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“Soulforce” activists play the victim after invading safe worship space – smear Christians as “killing” homosexuals
Believing Biblical Truth = “Killing” Homosexuals? The above are Soulforce tweets showing activists protesters who disrupted a worship service at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. The bottom tweet reads: “‘Stop killing us’ queer people of faith protesting queerphobia, racism at #Proclaim 16.” The LGBT religious-left group Soulforce accuses Christians who adhere to the Bible’s clear teaching against homosexualism as fomenting “violence”–or at least “spiritual violence”–against homosexuals. AFTAH responded on Twitter that invading and disrupting a peaceful worship service is itself an act of spiritual violence. The Old Testament book of Leviticus, chapter 19:, verse 16 states: “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” Leviticus strongly condemns homosexual behavior along with other sexual sins like incest and adultery. Lev. 20:13 states: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Click on photos to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
Pro-homosexual activists with the LGBT religious-left group “Soulforce” disrupted a worship service Wednesday night at the National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) annual conference in Nashville–and began shouting at attendees and chanting a gender-bending mockery of a popular Christian children’s song. After being escorted out of the room, some activists then claimed on social media that they were “kicked out” of a worship service.
NRB is an annual, four-day conference–this year going under the name “Proclaim 16”–drawing Christian media and communicators from across the United States. Given the NRB’s evangelical and biblically orthodox emphasis, this naturally makes it a target of pro-LGBT activists like Soulforce.
Christian radio talk show host Janet Mefferd was attending the worship service with her family and witnessed the LGBT militants’ disruption. Mefferd told Americans For Truth that her eight-year-old daughter was brought to tears by the sudden disruption. Here is her description of Soulforce’s “direct action” protest:
“I was at the service at the NRB convention tonight [Wed., Feb. 24, 2016] in Nashville. Michael W. Smith had just finished singing, and Rick Warren said just a few sentences when he was rudely interrupted by a group of about 20 gay activists who assembled in front of him. They held a banner and started yelling the lyrics to “I’m in the Lord’s Army,” ending with, “Yes, MA’AM!” [as opposed to “Yes, SIR!” in the actual song]. They yelled and marched through the ballroom, carrying a banner. The worship service crowd, which numbered in the hundreds, was a bit stunned and wasn’t sure how to react. Many people just filed out, as the whole service had just been totally disrupted.
“Once the activists left the ballroom, they went into the outer area, still yelling and chanting, then assembled in a circle, where they held hands and offered something like a prayer. The security guards/cops just stood there for many minutes and allowed them to do it. The activists started yelling again, hollering their rather incoherent objections (which were muddled, at best). Then one male activist started screaming at NRB attendees in the outside hallway that we were “Pharisees,” and the security guards finally walked them out of the building–calmly. I didn’t hear one protester even object to being escorted out.
“They were not singing praise to God at all. They yelled their “songs” and chants. They were not victims. They were disruptive activists whose aim was to shout down the Christians assembled at NRB and cause trouble. To see them claiming on Twitter that they were thrown out for praising God is a lie. That isn’t what happened. Had they wanted to talk to any one of us, they could have. We would have talked to them. But they had no interest in that. The whole point was disruption, followed by social-media truth-twisting.
“Many Christians afterward said they were praying for these activists. I am, too.” — Janet Mefferd
Rubio Aide Supports Radically Redefining Marriage: Rubio campaign aide Rich Beeson signed on to an amicus brief for the Supreme Court Obergefellcase supporting the legalization of “marriage” based on homosexuality. Graphic: AFTAH; photo by Fox News.
Folks, Sen. Marco Rubio is known as a social conservative, so this revelation of a top campaign staffer (Rich Beeson) signing on to a Republican PRO-homosexual-“marriage” friend-of-the-court brief–for the Obergefell SCOTUS case nationalizing “gay marriage”–is a big deal.
