“Gay” Subversion of Institutions

AFTAH Reboot Begins with Banquet and Teach-in October 20-21 Featuring Ex-Gay Stephen Black

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017

Changed Life: Stephen Black of First Stone Ministries and Restored Hope Network once lived his life as a “gay” man [see his powerful video testimony HERE]. Now he helps others leave the homosexual lifestyle. Stephen will give four presentations on understanding homosexuality and reaching out to those trapped in sexual sin and gender confusion—in the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Full banquet details HERE. Sign up for just $25 for both days HERE.

Dear AFTAH Supporters,

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is holding its annual banquet this Friday, Oct. 20, followed by a “Teach-in” Saturday, Oct. 21.  There will be a total of four presentations by our keynote speaker, my friend Stephen Black, a godly Christian man who came out of homosexuality and now helps others do the same.  [See his powerful video testimony HERE.]  We also have an “all-star” Q-&A panel Saturday featuring: Denise Shick, whose father told her he wanted to be a “woman” when she was a young girl; stellar writer Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute; and AFA-Pennsylvania pro-family warrior Diane Gramley.

This Teach-in is ideal for anyone with loved ones trapped in homosexual and/or transgender lifestyles.  Like all our events, it will be highly educational and spiritually uplifting—loaded with information that you can put to use in your life and relationships.  It is only $25 for both days and will be held at Grace for Life Bible Church in Naperville, Illinois, Oct. 20-21.  Full details are HERE.


WHO:  Stephen Black, author, Freedom Realized; director, First Stone Ministries, Oklahoma City; Board Chairman, Restored Hope Network.

WHAT:  AFTAH’s annual dinner-banquet and next-day teach-in on homosexuality. Stephen will  give a total of 4 presentations, and there will also be a Q&A panel featuring him, Denise Shick, Laurie Higgins and Diane Gramley.

WHEN: Banquet with casual dinner (catered by Portillo’s) is Friday, Oct. 20, 6:00-9:30 PM.  Doors open at 5:30 PM Friday, and 8:30 AM Saturday.  Teach-in seminars led by Stephen is Saturday, Oct 21, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  A casual lunch will be served Sat., and the Q&A panel begins at 1:30 Sat.

WHERE:  Grace For Life Bible Church, Naperville, Illinois (west of Chicago), 7S201 S. River Rd., Naperville, IL. [at the corner of River Rd. and Aurora Ave.; entrance is on River Rd. across the street from “Safety Town” and the Naperville PD.] 

COST:  Just $25/person to attend either or both events. Table of 10 at banquet for $250. Separate gift offerings will be taken both Friday and Saturday. Mail check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522 — or pay online HERE

RSVP and AFTAH contact info: americansfortruth@gmail.com, or call 312-324-3787.

AFTAH Reboot

This year’s banquet is a little different from past ones in that it launches what is essentially AFTAH’s “reboot” as an organization.  For the last year, I have been writing full-time for LifeSiteNews.com, an excellent pro-family news site for which I will continue to write blog articles.  But my Americans For Truth work in the last year has been limited mainly to doing dozens of interviews on conservative and Christian media relating to LGBTQ issues [see HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE].  Moral-minded conservatives are big fans of AFTAH because we are direct and honest in speaking the truth about homosexual-bisexual-transgender activism, in the love and grace of Christ.

Beginning at the Friday banquet [casual dinner catered by Portillo’s], I will again be devoting my full energies to AFTAH, which I formed more than two decades ago (an offshoot of my “Lambda Report”) and has always been my first love when it comes to opposing Big Gay and its cheerleading media enablers.  (We veterans of the fight against the LGBTQueer lobby could tell Donald Trump a few things about “fake news.”)

Our website will return to doing that for which AFTAH is known (and which drives LGBT militants and the Left crazy): telling the hard truths about homosexuality and “transgenderism” that so many others—even people on our side—are often unwilling to tell.  Yes, that includes publishing disturbing (albeit boxed-out) photos of unsavory “gay” events that remind us why, for centuries, homosexuality has been regarded as deeply immoral and an unnatural perversion.

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Transsexual ‘Surgeries’ in the Military: What Are You Paying For? ‘Vaginoplasty’ Described

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Folks, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my tax dollars spent on transsexual “male-to-female” “vaginoplasty” “surgeries” that attempt to turn a severely gender-confused man’s healthy penis–which God designed to bring forth new life–into a makeshift “vagina.” Nor do I want to subsidize through my government the surgical removal of a woman’s healthy breasts so she can have a flat chest to help fulfill her disordered “transgender” fantasy of becoming a “man.” Ex-transsexual Walt Heyer of SexChangeRegret.com is right: your DNA does not lie and you cannot change your sex.

