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WATCH: Homosexual Walter Lee Hampton on Man-Boy Sex (‘Gay’ Pederasty): “I Would Not Let My Teenage Sons Around Gay Men!”

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Says he has seen adult homosexual men in their 30s, 40s and even 50s sexually pursuing minor teen boys


A lot is to be learned about the homosexual subculture from honest “gay” men like Walter Lee Hampton II [see his Facebook Page and YouTube site]. In this video, Hampton explains that pederasty–older men pursuing sex with underage boys–is some thing he has seen a lot of in his life as a homosexual. Here is his own description of the video, published February 8, 2014.

“Based upon my life experiences ..if I had Teenage sons I would NOT allow them around GAY MEN!..because over the years I have seen many GAY MEN pursue TEENAGE BOYS (ages 14-17) for SEX. and I have seen this VERY OFTEN.”

What Hampton is revealing helps us understand how teenage boys are contracting HIV. You might want to check out the comments at the YouTube page for his video HERE. Thanks to Jason Salamone, AFTAH’s Research Associate and our Facebook Page administrator, for spotting this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

‘Gay-KK’ Claims Another Victim: Christian Coach Dave Daubenmire Voted Down for Ohio Football Coaching Job after Being Targeted by Homosexuals

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

NOT HIRED. TOO CHRISTIAN: Coach Dave Daubenmire with his trademark Christian cap that he wears as a no-nonsense, politically incorrect, Christian pro-family advocate. Despite his stellar coaching record of turning around failing high school football programs, Coach Dave was voted down 3-2 for head football coach at Lakewood [Ohio] High School–after pro-LGBT activists (e.g., “” and People for the American Way’s “Right-Wing Watch”) targeted the Lakewood, Ohio School Board with a pressure campaign.

“In America, only Christians can be discriminated against. Homosexual teachers and coaches would be welcomed with open arms.”–Coach Dave Daubenmire

[TAKE ACTION: See Lakewood, Ohio School Board Contact Info Below]

Folks, the bad guys in the Culture War just won another one yesterday, and a very good guy, Coach Dave Daubenmire, lost–after getting cyber-smeared by a hateful social media campaign by the “Gay-KK” (or “Gay-stapo,” or “Gay Thought Police,” or “Homo-fascists,” or whatever you call today’s uber-intolerant, anti-Christian homosexual militants who target dissenters for retribution and recognize NO legitimate opposition to homosexualism).

Last night, the Lakewood, Ohio School Board voted 3-2 against hiring Coach Dave–despite the recommendation of Daubenmire by Lakewood Superintendent Jay Gault [; 740-928-4552; ext. 2]. Coach Dave is a bold, outspoken, politically incorrect Christian–pro-life, pro-real-marriage, anti-pornography. But he is also an accomplished coach with a an outstanding record for turning around failing high school football programs:

He coached at Heath High from 1982 to 1988 before taking over at London [(Ohio) High School], where he coached for the next 11 seasons, guiding that team to the playoffs five times between 1992 and 1999. Most recently, he started the football program at Fairfield Christian Academy in Lancaster in 2008, going 23-8 with two playoff appearances in his final three seasons.

Daubenmire also was recommended for hire by the Lakewood superintendent, but no matter, because he was branded “anti-gay,” “hateful” and “homophobic” by LGBT militants who spread lies and half-truths about him using a high-tech online lobbying website ( that targeted the School Board.

Of course, guess who will suffer most from this Politically Correct vote:  a bunch of teenage boys who now have been denied an outstanding Coach and motivator–but more importantly, a great Christian role model.

We will have much more on this story, but the bottom line is that the pro-homosexual Left–which has gotten very good at getting Bible-believing Christians fired or punished [see my WND Whistleblower piece]–is saying that you cannot be a role model for youth if you are publicly “anti-gay.” Our society is now completely upside-down: a college football star (Michael Sam) is treated like a hero for going public with his homosexuality (i.e., his besetting sin)–while a God-fearing, Christian family man (Dave Daubenmire) is denied a coaching job at his alma mater–a job  for which he is superbly qualified–merely because he holds views on sexual morality that are despised by the LGBT Lobby. More coming…  — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Lakewood, Ohio Local

Lakewood, Ohio Local School Board: In rear (left to right): Judy White; Trisha Good. In front (left to right): Tim Phillips; Forrest Cooperrider; and Bill Gulick. Superintendent Jay Gault (not shown) recommended Coach Dave for the coaching job at Lakewood high–but Board members started wavering after being inundated with protest letters against Daubenmire by a homosexual activist social media blitz.

