VIDEO: Yes, It’s OK to Poke Fun at Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner – Philadelphia Mummers Parade

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Easy Transgender Target: Sign from Philadelphia Mummers Parade pokes fun at Bruce Jenner’s “transition” from a star Olympic athlete in 1976 to a supposed “woman” today named “Caitlyn.” Click to enlarge.

Warning: Offensive Descriptions

Dear AFTAH Reader,

I had never heard of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade until I read about the “controversy” surrounding this year’s (2016) parade, which included some street theater poking fun at Bruce (“I Think I’m a Woman Named ‘Caitlyn'”) Jenner. It is natural, normal and good for everyday people to blow off a little steam like these frolicking folks below in response to modern sex/gender lunacy–epitomized by the very “queer” idea that men can become “women,” and women can become “men.” In general I think this PC-drenched society needs to lighten up. Anticipating criticism from humorless, politically correct left-wingers and humorless, politically correct Christians, after the jump I’ve listed some other groups of people whom it is OK to poke fun at. [Watch video on Anthony Stefos’ YouTube page HERE.] — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera

P.S. I’m mulling over claiming a new identity as a sinewy, 20-something bodybuilder with a full head of hair; if I choose said identity, I would fully expect to be made fun of. Please be gentle.

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San Francisco AFTER the ‘Public Nudity Ban’ – AFTAH Exposes Depraved and Nudity-Filled ‘Up Your Alley’ Street Fair

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Perverse event in world’s “gay-est” city features “daddy-boy” master-slaves, human “puppies,” “Naked Twister” and lots of bared body parts

WARNING: Rear nudity, offensive photos and graphic descriptions; as always, AFTAH will block frontal nudity but we will publish photos with rear nudity. Our goal is to convey the “gay” Mecca’s radicalism and perverseness as realistically as possible without being pornographic.

“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.” (Romans 1: 29-31; NIV)


Even though San Francisco adopted a "public nudity" ban in 2013, it exempted the street fairs like the "Up Your Alley" event Sunday. The event featured hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full nudity.

SAN FRANCISCO, POST-“NUDITY BAN”: San Francisco adopted a “public nudity” ban in 2012. However, it exempted annual nudist events and homosexual-oriented street fairs like the “Up Your Alley” held in the city Sunday. The event drew thousands and featured hundreds upon hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full frontal nudity. “Up Your Alley” also promoted condom-less “barebacking” sodomy (condemned by the CDC) despite the presence of AIDS groups; and celebrated human degradation (“slaves”); and consensual violence, e.g., whipping people to the point of bleeding as an S&M ritual (see photos below). All Photos: Americans For Truth, Peter LaBarbera. Fair use allowed as long as “” is credited. Click on photos to enlarge or view in a separate window.


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

SAN FRANCISCO, California– Dear AFTAH Readers:

I was curious to see what out-and-proud San Francisco was like AFTER the city council passed its 2012 “public nudity ban”–which, curiously enough, exempts massive street fairs celebrating nudity and perversion. (This is San Francisco, after all.) So I ventured out to the world’s most sexually deviant city last weekend (Sunday, July 27) to cover its annual “Up Your Alley” street fair, also called “Dore Alley“–put on by the same proud perverts (er…sadomasochistic “leathermen”) that annually stage the notorious Folsom Street Fair.

Organizers of the “Up Your Ally” fair call it “Folsom’s Dirty Little Brother,” which, considering Folsom’s unbridled debauchery, is quite a recommendation for boundary-defying libertines and tourist gawkers who are there for the freak show. [See previous AFTAH stories on Folsom HERE (2007); HERE (2008) and HERE (2009).]

Below is the first installment of a several-part photo-story on the twisted event and the bizarre ethos of San Francisco; the next installment will document the fair’s promotion of “barebacking” (anal sex without a condom)–thus violating the CDC’s longtime, basic recommendation for HIV prevention to “men who have sex with men”: always use a condom. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. How ironic that the path of “Sexual Liberation” ended up at “Bondage and Discipline”…

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY PLAYER: Grown man poses with boy "slave" at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. I saw more than a few "Master/Slave"  "couples" in which the master was much older than the boy.

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY: Perhaps the spikes on his face mask give it away. Grown man poses with his boy love “slave” for a photo at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. The young man had a little white “tail” protruding from his shorts in the back. I witnessed dozens of “masters” walking around with their “slaves” attached to a leash (like a dog). And I also saw more than a few “Master/Slave couples” in which the master was much older than his boy slave(s). There were also heterosexual “Master/Slave” duos at Up Your Alley.

As the Bible says, “they invent ways of doing evil” (Ephesians 1:30). Here is one of the BDSM women at the street fair: 

This is a woman with a strap-on "dildo" (fake penis). She was seen

PENIS ENVY? This is a woman with a strap-on “dildo” (fake penis). It is attached to her groin area with a harness. She was seen earlier in a groping situation with a man. Sexual and gender confusion reign in San Francisco. It should be noted here, strange and comical as it may seem, that some lesbians use dildos to simulate heterosexual sex and/or anal sodomy. There are many attempts to imitate heterosexuality (i.e., normalcy)–some cruder than others–in the LGBT world. 

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