In the next few weeks AFTAH will be reporting facts about the remaining candidates in the Republican (and Democratic) primaries. [See our report on Trump’s past radical pro-homosexual advocacy HERE.] We are non-partisan and do not endorse any candidate–nor do we refrain from pointing out pro-homosexual advocacy wherever we find it. (AFTAH does not carry water for Republicans: this writer once caught a lot of GOP flak for co-authoring a report for Concerned Women for America about President George W. Bush’s “Homosexual Agenda.”) As I have said many times, God does not make a special provision for Republican homosexualism compared to the Democratic variety.
Moreover, GOP establishment big shots are pushing the Party to ditch social issues–and include the homosexual activist “Log Cabin Republicans” in the Party’s “big tent.” As you can read below, Rubio staffers have met regularly with Log Cabin Republican staffers, and the head of CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference; 202-347-9388) just allowed Log Cabin Republicans to serve as a sponsor for next year’s gathering. The following is an excerpt from our friends at LifeSiteNews (which relies heavily on The Baptist Message, which broke the story). — Peter LaBarbera, AFTTAH
LifeSiteNews reports:
Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay ‘marriage’ activist
First published by LifeSiteNews Feb. 18, 2016; to read full article, click HERE; sign up for LifeSite daily updates HERE
CHARLESTON, South Carolina, February 18, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A pivotal member of Marco Rubio’s campaign actively encouraged the Supreme Court to impose gay “marriage” on the entire nation by judicial fiat.
Senator Rubio’s deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, signed a legal brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to redefine marriage in last summer’s Obergefell v. Hodges case.
The amicus curiae brief, which was signed by 300 Republican operatives whose names spill over 24 pages, argued that having the court discover a nationwide right to same-sex “marriage” served “conservative values.”
Shoebat slams LaBarbera as “filthy pig” for denouncing his holy-war approach toward homosexualism
Ted Shoebat
“[W]e do not have the right to take the law into our hands and attack homosexual men and women. And if you have God’s heart of love and you want to see them saved and transformed, why would you want to beat them up?”–Dr. Michael Brown
Dear AFTAH Readers,
I support my friend and Christian leader Dr. Mike Brown in exposing the reckless rhetoric of Christian Ted Shoebatfor condoning anti-homosexual violence. For my entire professional career in the pro-family and conservative movements, I have eschewed violence and real hatred against people caught up in homosexuality–and I’m not going to change now.
Recently, Shoebat viciously attacked yours truly as as a “filthy pig” because I–like Dr. Brown, Matt Barber and Linda Harvey and many other pro-family leaders–criticized his “holy war” approach toward the homosexual agenda. (See video below captured by the pro-homosexual organization People For the American Way’s “Right Wing Watch.“) [See the new Shoebat video criticized by Brown HERE; more on this controversy will follow.]
Some of my friends in the movement opposed to Big Gay Inc have opined that Shoebat sounds more like a fundamentalist Muslim than a Christian with his irresponsible rhetoric. Jihadist, Sharia-loving Islamists–not faithful Christians–advocate stoning homosexuals and pushing them off of tall buildings. Shouldn’t we emulate our Savior, Jesus Christ, who said to the Pharisees who were about to stone a woman they caught in adultery:
“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8; see Matthew Henry commentary HERE)
And to the woman shown mercy the Lord said:
“Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
We must, as Dr. Brown often says, Resist the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda, while Reaching Out to homosexuals with the Gospel and love of Christ. Having said that, I am not like one of those namby-pamby evangelicals or “cafeteria Catholics” who seeks an accommodation with homosexualism. Shoebat below derisively references “Chick-fil-A Christians”–but AFTAH was almost alone in challenging Chick-fil-A C.O.O. Dan Cathy’s regrettable 2014 capitulation to Political Correctness when he decided to “step back from the gay marriage debate.” This effectively sold out the many thousands of Christians who stood in line at CfA restaurants on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” in 2012 to defend Cathy’s right to speak out for Truth in the Public Square. But more importantly, Cathy sold out his God. Not coincidentally, one of the people who advised Cathy to retreat on marriage was Shane Windmeyer, a homosexual activist (the founder of Campus Pride) whom Cathy had befriended.
Loving sinners biblically should not abet a sin movement, and going silent on homosexualism does just that.