TAKE ACTION: Here are the e-mails for the Lakewood, Ohio Local School Board Members and the Superintendent:

Forrest Cooperrider  VOTE FOR COACH DAVE
Superintendent Jay Gault [RECOMMENDED COACH DAVE for head football coach]: jgault@laca.org740-928-4552; ext. 2


Here is Coach Dave’s Christian Newswire Release on his non-hiring:

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In 2005, LaBarbera Asked Dan Rutherford to Come Clean on Homosexuality

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Does renegade, pro-homosexual Illinois Republican politician have a conflict of interest?

“Do you agree that [your constituents] have a right to know if there is a special interest in your life that affects your voting record? From an integrity standpoint, I think the axiom is true: honesty is the best policy.” — Peter LaBarbera to then-St. Sen. Dan Rutherford (Republican-Pontiac, IL), 11/18/2004                                                    

                                                    *       *       *

Dan Rutherford was seen with his male partner, according to one Republican activist. He cast two key votes as State Senator for pro-homosexual legislation.

IL GOP gubernatorial candidate and Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford–widely rumored to be homosexual by activists in the GOP–cast two key votes as State Senator for pro-homosexual legislation. Rutherford is now being sued for sexual harassment by a male aide who says he was groped by the politician.

Homosexual newspaper Windy City Times to Dan Rutherford: “Is the Republican Party changing? Should it?”
Rutherford: “I think the party should change. I think the party should evolve. I think it’s going to take people like myself to help the party evolve. When I voted for the [pro-homosexual/pro-transgender] human rights bill in the early 90s, there was only a few of us. And when we moved forward to eventually pass it, there was more of us. And as we moved into consideration of the civil unions bill, there were some of us.

“Equality Illinois [the state’s leading homosexual activist group] was one of the hosts at the Republican National Convention for one of the receptions.”  — WCT interview with Rutherford, 8-6-13


Dear AFTAH Readers,

With reports that Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate and Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford is being sued for sexual harassment by a male aide, I thought it important to reprint the two articles below–which originally appeared on the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) website in 2005–and which I wrote as then-Executive Director of IFI. The article (like many other older pieces) fell off the current IFI website following a overhaul of the site, and currently is not on the IFI site.

Since these articles were written, then-State Sen. Rutherford, having already helped the Democrats pass a homosexual “nondiscrimination” bill, went on to cast a second key Republican vote for a bill legalizing homosexual “civil unions.” The latter was a precursor to legalized homosexual “marriage” in the Land of Lincoln (the state “gay marriage” law takes effect June 1, 2014). Rutherford, who went on to become Illinois State Treasurer in 2011, never answered this writer’s query about alleged homosexuality–something which most men, especially those falsely accused like myself, find very easy to do. But he has offered curt and carefully-worded denials to others about being homosexual. This includes responding “No” to an oddly-worded “non-question” alluding to his alleged “gayness” in an interview with conservative Illinois Review editor Fran Eaton. (I’m afraid Eaton’s overly deferential, walking-on-eggshells approach–Rutherford answered “No” to “The Question” without her defining it–revealed more about the uncomfortableness surrounding homosexuality than it did about Rutherford’s past or present sexual lifestyle.)

Most recently in an interview last August with the Chicago homosexual newspaper, Windy City Times, Rutherford had this exchange with a reporter:

WCT: Your support for the LGBT has put you in the spotlight. Conservative bloggers have speculated you are gay. How do you define your sexual orientation?

Dan Rutherford: I’m not gay.

To which Chicago homosexual activist Robert Castillo responded: “Thanks for asking if he’s gay. You should have also asked if he is bisexual.”

