So do biological gender differences matter, or is any reference to “biological sex” bigoted?
“Teaching children they might be born in the wrong body is psychological child abuse.”
By Cathy Ruse
First published in The Stream, 11-7-18
One of the most liberal school systems in the country wants parents to know that boys and girls are built differently. Except when that truth is not politically convenient.
The Fairfax County (Virginia) School Board announced an upcoming workshop for parents. It’s called “Jack’s Brain, Jill’s Brain: Gender Differences and Why They Matter.” The workshop will feature child psychologists discussing how “girls and boys learn differently.” Apparently, “rapidly emerging research” shows that “the brains of females and males are developmentally, structurally and functionally different.”
But, do they really mean this? After all, this is the school board that voted to teach children that biological sex is meaningless.
A Search-and-Destroy Mission
Last spring by a vote of 10-2, the nation’s 10th largest school system made a search-and-destroy mission through its 80 hours of Sex Ed (per student). Every reference to human beings having a “biological sex” of male or female was removed. Children are now taught that “sex is assigned at birth” and subject to change.
Parents and taxpayers in Fairfax County tried to stop them. When the proposal was open to public comment, over 1,000 comments came in and 83% opposed the change. But the school board had no interest in the views of parents and people who pay their salaries. Only in pushing their brand of sex politics on the children under their control.
No one is born a boy or girl. Some girls have penises. Don’t be a hater.
It’s impossible to square the curriculum changes with the upcoming parent workshop. The school board is either lying to the children or they’re lying to the parents.
Well, they’re lying to the children; but it’s even worse than that.
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