In contrast, Mike Brown is not seeking the world’s favor. He ably works to achieve the right balance of loving homosexual and gender-confused strugglers while bravely challenging the LGBTQ-IAAM (“It’s All About Me”) sin lobby. Shoebat’s rhetoric not only justifies thuggery against homosexuals and does harm to the Gospel, as Mike states. It also makes it easier for “gay” radicals and their allies to advance legislation like the Criminalizing Christianity Act (aka LGBT “Equality Act”)–thus inadvertently helping them to extinguish the voice of believers in the culture. All in the name of “stopping anti-gay violence and hate.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Mike Brown writes:
No, Theodore Shoebat, Jesus Would Not Have Killed Gays
In a very troubling video, Theodore Shoebat, son of former Muslim Walid Shoebat, has claimed that if “sodomites” had walked into the temple of Jerusalem, Jesus would have killed them.
This is absolutely outrageous, totally unscriptural and downright dangerous.
Mr. Shoebat, I urge you to repent.
To be perfectly clear, I agree with Theodore that homosexual practice is detestable in God’s sight (as stated plainly in the Scriptures); I totally oppose same-sex “marriage”; and I firmly believe that homosexual activism is the principle threat to our freedoms of religion, speech, and conscience.
I also share Theodore’s abhorrence of the abusive acts of homosexual predators, just as I abhor the abusive acts of heterosexual predators.
At the same time, I categorically reject his encouragement of violent acts against homosexual men and women, and I renounce his statement that Jesus would have killed homosexuals who walked into the temple.
“As I look back on life, now at age 49, I know it to be a fact that without God, I would not be here today amongst the living, due to the deathstyle that I embraced for so many years.”–Darren Foster
Folks, we all know that when “progressives” and LGBT activists talk about “inclusion” and “diversity,” that usually means excluding people like Darren Foster, who successfully abandoned the homosexual lifestyle (or “deathstyle,” as he calls it). The Word of God never talks about homosexuality in terms of it being an “orientation,” but rather sinful behavior. Thankfully, Darren was able to overcome the pull of that sin through Christ. He is now happily married and active in his local church. We are delighted to share Darren’s heart-warming story; this is the first of several parts. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Coming Out of Sodom, Part 1
By Darren Foster, LPN/LVN
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind…And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 11 KJV)
God blessed me this past November 29th, 2015, with the opportunity to stand up before my church family in order to share my testimony, as well as my love for 1 Corinthians 6: 9,11, the ticket to Heaven for anyone who repents of habitual sin and embraces Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour. As part of my on-going testimony, as an unfinished work of God, I now share with the reader how I came out of the sodomite lifestyle the last Saturday in May of 2013. I was saved from what I call the sad deathstyle (falsely named as the “gay lifestyle” by it’s advocates) only after welcoming Jesus Christ into my life, on His terms, according to the full counsel of God in His Word, the Bible.
And as I said on that Sunday evening in November of 2015, I want to give all the praise and glory to God Almighty Himself, for it was only by His patient mercy and grace, an answer to much prayer, that I was saved from a life of depravity, hedonism, debauchery, and, most likely, an early death.
As I look back on life, now at age 49, I know it to be a fact that without God, I would not be here today amongst the living, due to the deathstyle that I embraced for so many years. As a nurse, in my professional life, I know that it is well known amongst the medical community that the incidences of depression, alcohol and drug addiction, domestic violence, suicide, as well as a paragraph-long list of diseases becomes a big part of life for men who choose to have sex with other men.
I, myself, over the years have had my own health challenges to deal with, due in large part to my past “recreational” behavior. It is only by God’s providence that I was spared HIV/AIDS or some other terminal illness. Please consider this 2015 data from our own Center for Disease Control, http://www.cdc.gov/std/life-stages-populations/STDFact-MSM.htm:
“While anyone who has sex can get an STD, sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are at greater risk. In addition to having higher rates of syphilis, more than half of all new HIV infections occur among MSM.”