Note that on every occasion of Rutherford being “questioned” about homosexuality, there are no follow-up questions (e.g., have you ever been in a homosexual relationship?)–and no probing into the meaning of words. (Many men who engage(d) in homosexual or bisexual behavior do not claim to be “gay”; there is even a term for it: men on the “down low.”) Also note that Rutherford’s continued advocacy of homosexuality in the Republican Party sets him apart from a person who may have engaged in homosexual behavior in the past but abandoned it–i.e., a repentant or recovered former homosexual. (Christians believe in the power of God through Christ to help people overcome that behaviorial sin pattern.)

On the conservative side, activists like Republican Chicago attorney and Republican News Watch founder Doug Ibendahl have long maintained that whether Rutherford ever admits it publicly or not, he is “gay.”

Encounter with Rutherford’s “partner”

Of course, there is the very real possibility that Rutherford–a politician, after all–is lying and dissembling about his aberrant sexual past and/or present so as not to hurt his prospects running in a Republican primary for governor.

A couple of years ago–long after my attempt at IFI to get Rutherford to clarify his sexuality–I had an interesting discussion with a veteran Illinois Republican activist, who told of meeting Rutherford “and his [male] partner” a number of years ago while travelling abroad. The man who accompanied Rutherford was clearly his partner, the activist said matter-of-factly. The activist source had no special animus toward Rutherford and worked with him as a GOP supporter, as with other ILGOP leaders.

Why should we care?

Why is any of this important? Because the people have a right to know if their public servant has a conflict of interest–and because honesty, morality and integrity matter. If Dan Rutherford has practiced a homosexual lifestyle–while advancing “gay” public policy goals in his role as a legislator (in defiance of the ILGOP and national Republican Party Platforms), it says something about his character. (As you can see, I am not a liberal.) And if he then lied and continues to lie or mislead about the matter, it says even more about his character.

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Open Letter to Google About its Pro-‘Gay’ Russian Olympics Image–By Former Homosexual Dean Bailey

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Ex-“gay” author Bailey chastises internet giant for hypocrisy

We at AFTAH certainly agree with Dean Bailey about Google’s latest bit of pro-homosexual pandering. Note that the colors match the homosexualist “rainbow flag.” (How tragic that a Sin Movement stole the rainbow–which in Scripture holds powerful symbolism regarding divine judgment and man’s sinful rebellion.) Bailey, a former homosexual, is author of Beyond the Shades of Grey: Because Homosexuality Is a Symptom, Not a Solution, which we encourage you to purchase [go to or the publisher’s page — or Bailey’s Facebook page].Strange how so many who advocate for “gay rights” show no interest in — or even deny the existence of — ex-“gays.”

Also, this is the first I’ve seen of the statistic that 24 percent of human sex trafficking victims are boys and young men–obviously disproportionate to the tiny percentage of homosexual men in society. International “sex tourism” by (relatively) wealthy Western homosexual men (can I call them perverts?) creates a demand for underage boys and young men, who become exploited tools for sodomitic gratification. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Google creates pro-“gay” image as part of its radical commitment to promoting the homosexual activist agenda. Here the Google home page copies the homosexualist “rainbow flag” colors to indict Russia, which passed a law prohibiting homosexual propaganda toward minors. Click to enlarge.


By Dean Bailey

An Open Letter to Google Inc:

I noticed late yesterday that you are once again showing your normal, homo-fascist attitude by shoving a pro-homosexual image in the face of everyone who uses your search engine. You accompanied the image with this quote:

“The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.” –Olympic Charter

Just one problem with your gay-pandering manipulations, Google… Russian law does not prohibit homosexuals from participating in the Olympic sporting events. They are there! It simply prevents them from propagating their lies and blatant immorality to the public, and more specifically, to children citizens of Russia.

You, Google, on the other hand, violate the very quotation you posted there, each and every time you discriminate against the Christian viewpoint of hope that offers people freedom from homosexual sin and behaviors. There is absolutely no “mutual understanding” from you, or from the homosexual activists that you pander to in that regard… NONE WHATSOEVER!

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WATCH: Dan Savage Praises Nestle Butterfinger Super Bowl Ad for Promoting Sexual Threesomes

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Sexual revolutionary advocates (very “gay”) “monogamish” agenda among straights


Vulgar homosexual activist Dan Savage–who advocates “monogamish” relationships tolerating outside sex–was excited by a Nestle Butterfinger Super Bowl ad (above) that seemed to promote sexual threesomes. Watch the Nestle ad HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera [on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera]

TAKE ACTION: Call Nestle at 1-800-225-2270, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST. Or reach them online HERE. Watch the “threesome” ad at bottom after the jump.


