Health & Science

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Walt Heyer – Part Four

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Walt Heyer as the man he is today -- living in his God-given gender.

This is the fourth and final part of our interview with Walt Heyer [listen HERE], a former transsexual who went through a body-disfiguring “gender reassignment surgery” (to live as “Laura”) only to regret it — and ultimately returned to his God-given gender as a male. This interview was pre-recorded and aired August 20, 2011. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Heyer discusss his book, “Paper Genders: Pulling the Mask Off the Transgender Phenomenom.” The book describes the extremism and fraud of the early “fathers” of the “sex-change” phenomenon – including Dr. John Money, who said it was not necessarily “pathological” for a 10- or 11-year-old boy to be in a sexual relationship with a man in his twenties or thirties. Money also covered up the failures of early transsexual operations in his zeal to popularize the idea of “sex-change” in the media. (Heyer emphasizes that it is impossible to change one’s sex.) LaBarbera reads from several letters found in Heyer’s book from men who regretted their “gender-change” surgeries.

You can order the book through Heyer’s website, (Heyer’s autobiography, “Trading My Sorrows: A True Story of Betrayals, Bad Choices, Love and the Journey Home,” is available on his site, We encourage you to promote Walt’s  amazing story — to get out his message that destruction of one’s sexual organs is NOT the answer to gender confusion, and that many people who undergo such surgeries come to regret them.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

8-20-11, Walt Heyer, Part Four

LISTEN: Cliff Kincaid Discusses Blood Supply Risks and Homosexuals in the Military at AFTAH Truth Academy

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
AFTAH has launched a “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” campaign to oppose the renewed Homosexual Lobby push to end the FDA ban on “men who have had sex with men” giving blood. Cliff Kincaid discusses the extraordinary health risks associated with gay male sex.

The following is excerpted from a presentation by Cliff Kincaid [click HERE to listen; see listening instructions below] at the debut Americans For Truth Academy in August 2010. Kincaid discusses the risks of opening up the blood supply to men practicing homosexuality. The talk by Kincaid — Director of Accuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism and founder of America’s Survival — is titled, “The Battle over Blood: Gay Health Risks and Public Policy.” He focuses on the homosexual-related health threats to our military and spoke before the law was changed to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military. AFTAH Radio Hour replayed this excerpted speech August 6, 2011.

Cliff Kincaid

Kincaid asks, “How can you admit gay males in the military if gay men can’t give blood” — and speculates that the renewed push to open up the blood supply to homosexuals is motivated by the need to address that quandary. He also mentions an in-depth America’s Survival report on health risks and the military by Dale O’Leary, “Asking for Trouble: How admitting homosexuals to the U.S. Armed Forces will undermine military readiness, order and discipline,” available in PDF format HERE. [NOTE: the full presentation by Kincaid includes Q & A; this and a second talk by Kincaid in Chicago is available on the Chicago 2010 Truth Academy DVD set offered below.]


Order Truth Academy Sets: DVDs of Chicago 2010 or CDs of Columbus 2011 — A DVD-video set of the entire three-day Truth Academy is available for $89 (including postage). Other speakers include: Rena Lindevaldsen, Robert Knight, Matt Barber, Greg Quinlan, Ryan Sorba, Laurie Higgins, Robert Gagnon, Arthur Goldberg and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera.  Columbus 2011: A CD-audio set of this year’s two-day Truth Academy in Columbus, OH — co-sponsored by Mission America — is also available, for $49 postpaid; speakers include: Lindevaldsen, Quinlan, Barber, Linda Harvey, Gary Glenn, Gagnon, LaBarbera and David Kupelian. Order BOTH Truth Academy sets (the Chicago DVD and the Columbus CD) for a discount price of $129. Send your check and specify your order to AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522; or give online at (please use PayPal if possible).

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

8-6-11, Cliff Kincaid

Keep the Gay Blood Ban – California AIDS Flier Exposes Extreme Risks of Homosexual Sex

Friday, August 5th, 2011

AFTAH launches “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” informational campaign: “Anal sex is the riskiest sexual activity for getting/spreading HIV.”

