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They used to arrest middle-aged perverts who get their jollies from talking dirty to children. Today, they get a television show, a nationally syndicated column, a lecture circuit and multiple visits to the Obama White House.
You know: “Forward.”
The irony is palpable. Dan Savage, sex columnist and founder of the LGBT anti-bullying “It Gets Better” campaign, has been outed. Not as a homosexual. He’s out and proud in that regard. In fact, Savage pushes his “anything goes” brand of sexual anarchy on kids worldwide. MTV has even given the sex-obsessed radical his own show, “Savage U” – a moral-relativist platform from which to corrupt the kiddos.
Creepy stuff.
Savage has finally managed to publicly discredit himself as the anti-Christian bigot and bully he’s always been. Never again will this guy be taken seriously as an anti-bullying crusader.
Savage lectures teens in high schools and colleges around the country on the benefits of “non-monogamy,” the occasional “three-way” tryst and any other disease-spreading sexual impulse that might cross their impressionable, hormone-charged young minds (and many they can’t yet imagine).
Well, recently, rather than just shocking his teenaged audience with vulgar, sophomoric psychobabble as usual, Savage apparently thought it’d be fun to bully the kids with whom he disagreed.
While addressing a crowd of hundreds of high schoolers at the National High School Journalism Convention, Savage launched into an unhinged anti-Christian diatribe. He advised the teens to “ignore the [bulls–t] in the Bible” about sexual morality. “We ignore [bulls–t] in the Bible about all sorts of things,” he barked.
Warning: Offensive Language (after all, this is Dan Savage…)
Homosexual activist and atheist sex-columnist Dan Savage crassly attacks the pope and Christianity as a speaker at Elmhurst College, April 29, 2012, at the college’s historic Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel. This amateur video was shot by John Kirkwood, pastor of Grace Gospel Fellowship, in Bensenville, Illinois. AFTAH will be providing further excepts of Savage’s speech at Elmhurst. The college shot video of the speech, but had not posted it as of May 1, 2012. We will add a transcript at the bottom. Also, note AFTAH’s new website button, “Savage Hate” (www.SavageHate.com), which will document Savage’s troubling record. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Dan Savage's hateful web creation, "Santorum.com." Click to enlarge. On Feb. 2, UNC-Chapel Hill paid Savage $18,500 to speak to students. The same unversity publicly disassociated itself from Rush Limbaugh over his "offensive statements."
RALEIGH, NC – University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill paid $18,5000 to homosexual activist Dan Savage – creator of a vile hate-site “re-defining” Rick Santorum’s last name as the by-product of anal sex – as a guest speaker, just weeks before publicly disassociating from Rush Limbaugh over Rush’s “offensive statements” about Sandra Fluke.
Last week, UNC-Chapel Hill announced that it was banning a local “Rush Radio” station, WRDU, from mentioning Limbaugh’s show during broadcasts of Tar Heel basketball and football games. The university, citing Rush’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive statements” about Fluke, also prohibits WRDU from referencing UNC or the Tar Heel Sports Network during Limbaugh’s daily talk show.
Americans For Truth has written UNC-Chapel Hill officials to ask how they can justify paying a large sum to Savage, who once wished death on all Republicans and who regularly and crudely demonizes religious conservatives. AFTAH also asked UNC to repudiate Savage for his “offensive statements,” and invite a pro-family speaker to campus specifically to balance his appearance.
The following typifies Savage’s unique brand of conservative-Christian-bashing hate:
Savage said on HBO that he “wished [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead” (he later apologized).
Savage’s creation “Santorum[dot] com” (and “SpreadingSantorum[dot]com”) “re-define” Santorum’s surname as follows: “San-TOR-um, n. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”
In contrast to Limbaugh, who quickly apologized for his remarks about Fluke, when AFTAH’s President Peter LaBarbera asked Savage to take down “Santorum[dot]com,” he responded : “I’m asking Peter LaBarbera to go [f- -k] himself.”
So consumed was Savage with hatred for then-GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer that he traveled to Iowa to pose as a Bauer volunteer, then got sick himself and began licking campaign office doorknobs, staplers, etc., in an attempt to give Bauer a cold.
AFTAH also condemns Savage, a raunchy sex columnist, for his reckless sexual advice, which includes urging married couples to allow outside sex. AFTAH urges MTV to cancel “Savage U,” a new TV show debuting April 3, featuring Savage visiting college campuses — so as not to reward him for his cyber-bullying against Santorum and history of hateful acts against Christian conservatives.
