VIDEOS: Good Morning America Celebrates ‘Drag Kid’ – ‘Desmond Is Amazing’ – Media Child Abuse?

Friday, December 21st, 2018

Dr. Brown notes Big LGBTQ silence as perverse “drag” culture is promoted to children

Liberals Love Gender Confusion: Instagram photo of 11-year-old “drag kid,” “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. See the videos below of Desmond doing a “drag show” at a San Francisco “gay” club, and being celebrated (read: exploited) by ABC’s Good Morning America.

Folks, I can’t find the words to express my dismay at this, the latest cultural atrocity emanating from the immoral LGBTQueer movement. Our friend Dr. Michael Brown focuses below on the lack of “gay” activist criticism of the shocking spectacle of “Desmond Is Amazing,” aka Desmond Napoles. In future posts we will hone in on other disturbing factors, including:

1) the media’s activist role in uncritically ushering in ALL aspects of the gay/bi/trans agenda, no matter how radical, even sexualizing and corrupting young children; and

2) the role of “progressive” parents/enablers, including those in homosexual-led households, in foisting adult immoralities on the children in their care.

This poor boy is being abused and exploited by his own mom, in addition to countless other sexual “progressives.” Today’s liberalism is bad for kids because it seemingly has no moral boundaries.

America is becoming a very dark place, as large segments of our society collectively give God the finger, as it were. This is what a post-Christian society looks like after 50 years of “gay” revolution. (Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that birthed modern homosexual activist radicalism.)

A terrific column by Dr. Brown follows after the jump and these two appalling videos: 1) A shameless puff piece on ABC’s recent “GMA Day” featuring the Napoles and some adult male “drag queens”; and 2) video of the boy doing a “drag” performance at a homosexual club in San Francisco as men throw and give dollar bills to him as he prances on stage!

No wonder so many nations don’t want to be like America anymore. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

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Standing Against ‘Drag Queen Story Hours’ – Corrupting Kids at a Public Library Near You

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

Queer Role Models for Kids? A self-styled “drag queen” (this is a man) holds a copy of “Princess Boy,” a “children’s” picture book promoting gender confusion about a boy who “likes to wear his princess tiara,” etc. This introduction from the opening page of the “Drag Queen Story Hour” website reads: “Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like–drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restriction and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”


Folks, one of the dirtiest secrets of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender (aka “gay”) activist movement is that it has been sexualizing and corrupting children, in some form or another, from the beginning. Back when homosexualist power was a tiny sliver of what it is today, LGB(T) activists tried to hide that element of their agenda. But now that they dominate society at the elite level, with zero accountability from the media, their contempt for the innocence of even very young children is “out of the closet.”

For the “T” lobby these unconscionable Story Hours are a “three-fer”: they get to mock real women, indoctrinate innocent, impressionable children, and mainstream “queer” deviance all at the same time! But the main motivation, it seems, is for pro-LGBTQueer parents (especially homosexuals themselves) to transmit their decadent values to their children. Thus “gay parenting” serves as a catalyst for the wider corruption of kids in the culture. My friend Gina Miller ably tackles this disturbing new brand of perversion-promotion below. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Standing Against ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

By Gina Miller, first published Sept. 14, 2018

Last Saturday, I was part of a protest against a “Drag Queen Story Hour” being held at a public library in Mobile, Alabama. These events, which are happening in libraries and public schools all across the nation, are one of the newer weapons in the homofascist arsenal, and they target little children from three to eight years old.

The events are grotesque spectacles of men dressed garishly as “women” reading “children’s” books (that include feminist, homosexual and “transgender” themed stories) to little ones
whose parents foolishly choose to bring them. A December 2016 column by a writer for the DailyWire reports that the “Drag Queen Story Hours” were spawned by homosexual and feminist groups in New York and San Francisco, in response to Donald Trump’s election in 2016.

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