Sex-Ed Curriculum

13 Year Old Girl Refuses School Assignment on Homosexuals, Gets an F

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Excerpted from Teacher Fails Girl for Stand on ‘Gays’, published Oct 7, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:

…The class at Windaroo Valley State High School, made up of 13- and 14-year-old girls, was given the scenario and told to answer 10 questions, including how it felt to be a “minority” and what they would do to cope with their situation. They were also told to discuss where ideas about homosexuality came from.

While many of the students were uncomfortable with the assignment or said they didn’t understand the questions, one girl instantly refused because of her religious faith.

“It is against my beliefs and I am not going there,” she told the teacher.

For this, she was given her first-ever failing grade in a health and physical education class…

“It’s no wonder our kids are struggling with the basics when the government is allowing this sort of rubbish to be taught in the classroom,” Queensland, Australia Opposition Leader Jeff Seeney said. The government “has created a system that tries to tell kids what to think instead of teaching them how to think,” he said.

It is completely out of line for students to be graded on their moral beliefs. It’s not the job of our schools to politicize our children. It is their function to provide our kids with the basics, like reading, writing and math.

Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…

Parents Say Schools Should Not Normalize Anal Sex

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

Excerpted from Revised Montgomery Sex-Ed Program Criticized, by Joshua Lynsen, published Sept 15, 2006, by the pro-homosexuality Washington Blade:

…The revised Montgomery County Public School curriculum — unveiled last month after months of revision work — has elicited new complaints from evaluators. Among the criticisms are concerns that gay students receive no specific information from a video on condom usage.

“It’s important to say something for those students so they have the information so they can stay safe,” said Jim Kennedy, co-founder of Teach the Facts, a coalition of Maryland parents and supporters of a gay-inclusive sex education curriculum.

Conservative groups, meanwhile, counter that the district should make no effort to “normalize anal sex.”

Dr. Ruth Jacobs of Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum said the curriculum should include a 2005 U.S. Surgeon General’s statement that “anal intercourse is simply too dangerous to practice.”


“The lesson normalizes oral and anal sex by presenting them without discussing their risks,” she said. “We should not normalize anal sex. Anal sex is risky behavior.”

Continue reading in Washington Blade…

Are They ‘NUTs’ in the UK? Teaching Homosexuality to 3 Year Olds

Thursday, September 21st, 2006

The UK’s largest teachers’ union, the National Union of Teachers (aptly abbreviated NUT), has demanded that acceptance of homosexual relationships must be included in nursery school curriculum.

NUT is “well established as a major engine in Britain’s homosexual activist community” and is also “currently lobbying to overturn the legal right of religious schools not to hire homosexual teachers.”

A forerunner of things to come in the USA?

Disgustingly Graphic Girls’ Sex Ed Book Urging Lesbianism Coming to Manitoba Schools

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

Excerpted from Disgustingly Graphic Girls’ Sex Ed Book Urging Lesbianism Coming to Manitoba Schools, by Gudrun Schultz, published Sept 19, 2006, by LifeSite News:

High school girls in Manitoba may soon be reading detailed instructions on lesbian sex acts as part of their normal sex education curriculum, after the Ministry of Education accepted a manual emphasizing homosexuality as an optional resource for high school educators.

The Little Black Book [for Girlz]–A Book on Healthy Sexuality …claims to be a youth-friendly guide to teenage sexuality, offering girls advice and information.

little-black-book-for-girlz.jpgIn reality it reads like a guide to lesbian pornography, with section titles such as “My First Time F***ing a Girl” and “How to Use a Dental Dam” (a “safe sex” device for oral/anal sex).

“This is one of the most irresponsible and obscene school documents that we have ever seen,” said Joseph Ben-Ami, executive director for the Institute for Canadian Values, in a press release. “Using this as a guide to healthy sexuality for teenage girls would be one of the most potentially harmful decisions that any school could make.”

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The Institute for Family Values will send whatever evidence they have of the offending material to those who send an email with their contact information to:

The Institute is urging those concerned to contact Manitoba Premier Gary Doer and Minister of Education Peter Bjornson:

Hon. Gary Doer
204 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3714 or 204-945-3715
Fax 204-949-1484

Hon. Peter Bjornson
Minister of Education
168 Legislative Building
450 Broadway,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
R3C 0V8
Phone 204-945-3720 or 204-945-0418
Fax 204-945-1291

Parents Will Have to Lie to Keep Kids out of British Columbia’s Gay Advocacy Curriculum

Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

It’s astonishing that two homosexual men – just two – could create this sort of impact on the school children (K-12) of an entire province. Pray that the parents of British Columbia will have the wisdom and courage to protect their children. – Sonja Dalton

(Additional background on this story is posted at 900 Protest in Vancouver Over Homosexual Activist Control of Gay Curriculum in Schools.)