Author exposes Mitt Romney’s pro-homosexual record
Amy Contrada
This Part One of of a multiple-part interview with Amy Contrada [click HERE to listen] writer with the pro-family group Mass Resistance and author of “Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘Gay Marriage’ in Massachusetts.” This interview was pre-recorded on Feb. 23rd and aired on WYLL-Chicago March 3, 2012. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Contrada discuss how Massachusetts and especially Boston became “Ground Zero” in the liberal push to normalize homosexual and gender-confused identities to youth. They also describe then-Gov. Mitt Romney’s support for a taxpayer-funded governor’s “gay youth” commission — which sponsored an annual “gay youth pride” parade and celebration that included radical adult homosexual and transgender activists (e.g., a cross-dressing man who heads the Boston Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth (BAGLY). Contrada has also authored two smaller e-books on Romney and his record, available at www.amycontrada.com.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.(Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Here’s Part Two of my interview with new AFTAH Bd. Member, John McCartney. This pre-recorded interview aired on WYLL-Chicago (AM-1160) on Saturday, January 7, 2011. You can listen to Part One HERE.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play.(Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Here is Part Three of our interview [click HERE to listen] with Dr. Judith Reisman, now a Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University’s School of Law. This interview, which delves deeper into the twisted “research” of perverted pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey, aired June 18, 2011. Reisman’s website is www.DrJudithReisman.com; her most recent book, Sexual Sabotage, is available through WorldNetDaily (for which Judith has written extensively). Reisman’s book Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences — discussed at length in this interview — is available through Amazon.com. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Reisman discuss how Indiana University’s “Kinsey Institute” should be investigated by lawmakers and government officials due to Kinsey’s now-exposed and shockingly fraudulent “science” — including his working partnership with child molesters to gather “orgasm” “data.”
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player.It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
New ballot efforts seeks voter referendum on “gay marriage/civil unions” in Illinois in 2012
Note: it is outrageous that the State of lllinois would even consider FORCING religious adoption agencies (or irreligious agencies, for that matter) to place children in homes that are motherless or fatherless by design. Adults (proudly) practicing homosexuality are not good role models for impressionable children, who need a mom and a dad. (No, the sexes are not interchangeable.) The new Illinois “Civil Unions” law — rammed through Springfield in a lame-duck session — must be repealed to preserve religious liberty in the Land of Lincoln. “Exemptions” — even if they are strengthened — won’t preserve freedom.
In the meantime, a new movement has been launched to place an Advisory Referendum on “same-sex marriage” (and “civil unions”) on the Illinois ballot in 2012. Almost 300,000 signatures of Illinos voters must be gathered and turned into the Illlinois Board of Elections by April 2012 to make that happen. To get involved, go to www.DefendMarriageIllinois.org and download a petition and instructions. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
CONTACT: Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333; tc@tcpr.net; June 7, 2011
Catholic Leaders Take Legal Action Over Risk of Losing Foster Care Services
Catholic Charities in Illinois Seek Remedy for Best Interests of Children, Families
(SPRINGFIELD, IL) Leaders of three Catholic dioceses – the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Peoria and Joliet – took legal action today as their charities fight to continue their work in serving the best interests of thousands of needy children and families throughout the state.
In March of this year, the Attorney General’s office issued a letter stating that the office “received notice that Catholic Charities … discriminates against Illinois citizens based on race, marital status and sexual orientation” in the provision of foster care and adoption services and demanded that Catholic Charities turn over a wide range of documents in response. The June 1 law authorizing civil unions in Illinois has raised further questions and criticism about Catholic Charities’ longstanding position not to place children for adoption and foster care with non-married couples who live together – regardless of sexual orientation.
This lawsuit, filed in Sangamon County Circuit Court, seeks a declaration that the charities are in full compliance with Illinois law in their current practices and an injunction against further action by Illinois government officials to the contrary. The charities argue both that the Illinois Human Rights Act exempts religious adoption agencies from the provisions relied upon by the Attorney General’s office and that the new Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act includes an express protection for the religious freedom of entities like Catholic Charities.
These interviews were recorded April 12, 2011, and aired April 16th [CLICK HERE to listen]. In the first part of the show, Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, discusses his new project to rally Christians nationwide in support of DOMA, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. He launched it after President Obama suddenly announced through his Attorney General that would stop defending in court Section 3 of DOMA, which defines marriage in federal law as between a man and a woman. Already Hutcherson is being lambasted by homosexual activists, but he said the response among Christian leaders, including his friend Dr. James Dobson, has been outstanding. The RealClearPolitics article by Matthew Franck to which AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera refers in the interview is HERE. (Hutcherson did a wonderful three-part interview with AFTAH last year [Click HERE for Part One]; spoke at our banquet in October; and received the 2010 AFTAH ‘Truth-Teller’ Award.)
Linda Harvey
The second half of the show features Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America, which co-sponsored our recent and highly informative Truth Academy in Columbus, Ohio, where she lives. Linda discusses that and the recent story that she broke about the ‘Gay-Straight Alliances” Facebook site of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) containing photos for a pornographic homosexual hook-up site, and photos for other inappropriate websites including a “Gay Thailand Today” site promoting sex tourism. Linda tells how she was informed about the inappropriate GLSEN FB photos by a grandmother and pro-family advocate in New York who came upon them. Incredibly, after AFTAH advanced the Mission America exposé, homosexual bloggers led by Alvin McEwen — an AFTAH-hating extremist with a penchant for twisting facts — began speculating that Americans For Truth might have placed the photos on GLSEN’s Facebook page as a “homophobic smear” to “frame” this homosexual activist organization! Just one more lie from a movement built upon lies… (Linda too has previously been interviewed by AFTAH; click HERE for Part One of her two-part 2010 interview.)
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. DO NOT USE ‘Real Player,’ which is not supported; there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.