The mutilations are revolting and tragic, yet YOU and I are paying for them. Recently, the U.S. House narrowly rejected the Hartzler Amendment to the main defense spending bill–designed to stop taxpayer funding of such grotesque operations in the U.S. Armed Forces. Amazingly, 23 Republicans joined the unified Democrats in voting it down.

The following graphic is excerpted from a larger description of a “vaginoplasty” by the Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery. Beneath the graphic (after the jump), we have reprinted the Center’s full “Vaginoplasty Methodology” description. Let’s put an end to this tax-funded madness; call your U.S. Congressman at 202-225-3121 and your Senators at 202-224-3121. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera [click on graphic to enlarge]


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VIDEO: AFTAH’s LaBarbera Speaks on HRC’s LGBTQ Pressure Campaign Against Corporations

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

On April 1, I spoke at a Texas Mass Resistance conference in Austin that was put on by my good friend Brian Camenker, founder of national Mass Resistance, and Texas MR leader Robert Oscar Lopez–both brilliant pro-family strategists. Here is my presentation, dealing with the Human Wrongs Rights Campaign’s (HRC)’s ongoing pressure campaign to get major corporations to promote the radical LGBTQ agenda. Most Americans haven’t a clue about how successful HRC’s pro-perversion “CEI” (Corporate Equality Index) campaign has been. It even has an explicit anti-family component that punishes a corporation with negative points if it supports, say, a pro-national-marriage ministry. You can watch the other speeches at this excellent event on the main MR site. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

White House Easter Egg Roll Under Trump Lacks Obama’s LGBTQ Activism

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Under Obama, homosexual activist groups like Equality Florida used the White House Easter Egg Roll to promote homosexuality-based “marriage.”

By Peter LaBarbera

Most people think of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll as a special event for children, but under the Obama presidency, it took on a dual, political purpose as another excuse to promote sexually aberrant “LGBT” lifestyles and “gay parenting.”

That is apparently not happening this year at the Easter Egg Roll under President Trump, and some LGBTQ activists are hoping that’s only because the Trump administration is just getting started. The Egg Roll will be held today (Easter Monday) on the White House lawn, and is expected to draw 20,000 people, according to the New York Times, in an article about how behind the Trump team is in pulling it together.

The Washington Blade, a D.C. newspaper for homosexuals, reported April 12 that, “Because of the event’s emphasis on family, the [White House] Easter Egg Roll in years past has served as a vehicle to promote LGBT families and their children at times when relationship recognition was threatened by efforts to ban same-sex marriage or progressing as litigation seeking marriage equality proceeded through the courts.”

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VIDEO: Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner Revealed that 40 Percent of Disney Employees Are ‘Gay’ – and That Was in 1998

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

AFTAH exclusive video shows extent of homosexual insider influence in once-wholesome Disney


How “Gay” Is Disney? 40 percent-plus? Click on photo to enlarge. See entire AFTAH undercover video story HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.

Folks, about 19 years ago I attended an LGBTQ student conference at UC-Santa Cruz in which a very powerful homosexual activist, Elizabeth Birch, then executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, “dished” about a conversation she had with then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner. I was there semi-undercover for Lambda Report, the forerunner of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).

As you can see below, Birch relates how Eisner “corrected” her by revealing that a whopping “40 percent” of Disney’s employees were “gay”–not 30 percent as she had thought.

That was around February of 1998. Imagine how bad the problem is today, as the current controversy over Disney’s injection of homosexuality into a “Beauty and the Beast” remake illustrates. Here is a one-minute video excerpt of the larger AFTAH undercover video-story of the UC-Santa Cruz event, courtesy of our friends at LifeSiteNews, where I am a reporter. See my accompanying LifeSiteNews blog post below, after the video and the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

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Men’s Barbershop Settles LGBT Lawsuit Filed by ‘Genderqueer’ Female Kendall Oliver

Sunday, February 12th, 2017

Queer, indeed: Kendall Oliver identifies as “genderqueer.” She prefers to use the pronoun “they” to describe herself. (AFTAH routinely runs afoul of the Pronoun Police by using pronouns that match a person’s birth sex.) Photo: Christian News Network.

Folks, here is yet another example of what I’m calling #LGBTyrannyridiculous even by “gay” standards. For goodness’ sake, if you identify yourself as *genderqueer,* you should expect a little pushback, right? Is this an “orientation”?no, silly me, it’s a “gender identity.” (Because it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of all the permutations, AFTAH has adopted the catch-all designation of “LGBTQueer” for the sex-and-gender-disordered movement.)

Should employers now be forced to hire “genderqueers”? Do we need special “genderqueer” restrooms? “Genderqueer” sensitivity lessons for first-graders? These LGBTQueer lawsuits make a mockery of real civil rights, and America a laughingstock around the world. And who gets to use the word “queer,” anyway? Only self-styled “queers,” or perhaps “queer”-friendly people and the media, too? But not the rest of us, that’s for sure. So much nonsense, so little time.