I also refer the reader to LifeSiteNews where it is revealed in a 2005 report that actively homosexual men, on average, have 20 years less in their lifespan when compared with men who do not “hook up” with other men. [AFTAH Editor’s Note: As you can read in the LifeSite piece, Canadian researchers published data in the International Journal of Epidemiology in 1997 documenting the shortened lifespans of “gay and bisexual men” in Vancouver, British Columbia, compared to all men; later, the author of the study decried its use by social conservatives as evidence of the health risks of homosexual behavior.]
This is a terrific discussion with my friends and Christian activists Coach Dave Daubenmire and Mike Heath–which we recorded Monday (January 25, 2015). We discuss the defeat in committee of the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act. This bill, offered by State Rep. Mark Pody, would nullify the Supreme Court’s evil Obergefell decision “nationalizing” homosexuality-based “marriage.” As Coach writes about HERE and Matt Trewela writes about below, the TNMDA bill received only one vote in the Civil Justice subcommittee–thanks in part to the “cover” provided by Tennessee affiliate of Focus on the Family, FACT (Family Action of Tennessee), which came out against the bill.
I had not studied up on the politics surrounding the Natural Marriage Defense Act prior to this interview, but what I know from experience is that our pro-family movement has been plagued by a defeatist mindset for decades. In 2006, 81 percent of voters in the Volunteer State made their will clearly known–protecting marriage as it naturally is: between a man and a woman. Or so they thought–because nine years later, five unelected Supreme Court Justices–led by pro-homosexual advocate Anthony Kennedy–arrogantly disenfranchised them, creating another fictional, newfangled “constitutional right” (homosexuality-based “marriage”) fundamentally at odds with “Nature and Nature’s God.”
Desperate times call for bold measures–led by lawmakers like State Rep. Pody who are willing to buck political correctness and take back legislative authority for We the People. FACT prefers another lawsuit–despite the legal profession’s steadily increasing subservience to LGBT activist ideology. We will continue to follow closely the efforts of people in Tennessee and many other states to fight back against judicial supremacists, including those five SCOTUS justices who think they know better than God what marriage is. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera [Watch this video on YouTube HERE.]
Matt Trewela writes:
What happened in Tennessee? A bill to defend marriage killed by Christians and GOP
By Matt Trewela, reprinted from his blog, January 23, 2016
Watching a nation burn itself to the ground is a hard thing. Watching the cowardice of men while it is happening is even harder.
I always tell people that – “If you give politicians something less to do than what is needed and necessary – they’ll take it every time.” Such was the case in Tennessee.
The largest pro-family group in the state, Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT), put all their time, energy, and money into defeating the bill of interposition introduced by Representative Mark Pody – a bill that would have interposed against the lawless Obergefell opinion by SCOTUS. The bill had 22 co-sponsors. [See the FACT response to Pody’s bill HERE and a flowchart explaining their lawsuit strategy HERE.]
FACT stated they planned to bring a lawsuit in court to oppose the Obergefell decision. They stated that if this bill of interposition passed it would ruin what they were planning to accomplish through the lawsuit. The Republican legislators, or more properly stated, the GOP leadership loved what FACT was saying in opposition to the bill and had the bill killed on Wednesday, January 20th, in the Republican-controlled committee before it could ever come before the full legislature.
New York values: Trump bragged that he came up with homosexual “civil rights” idea before Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradley
Donald Trump’s interview with The Advocate magazine in 2000. Trump boasted that he was ahead of Democratic presidential candidate Bill Bradly in crusading for adding homosexuality to the 1964 Civil Rights
Dear AFTAH Readers,
This is our first foray into the positions past and present of the leading presidential candidates in the 2016 race. AFTAH is non-partisan–we expose all politicians by the same principled standard without deference to party–so these articles will be factual. We begin with the current GOP front-runner, Donald Trump, who back in 2000 sat down with the editors of the nation’s leading homosexual magazine, The Advocate.
