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This America’s Survival interview with America’s Survival founder Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney was conducted March 25, 2015. This aired live on AS’s Roku channel [see more AS episodes on YouTube HERE]. AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera discusses Republican politics and the homosexual agenda, and the escalating saturation of U.S. culture with pro-immorality messages. Specifically, around the 15-minute mark in the video, they discuss the ABC Family network’s promotion of a homosexual “boy romance” between two 13-year-old male characters on the show “The Fosters.” LaBarbera will be joining Kincaid and Barbwire’s Matt Barber for a press event Tuesday April 21 in at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to discuss the April 28 Supreme Court review of homosexual “marriage” cases that has the potential of producing a ruling that could nationalize same-sex “marriage.” After the video is Kincaid’s description of it.
America’s Survival description:
Will Jeb Bush Turn the GOP Gay?
Published on Mar 31, 2015
The homosexual movement has control of President Obama and the Democratic party. Now it is infiltrating the Republican Party. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the 2016 Republican presidential candidates, what the Supreme Court might do on homosexual marriage, and whether the homosexualization of America can be stopped. We also discuss the Marxist origins of the gay rights movement.
Sodomy Finder: Grindr is a phone app–with by four million homosexual male subscribers–that uses GPS to facilitate them finding a sodomy partner nearby–literally telling them how many feet away he is. The above graphic is from the Grindr website; click to enlarge.
“Grindr is for, basically, gay guys not pretending it’s for anything other than meeting up to have sex.” — Billy Eichner
By Peter LaBarbera
One of the unwritten codes among popular culture elites is that they can make fun of homosexuality, sort of, as long as they are outwardly pro-“gay rights”–which is now practically a universal value in Hollywood and the media. The rest of us can’t even joke about homosexuality–although many aspects of the same-sex world, e.g., Grindr, deserve ridicule–as most people endeavor to toe the line set forth by the Gay Thought Police (GTP) with its modern, deviance-celebrating “morality.”
Nevertheless, in poking fun at homosexuality (sort of) comedians–walking on politically correct eggshells–still manage to get out truth about the perverse “gay” world and even acknowledge verboten dissent–think Seinfeld and the “not that there’s anything wrong with that” episode. Smart media consumers can read between the laugh lines to discover subversive realities, just like in the old Soviet Union, where citizens read through Pravda’s propaganda to find out what was really going on in the socialist “People’s Republic.”
And so, in our own People’s Republic–in which bold Truth-tellers are fast becoming like dissidents in the USSR–we get a lesson in “Homo-Promiscuity” from this bawdy video produced by light-night host Conan O’Brien. Conan’s openly homosexual sidekick, Billy Eichner, clues us in (wink, wink) to the libidinous ways of Grindr–a tool and “lifestyle” that simply has no parallel in straight society (much as “gay” radicals like Dan “Monogamish” Savage would love for straights to sink to their sleazy standards).
Grindr Murder: Twenty-five-year-old “gay” Philly native Dino Dizdarevic (right), shown here with his boyfriend Nick McBee, was murdered in 2014 after driving to Chester, PA, for a Grindr hook-up.
I believe this is AFTAH’s first post on Grindr; think of it as a digital bathhouse that facilitates men hooking up for sodomitic encounters–literally telling them how many feet they are from potential sodomy partners. This is AFTAH, so you are free to say what your really think about that–it’s weird, gross and twisted, I know. But it’s happening–and it has real life repercussions that are no laughing matter –e.g., Grindr hook-up murders like the one last year that led to the tragic death of a young Philly man, Dino Dizdarevi?.
Be forewarned: this video is edgy and subversive in a PC way, in the sense that when we’re all laughing at perversion it becomes less threatening–this indeed is how homosexuality began being mainstreamed in America through entertainment, beginning with the 70s TV sitcom Soap, the first with an “openly gay” character (played by Billy Crystal). Note Eichner’s revealing comment about condoms at 7:29 and the look on Conan’s face shortly after 7:40 when he is told what sodomy is. Of course, we’ll have more on Grindr and homo-promiscuity in future articles:
There Is Hope: God rescued ex-“gay” Joseph Sciambra from the homosexual porn industry and the depravities of a debauched homosexual “deathstyle.” See his website at JosephSciambra.com. Buy his book, “Swallowed by Satan,” HERE.
Folks, if this video doesn’t touch your soul, then you have no soul. All of these men were cut down in the prime of their life. They got on the wrong road–making homosexual pornography–and I’m afraid that barring repentence for some, it took them to perdition. The Bible says:
“There is a way that seems right to a man, and its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12; ESV)
I had forgotten the passing of one of the men in this video–“sex positive” homosexual writer Scott O’Hara. I remember back when I was a newbie at monitoring the “gay” agenda–having launched “Lambda Report” in 1993–being shocked by O’Hara’s magazine, “STEAM.” Its libidinous purpose was to “help” homosexual men cruise for sex in parks and public restrooms. Read his Wikipedia bio here: it is one of the saddest I’ve ever read: O’Hara’s short life–he died at 36 in 1998–was devoted to pursuing and promoting deviant sex.
I take no delight in passing this along to you. It is not another mere “talking point” against homosexuality. It is much more than that. God surely wanted more for these men than than to be a cog in the wheel of an evil industry that glorifies sexual sin–one that used them up and then moved on to the next batch of young men to exploit for the almighty dollar–pornography is a very big business in the the male homosexual world; indeed in the entire fallen world.
And now the flip side: this video was created by Joseph Sciambra, who was once a “gay” porn actor himself before fleeing his homosexual “deathstyle” through the grace of God. See Joseph’s website HERE; I look forward to meeting him and helping get out his heartwarming story.
This modern age, including much of “Christendom,” seems to celebrate ambiguity, but do not doubt that we are in a battle of Good versus Evil. Sexual sin of all stripes is running rampant in our nation. The Left champions “sex workers,” as if it is just another occupation or special interest group. But the Christian knows that souls are in the balance here. The Lord rescued Joseph Sciambra; we pray that He rescues many more people caught up in pornography and the lies of homosexuality and gender confusion. Because we do not want anyone to die without knowing Christ. Can you see Satan’s work in the curtailed lives memorialized in this video? — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; AFTAH FaceBook Page HERE
Joseph Sciabra writes:
Published on Aug 22, 2013
A tribute to the men who lost their lives in the porn industry. There are many more names besides those I listed here; but these actors all had a cause of death that could be traced directly back to their time in pornography. Do not let their deaths be in vain: Don’t watch porn! For more information go to: www.josephsciambra.com
‘Gays’ Bully Church: Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activist protesters as they attended a Sunday evening service in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.
“The day of the riot was the day Reverend Louis Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, was a guest speaker. Only the church’s membership and regular attenders were notified of the service, through the church’s bulletin. No public notice or invitation was made in regards to the guest speaker. However, the September 16, 1993 edition of the [homosexual newspaper] Bay Area Reporter, the meeting was made public in a front page article using inflammatory language…The church received telephone calls prior to [Rev.] Sheldon’s arrival demanding that he should not come and threatening to disrupt the service. In addition, two people visited the church and told a church employee that the church could not have…Sheldon as a guest speaker at the church and that they were going to stop it from happening.”– Conservapedia article, “Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot”
What’s past is prologue. The video below offers a glimpse into a September 19, 1993 political mob-attack against the Hamilton Square Baptist Church in downtown San Francisco in which angry homosexual activists including ACT UP militants, outraged over an invited Sunday night speaker, defaced the church building, vandalized its property, pounded on the doors of the church as the evening service was going on–and even assaulted churchgoers, frightening young children.
Long before there was a serious national debate over homosexuality-based “marriage,” there was a phenomenon that many have since nicknamed “homo-fascism”–essentially the organized and often vicious LGBT harassment of those who openly oppose out-and-proud homosexualism. The neo-totalitarian assumption underlying homo-fascist aggression is that critics of homosexuality (and now transgenderism) are mere “haters” and “bigots” who effectively do not deserve or possess the same freedom to defend and organize around their beliefs as “gay” activists have to advance their agenda.
Homo-fascism is an outgrowth of homosexual activist power–which is greatest in major cities and “gay” Meccas like San Francisco. Ironically it resorts to the very same “bullying” that homosexual activists routinely condemn–and which they have manipulated rhetorically to great effect to promote homosexualist programs and ideology in schools. (Note that this writer has also used the term homo-communist–since the most oppressive attempts at thought-control in modern times have come from the Left–but that has not caught on like homo-fascist. Other conservative slang-terms mocking homosexual activist bullying and intolerance are: Gay-KK and the Gay-stapo.)
Rainbow Aggression: Homosexual activists and rioters raised a “rainbow flag” symbolizing “gay” liberation up the flag pole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church–as if on conquered territory. See just after the 6:00 mark in the CBN video report on the 1993 anti-Christian LGBT riot.
One of the things that is fascinating in this broadcast by CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) reporter Richard Hunt is how even after fanatical LGBT activists terrorized HSBC churchgoers and vandalized the Church–to the point of verbally assaulting churchgoing ladies and raising a “Rainbow Flag” up the church flag post while police apparently stood by and did nothing–they still managed to portray themselves as victims. Note also how, just like today, LGBT militants resorted to wild exaggerations–e.g., alleging that Christians opposed the homosexual agenda really aim to commit “violence” and even a “holocaust” against “gays”–to justify their strong-arm tactics against the Church and, in this case, pro-family leader Rev. Lou Sheldon.
That is a cynical, political lie, but also note the more direct falsehoods used to stoke the San Francisco leftists’ collective outrage: an apparent “gay” militant spits on Sheldon–CBN caught the despicable act on camera [start at about 4:50 of the video]–as Sheldon was being escorted back to his seat, or possibly out of City Hall, after testifying. Then, as the militant himself is ejected by police, “gay” activists are heard catcalling that the spitter is innocent (“Can we pick out Christians to arrest for no reason?!”) as they turned his deserved expulsion into more cries of homosexual victimhood. Unfortunately, cameras are not usually on hand to document the dirty, ends-justify-the-means tactics of LGBTQueer militants.
“Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19, 1993 in which a angry group of male homosexuals and lesbians vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized church congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and scared children, and disrupted a church service.”
Please share these links and the video below about Islam and homosexuality…
Homosexual activists and their fellow travelers certainly are deceived to believe Christians are hateful for telling them the truth about the sinful acts they engage in. Christians want persons caught up in homosexual practice to repent and turn away from sexual sin, so they can make it into heaven. Islam doesn’t have that same love in its heart and concern for the person’s soul. Islam doesn’t understand the concept of repentance and the grace of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
How can persons caught up in homosexual practice not see the clear difference between Islam and Christianity? That last thing a Christian wants is anyone to die before that have come to the Lord. Yet homosexual activists excoriate anyone who does not accept their same-sex “marriage” lie. Now the real face of hate shows itself in Islam, and barely a peep from the LGBTists. Homosexual activists and their sympathizers just don’t get it: we Christians are NOT their enemy…
This video was posted by MRC-TV [click HERE]. Here is the link for the UK Daily Mail article on the barbaric “death penalty,” including stoning, in Syria: [click HERE]. And HERE is a useful article from “Answering Islam” on the difference between Islam and Christianity on homosexuality.
[Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera: The Answering Islam author’s section on anti-sodomy laws, at the end of his paper, is a bit shallow; AFTAH has long opposed draconian penalties on this issue, but we no more support removing anti-sodomy laws from the books than we would anti-adultery laws. As the saying goes, “the law is a teacher”–and the very fact that Western anti-sodomy laws have produced nothing close to the present barbarity we are witnessing in the Middle East testifies to the humaneness of the Christian approach toward those practicing homosexual sin (and other sins) compared to the approach of Muslim sharia law.]
Did America’s “conservative network” violate its anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights in forcing Legatus pullout?
Did Fox News violate anchor Bret Baier’s religious rights by pressing him to pull out as a speaker at the Catholic Legatus summit? Go to 23:40 mark in the video below. Read HERE about how Baier confirmed that Fox “requested” he withdraw as a speaker. And go HERE for Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth report for America’s Survival on Fox News’ escalating pro-homosexual bias,
America’s Survival TV led by veteran conservative media observer Cliff Kincad interviewed AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera January 21, 2015 about Fox News “requesting” that anchor Bret Baier, a Catholic, pull out as a speaker from a Jan. 28-29 conference by the Catholic group Legatus. [See AFTAH stories HERE and HERE.] Note at about the 24:00 mark how Jerry Kenney raises the specter of whether Fox violated Baier’s religious rights, citing a potential Title VII violation under the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)-enforced code. Here is AS’s write-up:
Published on YouTube Jan 24, 2015
The pressure to conform to the left-wing homosexual agenda has scored a direct hit on the Fox News Channel. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth discusses the scandal surrounding Bret Baier’s forced withdrawal from a Catholic conference. Jerry Kenney and Cliff Kincaid join Peter LaBarbera to discuss whether Bret Baier’s rights to free speech and religious expression were violated by his corporate bosses. Can a legal case be brought against Fox News?
JUDGE SAYS NO TO CAMPUS CENSORS: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina last April. Yesterday, Saskatchewan Provincial Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university’s claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students’ education. Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott–who with LaBarbera was arrested on a “Mischief” charge–says he will return to the camps to disseminate biblical truth.
“I find that the purpose of (their) attending the University of Regina was to communicate information and their actions were passive and non-aggressive,” Judge Beaton wrote. “The university’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers.” [page 14, decision]
Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Marylynne Beaton ruled yesterday that AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott are not guilty of criminal “mischief” after being arrested and jailed April 14, 2014 after peacefully protesting and disseminating factual literature at the University of Regina–against the wishes of school administrators.
In the 27-page decision, available HERE, Judge Beaton relied heavily on Whatcott’s claim under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that he had a right to disseminate his religious views–and rejected the notion put forth by the prosecution that the two pro-family activists disrupted the educational mission of U-Regina.
Below is YouTube of a Regina Leader Post audio-story with Whatcott’s reaction to the decision, and beneath that the print report by the Leader-Post. You can go to Whatcott’s website HERE, and beneath that an excerpt the Leader-Post’s story on the decision.
Said LaBarbera in response to the ruling:
“I am gratified by Judge Beaton’s well-reasoned decision, and I congratulate my friend Bill Whatcott for once again leading the way in challenging Canada to live up to her ideals of liberty and freedom of conscience. It is preposterous in a country that claims to be free to criminalize dissenting speech at a public university. Yet this is what University of Regina administrators sought to do by cowardly attempting to banish Bill Whatcott and me from their campus. In the process they dishonored their students–who deserved better than clumsy attempts at censorship justified by condescending and odious appeals to ‘protect’ them from ‘hate.’
“Hopefully, this ruling will open up the door to a resurgence of true tolerance and freedom in Canada. The Left in Canada, as in the United States, does not want debate but rather control. They fear unfettered exposure to moral truth and compelling facts about homosexuality–hence their campaign to silence Christians and others who speak out against sexual immorality and gender rebellion.
“The very fact that I was detained and searched at length twice by Border police upon entering Canada–merely because I and AFTAH espouse historic, biblical, Judeo-Christian teachings on homosexuality–reflects escalating ‘thought tyranny’ and anti-intellectualism in Canada which, if allowed to take root, will only lead to more rigid repression against believers in this great land.”
More coming from AFTAH on this story; here is Whatcott’s reaction [order his book “Born in a Graveyard” HERE]:
Homosexual perversion centers flourish despite HIV crisis–even in Atlanta, where CDC is based
In this recent Roku interview on America’s Survival, my friend and AS founder Cliff Kincaid and I discussed how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) politically correct approach toward homosexuality and HIV does not breed confidence in the federal agency’s ability to keep Americans from contracting the Ebola virus. We also discuss the Republican Party’s growing support for proud homosexuality, as House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) held a fund-raiser for openly homosexual San Dieogo congressional candidate Carl DeMaio just when DeMaio had been charged with sexually harassing another homosexual male campaign worker [see AIM story HERE]. It is simply incredible that homosexual bathhouses flourish in big cities across America (including Atlanta, where the CDC is based: see about the 8:00 mark in the video)–even as HIV rates surge among homosexual male youth. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH