we think about our own mothers, wives, daughters, other notable women throughout history. We objectively know what a woman is, but it’s become increasingly common now to pretend that we don’t know. This is becoming George Orwell’s 1984. It’s Newspeak. It’s gaslighting. It’s activists pounding the table to declare that two plus two equals five. And that does not make it so. Demands that society accept lies as facts in the name of tolerance, inclusion, and justice is anything but. It’s not right, compassionate, or just. This past weekend, the NCAA allowed a man to become a national champion in women’s swimming. This action was months and years in the making, and it denied that rightful place of honor to actual female athletes, several of whom were denied being named All Americans because their place was taken by University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas. Anyone who thinks that fairness in sports competition is the only issue here is missing the point. Months ago, teammates of Lia Thomas complained to school officials that Thomas had exposed male nudity repeatedly in their locker room. This should have been a clearcut case of indecency and harassment, but university officials ignored the women’s concerns and discomfort. “Listen to women.” In this case, hardly. Parents in Los Alamitos, California last month sent their fifth-grade girls on a three-day overnight school science field trip. After the weekend concluded, the girls told their parents that three male counselors who identify as non-binary shared those cabin quarters with the girls for each of the nights. Schools in Illinois already have similar policies. And most parents don’t even know, nor will they be told by school officials, less they be accused of discrimination. In several states, including California, Washington State, and even here in Illinois, hundreds of male inmates, many of whom are serving time for sexual crimes or other crimes of violence are self-declaring as female or non-binary. And they’re getting a transfer to a women’s-only facility. There’s no requirement for surgery, no requirement for hormone therapy. Even if that did make the policy less bad, any sane person realizes how outrageous this is, but the practice continues and is expanding as more individuals realize what they can get away with. According to a press report, President Joe Biden is now reportedly planning or considering I should say an executive order modeled after the California law, which would allow federal inmates to self-identify their gender and choose between a male or female prison. Ideas have consequences. It is a minority of vocal activists who continue to push this ideology on all levels of society, including to young school children. It’s an ideology that is at war with reality, and we must stop blindly going along. We can and should be kind to individuals who suffer from gender dysphoria, but we can do so without completely and irrationally upending society, which is already happening at lightning speed. If we really believe in the protection of women and women’s rights, we must acknowledge the harms being done and bring a stop to this, including the silence and passive acceptance about what’s really going on. I imagine that here in this body, and perhaps beyond this chamber, there will be some who will try to condemn me and my words, but I’d like to close with these words by columnist Selwyn Duke: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” Thank you.