Interestingly, as you can read below, Trump bragged about being ahead of Democratic presidential candidate (former U.S. Senator)Bill Bradley on “gay rights”–by calling for the addition of “sexual orientation” to the landmark 1986 Civil Rights Act. That proposal is embodied today in the so-called LGBT “Equality Act” (HR 3185), which was backed exclusively by Democrats until it received its first two Republican co-sponsors this week: Sen. Mark Kirk and Rep. Bob Dold, both from Illinois. AFTAH has renamed the HR 3185 the “Criminalizing Christianity Act,” since it would negate religious freedom protections in the name of LGBT “equality.”
Of course, many candidates have changed their position on issues, but Trump among all the GOP contenders holds several past positions that are more in line with “progressive” Democrats than Republicans–on key issues like abortion, homosexuality, and national health insurance. In a much talked about 1999 interview with the late Tim Russert [partial YouTube video HERE], he chalked that up to living in liberal-dominated New York City.
Trump says he is now conservative but does not appear to be so on the homosexual issue–see the LGBTQ lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s analysis of his record HERE. Unlike several other Republican 2016 contenders, he has not committed to signing the “First Amendment Defense Act” in his first 100 days as President—-but did say he would support it. And the real estate magnate-turned politician–though a longtime opponent of homosexual “marriage”–now opines that due to the Supreme Court’sObergefell ruling, the issue is over; he told the Hollywood Reporter that “anybody that’s making that an issue is doing it for political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it.” We will have more on Trump and other presidential candidates in future posts.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
Archive of Evil: (left to right) AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, Mike Heath and Albert Urias stand across the street from the bizarre Chicago sadomasochism “museum” (Leather Archives) in 2015–after calling attention to its vile contents, which included a book eroticizing violent, incestuous adult-child S&M. The perversion “museum” at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood–is located within blocks of three schools. See AFTAH story HERE and our flier alerting local residents HERE.
Folks, I bring you this piece by my friend Mike Heath–which testifies to the utter collapse of the pro-family movement dedicated to resisting homosexualism. Mike is the only man in America to have led not one but two successful statewide repeals of homosexualist legislation (“sexual orientation” laws), in Maine in 1998 and 2001. Mike (and other pro-family heroes like Paul Madore and Paul Volle) understood that that those very types of laws were being used across the United States–indeed, the world–to suppress the freedom to act upon one’s religious and moral beliefs. By the way, that was happening well before “same-sex marriage” became a major issue.
Despite their two David-vs.-Goliath victories, a few years ago Mike and his gutsy truth-telling team were cast aside by the powers that be of the Christian Civic League of Maine–which today adopts a more “nuanced” tone. (Translation: the League is a shell of its former self in terms of aggressively defending biblical sexual values.) Yes, CCL, like so many others in the pro-family and conservative movements, has “moved on” by largely giving up the hard fight of directly taking on the Sin Movement that calls itself “Gay.”
At the same time, and not coincidentally, the League is more subservient to the Maine Republican Party. Perhaps a name-change is in order: the Republican Civic League of Maine?
I know, it’s depressing: sellouts and unilateral surrenders are always rationalized, even by Bible-professing Christians. But I will never accept that the side defending God’s Truth should be less bold, less determined and–most importantly–less principled than the side fighting a fanatical cultural “war” against God and godly morality; against Nature; and against the innocence and moral rectitude of children.
Regardless, Mike is now getting back into the game in Maine, and I for one believe the state will be better off for it. Whether or not his proposed referendum takes off, those who are decidedly on the side of Truth in this values “war” ought to support Mike Heath and help him in any way they can (including volunteering). Send gifts to: Equal Rights Not Special Rights, 5 Sylvan Way, Chelsea, ME 04330, you can reach Mike at 207-956-0819; email: mike@mikeheath.net; website: HERE.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Mike writes:
Popular Uprising or Legislative Action?
In a few posts last year I chronicled my extremely slow progress on a referendum idea. You can read those posts by clicking on the Referendum category in this blog.
With the Legislature back in session for the next few months I’ve decided to consult with leaders regarding the referendum idea. I started that process in earnest this week. Here’s the situation in Maine:
Transgendering and all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage (sexual orientation) are grounds for legal action against Maine citizens who choose to associate with groups and individuals who don’t make their sexual sin a public issue.