The poor barbershop in question only served men, dictated by the beliefs of its owner, Richard Hernandez. His freedom got clipped because Ms. Oliver wants to look like a dude, sort of. So she called in the “gay” lawyers. Oh, the humanity of it all! (By the way, look at the photo: there’s a beautiful woman under all that faux masculinity.)

Stay tuned: I hear a new “civil rights” lawsuit is in the offing from the Polyamory Liberation Front. (Actually, no such organization exists…yet.)

Please, God, Make America Straight Again!

— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera 

The following is excerpted from the Christian News Network; read the full article HERE.


Men’s Barbershop Settles With ‘Genderqueer’ Woman Who Sued for Being Denied Haircut

By Heather Clark, Feb. 7, 2017; subscribe in upper right corner at Christian News Network HERE.

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Calif. — A men’s barbershop in California has agreed to a settlement with a woman who identifies as “gender neutral” who filed a lawsuit last year after being denied a haircut because she is not a man.

Under the terms of the settlement, signed by both parties, Richard Hernandez, owner of The Barbershop, admits to violating California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act and agrees to serve all who request a haircut.

“Kendall’s sex shouldn’t have mattered. No one should experience the gut-punch of being told they won’t be served by a business open to the public,” Lambda Legal Senior Attorney Peter Renn said of the men’s barbershop in a statement on Wednesday.

As previously reported, Kendall Oliver, 25, began identifying as “genderqueer” after serving in the Army. The term is defined as “a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.”

Oliver also began preferring the pronoun “they” for herself as opposed to “her” or “him” in order to be gender neutral.

However, Oliver identifies more as male in her appearance, wearing men’s clothing and sporting a short hairstyle.

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VIDEO: Can Trump Be Pro-‘Gay’, Pro-‘Transgender’ AND Pro-Religious Liberty? – America’s Survival Interview

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Folks, here is a Google Hangouts interview I just did (Feb. 2, 2017) with Cliff Kincaid, founder and president of America’s Survival. Kincaid is also director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism; see the AIM piece he refers to in the interview, “Trump Joins Ranks of DNA Deniers.

The video is very choppy at times due to connection issues (with words missing), but please overlook that as it covers some interesting material regarding President Trump’s attempt to be pro-“gay” and pro-“religious liberty” at the same time. We also discuss whether Trump-backing Brit, Breitbart editor and vulgar homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos–who talks glibly about his oral sex encounters with other men at his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” college speeches–is actually a “conservative” and whether he helps or hurts the conservative cause. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [more info after jump]

Here is America’s Survival’s YouTube channel description of the video (links added):

Why did Trump keep Obama’s executive order affirming special rights for the transgendered? How is this compatible with religious freedom and traditional values? Is there such a thing as a “gay conservative?” Who is Milo Yiannopoulos? Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth and LifeSiteNews.com talks about these matters with ASI TV host Cliff Kincaid.

Trump Triangulates on Homosexuality vs. Abortion – AFTAH Condemns Decision to Keep Obama’s Pro-LGBT Executive Order

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

AFTAH Media Release, Jan. 31, 2017

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787; americansfortruth@gmail.com
CHICAGO–Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), issued the following statement on President Donald Trump’s announcement today that he will leave in place his predecessor Barack Obama’s pro-LGBT executive order for federal workers:


“This is the first sign we have that President Trump will be triangulating on homosexuality versus abortion. As exhilarated as we were to watch the Trump administration confidently and boldly stand for the protection of the unborn at the March for Life, we are now deeply disappointed that Mr. Trump has chosen to defend false LGBTQ ‘rights’ based on changeable homosexual and gender-confused behaviors.

“We understand that in many ways, Trump’s non-action in accepting Obama’s 2014 pro-LGBTQ executive order echoes the compromised culture. It might even be a politically savvy move to defend ‘gay’ and ‘transgender’ ‘rights’ while simultaneously being pro-life. However, it also lacks principle, as genuine rights—which come from God—can never be based on sinful, changeable and unnatural conduct proscribed in the Bible. Furthermore, homosexuality, like abortion, is inherently anti-life.

“We further understand that President Trump comes out of a New York City background in which he advocated for homosexual ‘rights.’ But to now use his bully pulpit to proclaim ‘rights’ and favored treatment based on a sexual sin and gender rebellion is wrong. (See Romans 1—which Obama pooh-poohed.) No matter how powerful the new president is, he, like Obama, is utterly powerless to change God’s eternal moral law.

“We call on all pro-family and pro-life groups to stay principled in their advocacy, and not to look the other way when Donald Trump stumbles on truth. We condemned Obama when he advanced a sin-based agenda in the name of ‘Equality.’ We must do no less with President Trump.”

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