WARNING: Graphic and Vulgar Descriptions of Homosexual Acts; NOT Suitable for Children

RIMMING: Section on "Rimming" from flier produced for the California HIV/AIDS Hotline. "Rimming" is a slang term for oral-anal sexual stimulation, as depicted by the drawing above. The text reads: "You cannot get HIV from rimming. You can get Hepatitis A (but you can get vaccinated against it), shigella, herpes, and intestinal parasites. To reduce your chances of getting sick, clean ass before you eat it, or use a dental dam as a barrier between your mouth and your partner's ass."

TAKE ACTION: Share this disturbing information with your adult friends, family and co-workers — as well as your U.S. Senators and Congressman [Senate 202-224-3121; House: 202-225-3121;].  Urge your representatives in Congress to put the safety of Americans — and a pristine blood supply — ahead of the demands of the selfish Homosexuality Lobby.  Also urge your representatives to launch a Congressional investigation into the health hazards of homosexual behaviors (just as the government studied the dangers of smoking).  We need the government to regulate the commercialized “gay” sex industry (e.g. bathhouses) — which fosters anonymous perversions and a reckless culture of promiscuity that spreads diseases and ultimately endangers innocents.


“Infection with these parasites was a likely effect of anal intercourse, which was apt to put a man in contact with his partner’s fecal matter, and was virtually a certainty through the then-popular practice of rimming, which medical journals politely call anal-oral intercourse.” Homosexual reporter Randy Shilts, who died of AIDS at 42,writing in his book, And the Band Played On, pp. 18-19.

By Peter LaBarbera

Here we reproduce portions of a flier produced by the Asian Health Services and funded by the California AIDS Clearinghouse — as AFTAH launches its “Keep the Gay Blood Ban” (KGB²) campaign against renewed lobby efforts to open up the U.S. blood supply to homosexuality-practicing men. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), one-time Democratic candidate for president, has stepped up his efforts to overturn the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) current ban on blood donations from any ‘man who has had sex with a man’ (MSM) since 1977 (and any woman who has had sex with such a man).

In the House, Sen. Kerry is being aided by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago), who represents the homosexual Boystown neighborhood in Chicago, and the two recently applauded Obama’s HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) for taking steps toward lifting the homosexual blood ban.

Sadly, Sen. Kerry and others crusading against the homosexual blood ban do so on the basis that the ban is mainly about “anti-gay discrimination” rather than preserving public health. Kerry previously cited the advent of legalized homosexual “marriage” as mitigating against the lifetime homosexual blood ban. Yet few seem interested in investigating — much less restricting — the actual high-risk homosexual practices and deviant behaviors depicted and described in this (pro-“gay’) flier, which crassly helps explain the immense heath risks of male homosexuality. We excerpt this flier — vulgar slang references and all — to help educate the public as to how this lifestyle is so dangerous that men who practice it must be kept from the nation’s blood supply.

Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Former Transsexual Walt Heyer – Part Two

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Walt Heyer once lived as "Laura" in his futile quest to become a woman.

Here is Part Two of my interview with Walt Heyer, a former transsexual who lived as “Laura” after leaving his wife to undergo radical “Gender Reassignment Surgery” (commonly referred to as a “sex-change” operation, although Walt correctly asserts that one can change his or her sex). In this interview, which aired July 23, 2011, Heyer discusses the regret and persistent unhappiness that many “post-op” transsexuals have — which he says is rarely discussed in pro-“transgender” circles. Heyer’s websites are, and For Part One of the interview, go HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

7-23-11, Walt Heyer, Part Two

Ex-Gay Greg Quinlan Defends Marcus Bachmann’s Right to Counsel Unhappy Homosexuals

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Assails homosexual hate group Truth Wins out and “gay” lobby’s harassment of ex-gays

The following is reprinted from PFOX’s (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays) website. Greg Quinlan was a presenter at both AFTAH Truth Academies:

I Am a Man

By Greg Quinlan

Why have gay activists instigated media attention over ex-gays and the husband of Presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann?

Apparently, Mr. Bachmann, who has a PhD in clinical psychology, operates several counseling centers which also offer services to homosexual clients seeking to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions.  But because even one ex-gay proves that homosexual behavior is not innate or immutable, the gay lobby’s fear of their former members results in false claims and attacks aimed at preventing homosexuals from exercising their right to self-determination. They cannot bear to have even one homosexual leave homosexuality, hence their outrage at Dr. Bachmann.

I know because I am ex-gay myself.  I suffer more harassment as a former homosexual than I ever did as an out and proud homosexual.

The ex-gay community includes thousands of former homosexuals like myself who benefited from counseling.  We did not choose our homosexual feelings, but we did exercise our right to seek help to change those feelings.  As a registered nurse, I saw hundreds of gay men die of AIDS before I finally left the gay lifestyle.

Contrary to the myths being generated by outraged homosexuals, counseling for unwanted same-sex attractions is not prohibited by any medical association.  Unhappy homosexuals are not children in need of parental permission and can freely choose their own therapeutic treatment just like anyone else.

The Bachmann incident demonstrates that as homosexuals gain more civil rights, heterosexuals are losing theirs.  Because gays are a wealthy and politically powerful minority, they claim access to media attention, political power and corporate influence that middle America does not have.

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Ex-Transsexual Walt Heyer – Part One

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

“You can’t change your gender,” says man who tried

Walt Heyer as himself, a man.

Over the years I’ve interviewed or met many former homosexual men and ex-lesbians, but never an ex-transgender. Walt Heyer is one such man: with Christ’s help he walked away from the “transgender” lifestyle (gender confusion). Unfortunately, his godly change occurred long after he’d undergone a radical “sex-change” operation that mutilated his genitalia — as part of his quest to become the woman in his head, “Laura” (see photo below). This interview [listen HERE], the first of three parts, was pre-recorded and aired July 16, 2011 on WYLL 1160-AM Chicago.

Heyer describes his very troubled childhood — including being beaten by his father and victimized at a young age by his grandmother — who dressed him up as a girl. Walt was also sexually molested over a period of three years by his uncle. Heyer now crusades against “Gender Reassignment Surgery” and counsels others seeking to overcome the pull of gender confusion in their lives. He has also authored three books including his autobiography, “Trading My Sorrows,” and “Paper Genders” — all available on his website, Please share this interview with your friends and especially young people, who are barraged with pro-“transgender” and pro-homosexual messages. — Peter LaBarbera,

Walt Heyer as "Laura Jensen" after his "sex-change" operation.

HOW TO LISTEN: Left click once on the link below to play. You may also right-click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. NOTE: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player; it is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. (Please be patient: depending upon the speed of your internet connection, it may take a moment or two to load.) 

7-16-11, Walt Heyer, Part One

ABC Hit-Piece Targets Michele Bachmann and Ex-Gay Change

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

AFTAH in the News: ABC uses homosexual activist’s mocking slogan, “Pray Away the Gay”

Ex-lesbian Janet Boynes was shown in the ABC piece by investigative reporter Brian Ross, but he did not "investigate" her story of leaving lesbianism with God's help.

Folks, it sure didn’t take long for the liberal media to go into Christian-bashing mode against GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). Watch this almost comically biased hit-piece by ABC’s Brian Ross — featuring the militantly anti-Christian homosexual organization Truth Wins Out. (TWO denies the reality that people can leave homosexuality behind; I call them “Focus on the Failures” because their nonsensical argument seems to be that since many practicing “gays” fail in their quest to change, transformation away from homosexuality is a myth.)

Incredibly, ABC even went so far as to title its piece “Pray Away the Gay at Bachmann Clinic?” — recycling TWO founder Wayne Besen’s mocking and bigoted attack-slogan for the idea that people can overcome homosexual desires through faith in God. Shouldn’t it have occurred to Ross to sit down with and interview a SUCCESSFUL former homosexual like Janet Boynes, who:

  1. lives near Minneapolis, where the Bachmanns’ counseling clinic is located;
  2. was mentioned in the story — the undercover TWO “investigative reporter” ominously cites a copy of Janet’s book, “Called Out,” endorsed by Dr. Bachmann;
  3. is a happy FORMER lesbian who endeavors to help others out of homosexuality, and who credits God for the power to change?  

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman – Part Four

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Here is Part Four of our interview [Click HERE to listen] with Dr. Judith Reisman, Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law. This program aired July 2, 2011 on WYLL-AM Chicago and was pre-recorded. All four parts of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Reisman’s can be found on the AFTAH Hour Archive Page.  

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

7-2-11, Dr. Judith Reisman


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