Civil marriage hasn’t existed in Maine since 2012. It was replaced by a highly individualistic “institution” designed to destroy multi-generation families (homosexuality-based “marriage”). Marriage is simple: one man, one woman, one lifetime.
Maine’s Attorney General propagandizes youth with taxpayer money through “Civil Rights Teams” that are forced by law to equate morality with immorality in the minds of our young people.
No strategy for either resistance or victory exists in Maine. The only potential action I’ve heard about is the possibility of some limited political developments sometime this year.
The political and cultural Left has effectively stopped strategizing/resistance at the state level in both the Republican and Democrat parties. Even the outspoken tea party Governor was forced to bow to their insanity.
Homosexual activist pressure campaign drove Spitzer to disavow his own study on “ex-gay” therapy, but Archives of Sexual Behavior editor refused to retract it
Target of Homosexual Pressure Campaign: The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, above, reported in a landmark 2003 academic study that “there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.” “Gay” activists barraged him with criticism, so much so that he later disavowed his own study–which, however, was NOT retracted. See the study HERE and the abstract of it below.
Folks, below is an excerpt of a critically important Crisis Magazine piece by Linda Ames Nicolosi, formerly the publications director of NARTH (and wife of Joe Nicolosi). Her subject, Robert Spitzer, played a tragic yet pivotal role in the normalization of homosexuality and the advancement of the homosexual political and cultural agenda. But, as Linda describes, for a time he also advanced the truth that people can indeed overcome unwanted homosexual attractions–by authoring a landmark 2003 study of 200 homosexual men and lesbians who self-reported a “change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation.” This seemingly most politically incorrect of all realities is anathema to homosexualist (“gay”) ideologues, who mercilessly hammered Spitzer–then an old man–ultimately manipulating him into disavowing his own research. Note that, despite his requests, the editor of Archives of Sexual Behavior, Kenneth Zucker, refused to retract Spitzer’s study because the data had not been falsified.
Remember: reports of homosexual people who tried to change but couldn’t are counter-balanced by the many people who have successfully left homosexual lifestyles behind. Of course, in line with the LGBT propaganda tactic that I call “Focus on the Failures,” the latter get far less media attention than the former. You can read the full Crisis article HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Position statements of the major mental health organizations in the United States state that there is no scientific evidence that a homosexual sexual orientation can be changed by psychotherapy, often referred to as “reparative therapy.” This study tested the hypothesis that some individuals whose sexual orientation is predominantly homosexual can, with some form of reparative therapy, become predominantly heterosexual. The participants were 200 self-selected individuals (143 males, 57 females) who reported at least some minimal change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation that lasted at least 5 years. They were interviewed by telephone, using a structured interview that assessed same sex attraction, fantasy, yearning, and overt homosexual behavior. On all measures, the year prior to the therapy was compared to the year before the interview. The majority of participants gave reports of change from a predominantly or exclusively homosexual orientation before therapy to a predominantly or exclusively heterosexual orientation in the past year. Reports of complete change were uncommon. Female participants reported significantly more change than did male participants. Either some gay men and lesbians, following reparative therapy, actually change their predominantly homosexual orientation to a predominantly heterosexual orientation or some gay men and women construct elaborate self-deceptive narratives (or even lie) in which they claim to have changed their sexual orientation, or both. For many reasons, it is concluded that the participants’ self-reports were, by-and-large, credible and that few elaborated self-deceptive narratives or lied. Thus, there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.
The Bob Spitzer I Knew
By Linda Ames Nicolosi, in Crisis Magazine, January 11, 2016
When I opened the newspaper a couple of days after Christmas, I was surprised by a familiar face in the obituaries section: psychiatrist Robert Spitzer. The name brought back a flood of bittersweet personal memories. I had learned something about human nature from Bob Spitzer, and also about politics as they play out behind the scenes in the mental-health establishment.
About 15 years before, Spitzer had asked me to help him with a new research project he was working on—a study of people who had come out of a gay lifestyle. He needed help on his wording and the expression of concepts, and I was, at the time, publications director for NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality).