“Just OK” for a child not to have a mommy (by design)? AT&T pushes “gay parenting” in its “Just OK is not OK” ad campaign.
Folks, this AT&T commercial with two homosexual “dads” and their “just OK” babysitter aired frequently during some of the post-Christmas college bowl games. The theme of the ads is, why would you settle for an important service that is “just ok,” as opposed to excellent and trustworthy? Notice the two men going out on a date like normal parents.
Anyone with a pulse who watches TV should have noticed by now that the ad business is engaged in heavy-handed promotion of interracial couples. (It seems as if 90 percent are interracial.) Even for everyday Americans like me who loathe racism and applaud such couples, the campaign is tiresome and condescending. As a friend told me the other day: “It’s as if in TV World, white people don’t marry white people anymore, and black people don’t marry black people.” Irritating overkill from the “diversity” scolds.
Now throw sexual perversion into the mix. Hollywood and Corporate America have been working overtime for years to normalize homosexuality and gender confusion, and it’s only going to get worse. There is a key difference between natural (man-woman), mixed-race marriages and homosexual unions: the former naturally produce beautiful children, while two people of the same sex cannot reproduce (by themselves). One honors God’s created order, the other flouts it and defies our Creator.
Remember, too, that big corporations score points on Human Rights Campaign’s woefully biased “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard for running pro-LGBTQ ads like this. (The HRC scorecard punishes the same companies if they dare to publicly support groups like AFTAH that defend natural marriage.) Surely most Americans are oblivious to this behind-the-scenes manipulation. Play the ad video below: [See more commentary after ad and page jump]
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