Twitter Suspends LaBarbera For Accurate Tweet Saying that Sharia-enforcing Muslims, not Christians, Are Killing Homosexuals

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021
Dear Readers,
I just posted this on Gettr and Gab, two alternatives to Twitter, which suspended my account for an innocuous and accurate tweet. (My Twitter page now shows zero followers.) We’ll see how my appeal goes, but given Twitter’s hard-Left bias against conservatives, I don’t expect to be reinstated.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Yesterday (9-21-21) I was suspended by Twitter for this completely accurate and innocuous tweet. After 12+ years being very active on the platform, my followers were wiped out. I was responding to a lefty named George, who had snidely tweeted that I should join a “Sharia Law” country because I oppose homosexuality. I will appeal although, having been harassed and shadow-banned by Twitter going way back, I don’t expect to be reinstated. My response follows: “Sorry George. Radical (#ShariaLaw -enforcing) Muslims hang homosexuals or throw them off of buildings. Radical Christians pray for them to follow #JesusChrist and leave sinful homosexuality behind, as so many #exgays have.”

Below is the full email suspension notice sent to LaBarbera by Twitter on September 21, 2021:

VIDEO: Peter Kreeft Talks about ‘Soft’ Christianity’s Retreat in the Face of Bold LGBTQ Lobby and Aggressive Islam

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

This interview by LifeSiteNews founder and publisher Steve Jalsevac with conservative Catholic apologist Peter Kreeft is excellent. Kreeft concisely summarizes the weakness of modern American Christianity in the face of two much bolder foes: the LGBTQueer movement and fundamentalist Islam. Watch the full nine minutes: [to sign up for LSN’s superb daily pro-life/pro-family news email, go HERE]. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

The full LifeSiteNews story on the Kreeft interview can be found HERE.

The Orlando Mass Murder Does Not Refute Heteronormativity

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016


Homosexual Muslim, Murderer of Homosexuals: Omar Mateen, the Islamic mass-murderer who slaughtered 49 people in an Orlando “gay” nightclub, was himself involved in homosexual activity. Nevertheless, homosexual activists are exploiting the massacre to attack Christians and conservatives opposed to the immoral “gay rights” agenda.

“The shooter saw himself in the category of unmanly men, and couldn’t stand it.  Someone, he felt, had to be punished.  And he would be the punisher, thereby distancing himself from that category.” — Sharon Kass

Folks, I was watching Sean Hannity on Fox News last night and he noted how the Left is using the Orlando Islamic terror-massacre to promote gun control, but he did not mention how liberals are exploiting it to advance the homosexual activist agenda. (CNN’s openly homosexual anchor Anderson Cooper has done so rather shamelessly.) Here Sharon Kass steers us back to reality.

We at AFTAH are peaceful truth advocates and have always deplored violence and genuine hatred against ‘homosexuals’ (we do not believe in “gay” identity as inherent or permanent). Oddly, in this case, the Islamic mass-murderer, Omar Mateen, reportedly was himself involved in homosexual behavior–trying to pick up men at the Pulse “gay” night club, using the homosexual-sex-finder app Grindr (I refuse to call it a “dating app”), etc.

But even that essential fact doesn’t matter to LGBT Leftists, who chalk it all up to “homophobia” and roll it in to their ongoing campaign against Christian conservatives and biblical morality. Politically speaking, “progressives” simply will not let this crisis go to waste, to quote Rahm Emanuel, one-time Obama adviser and current Chicago mayor. Our hearts go out to the families of the Orlando victims, but we cannot stand by silently while LGBT activists and the media hijack this terribly tragedy to promote their false “gay” activist narrative. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera


The Orlando Mass Murder Does Not Refute Heteronormativity

By Sharon Kass

June 13, 2016

“It’s a hate crime.”  The recent mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando is, predictably, being spun for maximum political effect.

The Left-liberal “logic” is as follows:  Disapproval of homosexuality is the motive for the mass murder of homosexuals; mass murder of anyone is very wrong; therefore, disapproval of homosexuality is very wrong.


1.  Preferential homosexuality is not innate.
2.  Disapproval of irrational conduct and propensities doesn’t kill anyone.
3.  Preferential homosexuality is both preventable and treatable. 

4.  Untreated homosexuality, whether or not acted on, leads to dangers of various sorts:  diseases, intra-relationship/liaison violence, stress-related illnesses, and health-harming activities like smoking, drug abuse, excessive drinking, and overeating.

The ironic thing is that a violent man’s violence can typically be traced to not having been socially fathered properly.  So the killer and his male victims have masculine insecurity in common.  (Key features of “gay” genesis are father failure when boy was age two, and, commonly, an extra-sensitive, often artistic, nature.)  An inappropriate urge to dominate–a kind of overcompensation for deep feelings of weakness–drives illicit violence.  The inappropriate urges to: (1) bond with another male in a sexualized way; (2) show crude strength by rebelling against nature and society; and (3) avoid the romantic-sexual challenges presented by a woman partner drive male homosexuality.  (See Joseph Nicolosi’s “The Meaning of Same-Sex Attraction” and “Fathers of Male Homosexuals.”  Also, “Attachment Loss and Grief Work in Reparative Therapy.”)

Read the rest of this article »

VIDEO: Norwegian Islamic Leader – All Muslims Believe in the Death Penalty for Homosexuals

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

By Jason Salamone, AFTAH writer

Please share these links and the video below about Islam and homosexuality…

Homosexual activists and their fellow travelers certainly are deceived to believe Christians are hateful for telling them the truth about the sinful acts they engage in. Christians want persons caught up in homosexual practice to repent and turn away from sexual sin, so they can make it into heaven. Islam doesn’t have that same love in its heart and concern for the person’s soul. Islam doesn’t understand the concept of repentance and the grace of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

How can persons caught up in homosexual practice not see the clear difference between Islam and Christianity? That last thing a Christian wants is anyone to die before that have come to the Lord. Yet homosexual activists excoriate anyone who does not accept their same-sex “marriage” lie. Now the real face of hate shows itself in Islam, and barely a peep from the LGBTists. Homosexual activists and their sympathizers just don’t get it: we Christians are NOT their enemy…

This video was posted by MRC-TV [click HERE]. Here is the link for the UK Daily Mail article on the barbaric “death penalty,” including stoning, in Syria: [click HERE]. And HERE is a useful article from “Answering Islam” on the difference between Islam and Christianity on homosexuality.

[Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera: The Answering Islam author’s section on anti-sodomy laws, at the end of his paper, is a bit shallow; AFTAH has long opposed draconian penalties on this issue, but we no more support removing anti-sodomy laws from the books than we would anti-adultery laws. As the saying goes, “the law is a teacher”–and the very fact that Western anti-sodomy laws have produced nothing close to the present barbarity we are witnessing in the Middle East testifies to the humaneness of the Christian approach toward those practicing homosexual sin (and other sins) compared to the approach of Muslim sharia law.]

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