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Universities & Colleges
Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
Excerpted from DePaul U. Blasted for Scheduling Pro-Homosexual Conference, by Jim Brown, published Nov 14, 2006, by Agape Press:
The nation’s largest Catholic university is under fire over its plan to host a conference aimed at expanding homosexuality-affirming teaching and curriculum on Catholic university campuses.
Next October DePaul University in Chicago will be hosting a two-day conference for professors and staff who are involved with “lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer” issues on Catholic campuses. The first “Out There” conference was held at Santa Clara University in 2005 and reportedly attracted 150 participants from more than 40 colleges and universities.
Patrick Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS), a Catholic renewal group, says he is very troubled by the event and its location.
“The approach that these people are taking is to accept — and in some cases even endorse — the homosexual lifestyle and build an academic curriculum around the homosexual culture as if it’s a distinctive and worthy culture to be studied,” notes Reilly. “And that’s obviously a serious concern for Catholics.”
TAKE ACTION – The Cardinal Newman Society is calling on DePaul president Thomas Holtschneider to drop the plan to host the pro-homosexual conference in October 2007.
DePaul University
1 E. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Catholic, News, Universities & Colleges |
Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Excerpted from My New Job at Missouri State University, by Dr. Mike Adams, published Nov 7, 2006, by Townhall:
…I wouldn’t have expected it either – not until I heard about the case of MSU Social Work student Emily Brooker. Emily’s trouble began when she was forced by Social Work Professor Frank G. Kauffman to write a letter to the Missouri State legislature urging representatives to pass legislation that would allow gays to serve as foster parents and even to adopt children.
When Emily refused to do the assignment – because of her religious objections to homosexuality – she was punished. Her complaint about the assignment led to a formal disciplinary hearing.
The hearing was typical of those at most universities. Emily was given no lawyer nor was there any written record of what happened. But she reports that she was asked very personal questions about whether she believed that homosexuals are sinners. And then she was written up for openly confessing her religious objections concerning homosexuality.
Even though the Alliance Defense Fund has decided to represent Emily in a First Amendment lawsuit, I’ve decided to take the job at MSU. This decision is the result of my opinion that MSU is going to stand firm and defend Professor Kauffman.
Accordingly, during my first week at MSU, I plan to assign students to the following projects with assignments depending on important demographic variables:
Continue reading at Townhall…
Posted in Christian Persecution, Universities & Colleges |
Friday, November 3rd, 2006
David French, attorney for MSU social work graduate Emily Brooker, is blogging at National Review Online about the Brooker v Missouri State University case:
There is a good article in this morning’s USA Today regarding the Alliance Defense Fund’s lawsuit against Missouri State. I have been giving several interviews about the case, and I am consistently asked two things: (1) are you saying that students can refuse assignments?; and (2) is this case “just” an academic-freedom dispute, or is it more than that?
First — to clear up any confusion — this is not a case about a student who is merely asked to play “devil’s advocate” in a classroom exercise. Of course teachers can ask you to debate and discuss various ideas from all sides of a dispute. During law school, several of my professors presented hypothetical cases and then asked us to write the majority opinion and the dissent in the case. The plaintiff, Emily Brooker, was not merely asked to think about all sides of an issue or argue different sides in class, she was asked to make an ideological argument in a contentious cultural issue to the state government. Moreover, she was supposed to argue for a position that violated her religious beliefs.
And this gets us to the real heart of the case: the magnitude of the constitutional violation. This is not “just” an academic-freedom dispute but instead represents an attempt by an academic department to pass into the “final frontier”…of university indoctrination. For more than 20 years now, conservative, libertarian, and even many liberal critics of the academy have decried the tendency of universities to silence dissenters. Many of these same critics have also decried one-sided course instruction and a faculty culture that leans overwhelmingly left. By silencing dissent and ensuring that only one side is heard, the university certainly “indoctrinates” students (as that term is commonly understood). But this case is something more. Here, the university goes beyond censorship, beyond one-sided instruction, and invades the student’s most basic right to freedom of conscience. It is not enough to silence students. Instead, the department must force individuals to voice their agreement with the governing ideology.
It is no exaggeration to call this system “Orwellian.” At the end of 1984 (spoiler alert for those who haven’t read the book), Winston Smith not only says that he loves Big Brother; he means it. Missouri State was going to force Emily Brooker to publicly support the campus’s reigning leftist ideology, and the punishment that resulted from the Star Chamber hearing was entirely designed to make sure that she meant it. After all, how could Emily follow the university’s command to “lessen the gap” between her own beliefs and the so-called “ethics” of the social-work profession but by changing her mind and heart?
Posted in Adoption & Foster Parenting, Christian Persecution, Universities & Colleges |
Friday, November 3rd, 2006
Excerpted from School ‘Ethics’ Group Punishes Student for Opposing Homosexual Adoption, by Jim Brown, published Nov 1, 2006, by Agape Press:
…According to news reports, Dr. Frank Kaufman — an assistant professor in MSU’s School of Social Work on the Springfield campus and a member of the Faculty Senate at MSU — assigned his students a project promoting homosexual foster homes and adoption. The students were required to write and individually sign a letter to the Missouri legislature in support of homosexual adoption. Emily Brooker says she refused to sign the letter because of her religious convictions, and alleges she was punished for taking that stand.
Brooker says the school subjected her to a grievance hearing where school officials told her she had violated three of the “Standards of Essential Functioning in Social Work Education”: diversity, interpersonal skills, and professional behavior. The social work student is now suing the university for a violation of her First Amendment rights. Her attorney, David French with the Alliance Defense Fund, claims his client was interrogated for two-and-a-half hours by faculty members about the matter.
“She was brought into a hearing where she was denied any access to a recording of the hearing, any advocate in the hearing, and subjected to a grilling,” says French. The attorney says Brooker was asked questions like “Do you think I’m a sinner?” and “Do you think gays and lesbians are sinners?”
French describes the entire situation as “really an amazing case.” He explains that at the December 2005 hearing she was “punished, forced to undergo close monitoring for the rest of her career at the university, and forced to write things, again, that she disagreed with in order to graduate.”
The ADF attorney says many public universities are requiring student to adopt leftist positions in order to obtain a social work degree. “The social work programs are saying that, in order to be a social worker, in order to get a degree, you’re going to have to agree with the university’s stance on various issues,” he shares, “including issues regarding homosexual ‘marriage,’ including issues regarding the entire diversity-tolerance agenda.”
Continue reading at Agape Press…
Posted in Adoption & Foster Parenting, Christian Persecution, Universities & Colleges |
Sunday, October 29th, 2006
From the “we-couldn’t-make-this-up-if-we-tried” department. Only the “gay” academic movement could come up with something this wacky. But hey, why not? It’s just another “sexual orientation.”-– Peter LaBarbera
The following is excerpted from Students Role-play Sadomasochism in Toronto University’s Sexual Diversity Program, by Gudrun Schultz, published Oct 26, 2006, by LifeSite News:
University of Toronto students in the Sexual Diversity Studies Program explore sadomasochism, bondage and domination as part of an “academic” approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues, Reuters reported October 20.
Described as “edgy,” the Sexual Diversity Studies program is one of the largest of its kind in North America. Students and teachers defend the program as a serious approach to sexual issues.
“It’s not sexy sex sex, where we’re talking about whips and chains, but we will talk about whips and chains,” graduating student Robbie Morgan told Reuters. “We’ll talk about whips and chains in a political, social, cultural, religious context of sexuality and how that sexuality affects those institutions.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Canada, Canada, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Sex-Ed Curriculum, Universities & Colleges |
Friday, September 29th, 2006
Excerpted from ‘Gay Journalist’ Leader Attacks ‘Marketing of Evil’, published Sept 29, 2006, by WorldNet Daily:
The president of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association has come out swinging at “The Marketing of Evil” author David Kupelian, comparing those who oppose homosexuality on religious grounds with “white supremacists and other hate groups.”
In his latest “Message from the national president,” NLGJA’s national president Eric Hegedus discussed “homophobia” in news coverage – and in the process confirmed one of the many controversial assertions Kupelian made in “The Marketing of Evil.”
“In Chapter 1 of my book,” Kupelian said, “I reported how professional broadcast news journalists at a NLGJA event advocated that, when reporting on homosexual issues, journalists shouldn’t even bother to interview people holding to the traditional Judeo-Christian viewpoint. That is, rather than dignify the biblical viewpoint as worthy of inclusion by the press, it should be treated the same way the media treat the Ku Klux Klan.”
“Some people thought I was exaggerating,” said Kupelian. “Well, now the president of the organization is coming out and making it official: According to ‘gay’ members of the establishment press, when reporting on homosexuality journalists should just stop interviewing people like James Dobson or D. James Kennedy or any other traditionalist espousing a biblical perspective.”
Here’s what Hegedus wrote to NLGJA’s membership:
Continue reading at WorldNet Daily…
And in April, Kupelian’s book was at the center of a national controversy when a Christian librarian at Ohio State University was formally investigated for “sexual harassment” just because he recommended the freshmen class be required to read “The Marketing of Evil.” The charges, instigated by two openly homosexual English professors, were dropped under threat of a lawsuit from the Alliance Defense Fund.
This Sunday, Kupelian will talk about “the marketing of homosexuality” on D. James Kennedy’s nationally broadcast television show, “The Coral Ridge Hour.” Kennedy, the world’s most-listened-to Presbyterian minister, is featuring Kupelian and “The Marketing of Evil” throughout September on the Sunday morning show. This week’s will be the last of four shows promoting the controversial best seller.
Posted in Media Promotion, NLGJA, Universities & Colleges |
Thursday, September 28th, 2006
From our friends at American Family Association:
Wal-Mart has given its full endorsement to the homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage. Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, will observe LGBT Diversity Week October 9–13. One of the sponsors for the Diversity Week is Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart is joining the Pleasure Boutique (an adult bookstore which bills itself as “Idaho’s largest selection of adult movies and DVDs and largest adult toy selection in Idaho”) and other groups in sponsoring the week. Diversity Week is a week of celebrating homosexuality and promoting the homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage.
Among the events being sponsored by Wal-Mart is Idaho Votes No Campaign Update and Information Workshop. Voters in Idaho will be voting on a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage in November. This Wal-Mart sponsored event will inform voters how to oppose the amendment and how to get others to do so. Wal-Mart is putting their money behind the effort to legalize homosexual marriage.
Other events being sponsored by Wal-Mart: Gay History of Idaho, Diversity in the Workplace, Women’s/Lesbian Issues, Hate Based Crimes, Heterosexism, Homosexuality and Disabilities, LGBT Youth in Trouble, MCC-Faith and LGBT, and a youth dance for those age 24 and under.
- E-mail Wal-Mart or call 1-800-WAL-MART.
- Call or e-mail your local Wal-Mart manager with your concerns.
- Print out and distribute AFA’s Pass Along Sheet.
Posted in Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Universities & Colleges, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |
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