Predictably, libertines on the Left are applauding Nestle’s Butterfinger Super Bowl ad [watch it HERE], in which a man representing “Butterfinger” joins with a presumably married couple (the man is “Peanut Butter” and the unfulfilled woman is “Chocolate”) in a counseling session to spice up their relationship. He begins massaging the woman, who is instantly happier.

Last evening saw this Twitter exchange between Dan Savage, a homosexual activist and urban sex-advice columnist, and a fan [expletive is blocked for decency]:

Alison Brown: Ooo, @Butterfinger promoting threesomes? [Dan Savage] would be so proud!

Dan Savage: Proud of #Butterfinger for promoting threesomes?!? [F–k] proud! I want residuals and credit for the concept!


To which this writer responded with the following tweets:

Like the thief who cheers when others steal, [Dan Savage] (a “3-way” guy himself) celebrates 3-ways for straights [Advocate story link]…

So what I’m hearing is that [Dan Savage] is pushing Fake Monogamy so that straights can act like “gay’ men.



Savage, who adopted and raised a boy with his male homosexual lover-turned-“husband” Terry, has written about at least two of the sexual threesomes that he has engaged in with Terry–each with a third man whom they both knew. [See AFTAH story with my odd correction HERE.] Savage invented the term “monogamish” for couples who stay together while allowing outside sex–much like so many “monogamous” homosexual men who notoriously tolerate outside sexual “cheating” by their partners. He avidly promotes this decidedly anti-Judeo-Christian concept–knowing that the more straight couples embrace his twisted “monogamish” vision, the less interest there will be in society for virtuous, truly faithful (man-woman) marriage.

In this sense, Savage personifies how ‘gay marriage’ erodes the godly, noble marital ideal: rather than elevating marriage as the Left claims, homosexualizing it will drag it downward by trivializing the fidelity that is at the heart of this bedrock institution.

Dan Savage

Dan Savage is the leading social revolutionary working to mainstream promiscuous, “gay” male sexual mores among straights.

But it goes way beyond marriage: if Savage can get millions of straights to engage in {or approve of} acts and lifestyles once universally condemned as perverted and unnatural–e.g., open relationships, three-ways and rectal sex–then it becomes more difficult to label homosexual conduct itself as abnormal and wrong. If everybody seemingly is pushing the sexual envelope, how can you call it “deviant” and sinful?

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WATCH: Disney Channel Introduces Lesbian Couple on Children’s Show ‘Good Luck Charlie’

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

Here is a clip from a recent episode of The Disney Channel show Good Luck Charlie, featuring a lesbian couple coming over with their adopted child, Taylor, for a play date. Note how the main mother character, Amy (Leigh Allyn Baker) is nonchalant about exposing her daughter (Charlie) to homosexual parenting. (Amy goes on to call the lesbians a “great couple” [go to 1:45 in the longer video segment]. Also note how she apparently never discussed the “lesbian moms” visit with her husband Bob (Eric Allen Kramer–of course, the dumber one). Get the message? A visit by homosexual parents is so inconsequential it doesn’t even merit a family discussion!

TAKEAWAY:  if you are a Christian and/or moral-minded parent who wants to teach your children that homosexuality is aberrant and wrong behavior–i.e., you don’t want to model sinful relationships as normative to your kids–YOUR morality and faith, and your child’s innocence, are being undermined by Disney. TAKE ACTION: Call Disney Channel at 818-460-7477 (hit #4), or email

Watch this same short video on YouTube HERE — and the longer, full video segment of the “lesbian moms” episode HERE. This is probably The Disney Channel’s first “baby step” into more aggressive homosexual advocacy — which is not unexpected given America’s moral decline, but tragic just the same. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

AFTAH: Southwest Airlines Funds Radical ‘Gay Task Force’ ‘Creating Change’ Conference Promoting Homosexual/Transgender Extremism and Abortion

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Southwest Airlines is a major sponsor of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s “Creating Change” conference, which promotes: a radical “Sexual Freedom” agenda (including sadomasochism and “polyamory”);  the extreme “transgender” agenda; “gay christianity”; and abortion-on-demand. To view a PDF of the Creating Change program, click HERE.

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

Press Release, January 30, 2014

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;

TAKE ACTION: Contact Southwest Airlines through their online Contact Page — or call Customer Relations at 214-932-0333 (press #1). 

CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is exposing the radical corporate giving priorities of Southwest Airlines – including Southwest’s role as a major funder of the annual homosexual activist “Creating Change” conference put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF).

Creating Change, which begins today in Houston, Texas, promotes: the “homosexualization” of Christianity; extreme transgender activism including laws allowing transgender “girls” and “women” (read: boys/men in dresses) to use female restrooms; pro-homosexual/transgender programs in schools (even for very young students); and sadomasochism.

Creating Change is the organizing event for more than 3,000 LGBT (lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and “transgender”) activists across the nation – with “how to” workshops on:

  • Redefining Christianity with pro-homosexual messaging. One Creating Change workshop , “Catholic Teaching and LGBT Justice: Good in Bed Together? God’s Truth!” is described as follows (emphasis added): “Use solid Catholic teaching, tradition and practice when advocating for the equality of same-sex love? Yes.…We will work interactively from your wisdom and lived experience and join it with the best of Catholic sexual ethics to craft a message that speaks powerfully to people in the ‘malleable middle.’ This is subversive work!”
  • Advancing the radical “transgender” agenda, including winning government (Obama-care)/insurance coverage for body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” and hormone therapies;
  • Promoting extreme agendas under the guise of “sexual freedom.”  As the euphemism for the radical, “anything goes” fringe of liberal sex politics, “Sexual Freedom” includes advocacy for: prostitution (“sex workers”); “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual relationships); “kinky sex” (sadomasochism); pornography; sexual “swingers”; and opposing obscenity laws and public decency efforts, e.g., banning strip clubs in neighborhoods;
  • Defending abortion-on-demand, under the euphemism of “Reproductive Justice.”

Southwest took out a full-page ad in the Creating Change program with an accompanying letter (see pages 22-23) from Communications VP Linda Rutherford, who wrote, “Southwest Airlines is proud to support organizations like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.”

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Barber – Time for Pro-LGBT Liberals to Stop Distorting MLK’s Position on Homosexuality

Monday, January 27th, 2014

Civil rights icon saw homosexuality as a ‘culturally acquired’ ‘problem’ with a ‘solution’

By Matt Barber 

Martin-Luther-King-JrThis past week America honored both the life and noble work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., a Bible-believing Christian minister who did more to advance the cause of race-based civil rights than perhaps any other person in recent history.

Regrettably – and as they do each year – the same flock of opportunist “LGBT”-activist vultures quickly swooped in, picking the live flesh from MLK’s character-based “dream,” to advance their own behavior-based nightmare.

In what amounts to a sort of soft racism, this mostly white left-wing faction has, over the years, disingenuously and ignobly hitched its little pink wagon to a civil rights movement that, by contrast, is built upon the genuine and noble precepts of racial equality and humanitarian justice.

What was MLK’s position on the homosexual lifestyle and so-called “gay rights”? While he said little in public on the issue, what he did say made his viewpoint abundantly clear. Unlike the “LGBT” lobby, I’ll let Dr. King speak for himself.

In 1958, while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine, Dr. King responded to a young “gay” man looking for guidance. To avoid being accused of “cherry-picking,” here is the exchange in its entirety:

Question: My problem is different from the ones most people have. I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?

Answer: Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired. Your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances that led to the habit. In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that led to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it.

No amount of leftist spin can muddy Dr. King’s lucid position on the homosexual lifestyle. He recognized it as a “culturally acquired” “problem” in need of a “solution” – a “habit” stemming from a series of negative “experiences and circumstances.”

Although homosexual activists desperately cling to the fact that, after his death, Dr. King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, did voice some level of support for the homosexualist political agenda, the undeniable reality remains that, based upon his own words, Dr. King supported neither homosexual conduct nor “LGBT” political activism.

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