Excerpted from BC Parents Will Have to Lie to Keep Kids out of Gay Advocacy Curriculum, by Hilary White, published Sept 13, 2006, by LifeSite News:

…As a result of a Human Rights Commission case brought by two homosexual men, a “married” gay couple called Murray and Peter Corren, the two men have been granted an extraordinary say in all school curricula from kindergarten to grade 12 in British Columbia schools.

…The Education Ministry has ordered schools to comply with the Alternative Delivery Policy that outlines the reasons parents may withdraw children from school lessons. The restriction of those reasons to exclude any homosexual advocacy was part of the deal worked out between the government and the two men.

Stillwell is warning government that the requirements will put parents into an untenable conflict over their duty to protect their children.

“A strict application would say the teacher can’t (allow children to opt out), and we know that’s not right,” Stilwell said…

Murray Corren called for the new K-12 curriculum to include, “Queer history and historical figures, the presence of positive queer role models — past and present — the contributions made by queers to various epochs, societies and civilizations and legal issues relating to (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) people, same-sex marriage and adoption.”

The development imposes yet another extraordinary exception from normal rules because it has been insisted upon by gay activists. Homosexual activists have won special exceptions from laws regarding public nudity, sexual solicitation, public sex acts, group sex in their so-called “bath houses”, normal medical safeguards to contain the transmission of dangerous communicable diseases, the posting of sexually explicit billboards and much more. B.C. children are certain to be gradually desensitized by the across the board school curricula changes to become accepting of these practices and other aspects of the highly sexualized gay culture.

Corren objected that allowing parents to remove their children from the classes will defeat the whole object of the exercise.

“There’s no point in us making the curriculum more queer-positive if people can take their kids out,” Peter Corren told the Province yesterday. “This is the public education system. The School Act is quite clear … religion does not play a role in what is taught. We just want the policy to be followed.”

Continue reading at LifeSite News…

Westbrook, Maine, Schools Set to Teach Kids the Virtues of “Gay Marriage”

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

Excerpted from Westbrook School System is Set to Teach Kids the Virtues of Gay Marriage, published Aug 31, 2006, by Christian Civic League of Maine:

With the start of the new school year, the Westbrook school system is scheduled to begin teaching children in the early grades the acceptability of gay marriage. The decision of the Westbrook School Department to introduce the curriculum changes, which include lessons on contraception for middle school students, ignited a firestorm of controversy earlier this year when it was learned that a former head of a Montana lesbian activist organization “Montana PRIDE” was shepherding the curriculum changes through the Westbrook Curriculum Committee.

Thanks to a Maine Freedom of Access Act request filed by a concerned Westbrook parent, it was learned that the parents of Westbrook were led to believe that the curriculum changes were part of a grassroots, neighborhood effort, when in reality, they merely incorporated word-for-word the recommendations of the nation’s most liberal sex education organization, the New York-based group SIECUS. Worse yet, the rationale advanced for the proposed curriculum changes – that the curriculum was needed to ward off a rising teen pregnancy rate – was revealed to be bogus. The data used to back up the curriculum changes actually showed that teen pregnancy rates were steadily declining in Westbrook.

The real shocker was yet to come. Only two days before the school board voted on the proposed curriculum changes, Westbrook parents learned that the new curriculum would include material portraying gay marriage as normal and acceptable. Despite opposition by many Westbrook parents, the vote by the school board was unanimous in favor of the proposed changes. The proposed changes were scheduled to take effect with the start of this school year.

Continue reading at Christian Civic League of Maine…

Mexico Introduces Graphic Sex Education

Friday, August 25th, 2006

Excerpted from Mexico Introduces Graphic Sex Education; Catholic Bishops in Outrage, by Peter J. Smith, published Aug 22, 2006, by LifeSite News:

Mexico’s federal government is forcing the nation’s schools to adopt biology textbooks that includes pornographic sex-education, which has evoked outrage from Mexico’s Catholic Bishops and state governors, who have demanded the government remove the explicit material.

“We agree with the necessity of sex education, but pornographic information is something else,” Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez of Guadalajara told the Mexican newspaper Reforma. The cardinal excoriated the federal government for implementing the program, calling the decision “totalitarian” for neglecting to neither consult with the Church nor address the objections of parents who are the primary educators of their children.

The new sexual education course is directed at 7th graders and above, and is nothing less than a full fledged pornographic immersion course in sexual behaviors. The course (contained in chapter 4) tells students that homosexuality and masturbation are acceptable behaviors, includes pornographic pictures, and encourages students to find pornography off the internet.

The bald-faced perversion encouraged by the texts has infuriated Mexico’s Catholic Bishops, who steadfastly maintain that the new textbooks will give the youth an incomplete picture of human sexuality, and encourage them to experiment with promiscuous behavior or various sorts of sexual perversity.

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