Chicago’s Homosexual S&M ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives – Features Pedophile Porn, Incest Fantasies and ‘Man-Boy Love’ Advice from NAMBLA

Friday, June 5th, 2015

AFTAH Exclusive: Perversion “museum” — part of Chicago’s “gay community” — sits near three schools and a day-care center; houses BDSM works eroticizing adult sadistic sex with minors

WARNING: Some stories about the homosexual movement are so grotesquely perverse that they are difficult to report. This article by necessity describes some deeply disturbing sexual “fetishes” involving homosexual adult sadistic sex with children and teenagers–and vile, unnatural acts like “fisting” practiced for decades by by sadomasochistic homosexual “leathermen.” One book cover below contains an obscenity, another a highly offensive image. Keep in mind that the “Leather Archives & Museum” in Chicago that houses and celebrates these depraved works is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood within a short distance of three public schools and a day-care center. 

“[S]landerers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil….” (Romans 1:30, NIV)


EVIL IN THEIR MIDST: Young children evidently attending a nearby day-care center file by the Chicago “Leather Archives & Museum” (see “LA&M” building in the center of the photo). [Take Action: view and distribute the AFTAH flier alerting the local Rogers Park neighborhood to this deviant institution HERE.] The BDSM “museum”–which is listed in the official Chicago “Visitors Guide”–houses some of the most vile sadomasochistic material imaginable–including pornography centered around adult-child sadistic sex. Other works glorify vile S&M perversions such as “fisting” and “watersports.” One “gay sex” book housed in the Leather Archives gives advice from NAMBLA to adult male “boy lovers” on how to avoid entrapment by police (see graphic in story below). The “museum” also caters to heterosexual BDSM enthusiasts, but it is a product of the “gay” sexual revolution, which has deep roots in the Windy City. We have blocked the faces of the children in this AFTAH photo; click to enlarge.


TAKE ACTION: Download the AFTAH PDF flier alerting residents to this “Perversion Museum,” the Leather Archives & Museum, at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. [Click HERE for flier.] Contact the Chicago Alderman in whose ward the “Leather Archives” sits, Ald. Pat O’Connor: 312-744-6858; e-mail:


“The wicked strut about on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8; NASB)

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

If you need convincing that the homosexual (LGBTQ) movement is about immoral, unnatural behaviors rather than innate “identities” and “civil rights,” keep reading this article.

Chicago’s Leather Archives & Museum–a de facto “museum” of mostly homosexual sadomasochistic perversions–contains numerous works that eroticize adult sex with underage children–including man-boy sodomies and parent-child incest, AFTAH has learned. One book even offers advice from NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association, for adult “gay” men on how not to get entrapped by police in their “boy-love” pursuits.

The “museum” sits in the middle of a residential neighborhood in the heavily homosexual north side Chicago neighborhood of Rogers Park–within a half mile of three public schools (two elementary schools and a high school), as Americans For Truth previously reported. [See AFTAH’s PDF flier, which we distributed last week alerting residents to this perverse establishment.] There is also a day-care center nearby and young children evidently in its care are walked by the Leather “Museum” as part of their daily activities (see photo above).

The "Leather Archives" has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book "Macho Sluts," which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically tortures her own young daughter.

Sadism, Incest & Pedophilia on display: The “Leather Archives” has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book “Macho Sluts,” which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically sex-tortures and beats her own young daughter, who doubles as a her slave “lover.”

The homosexual “leather” world is so hellishly twisted and perverse that it is difficult to research and describe it without corrupting minds and souls. I venture to say that the uber-deviant fetish depravities honored and carefully documented by this “museum”–celebrating “fisting,” “watersports,” body-punishing “sex play,” masters-and-slaves, etc.–are simply inconceivable to the average human being. However, as depraved as BDSM (mostly homosexuals “Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) acts between consenting adults are, their wickedness and horror are magnified exponentially when involving children. In this case, that includes fictionalized pornographic fantasies glorifying adult sexual domination of minors, as in “Macho Sluts” –a work this writer saw on display when I toured the “museum” several years ago. The younger the child, the greater the evil.

Because AFTAH has been tracking the homosexual movement with its “leather” subculture for many years, we had some knowledge about the depraved and disturbing works possessed and made available by this “museum.” The mostly “gay” BDSM “erotica” opens a window into the history of modern homosexuality and its overlap with pedophilia and ephebophilia (adults who pursue sex with adolescents)–as well as other extreme behaviors once dubbed, in saner times, as anti-social and deviant. Ironically, the “leather” archivists and other homosexual historians have helped preserve and document this creepy, predatory reality of “gay history”–and LGBT perversions in general–for the wider public.

“Chicken” and chicken hawks

So pervasive is adult homosexual male lust for teenage boys that–through “gay liberation”–it earned its own slang category: “chicken” is “gay” slang for highly desired teen boys and “chick hawks” their adult sexual pursuers. (Boy Scouts of America: beware.) AFTAH will post future articles on the sickening and outrageous “gay” phenomenon that dehumanizes boys as “chicken” to be sexually devoured.

The following are brief descriptions of a sampling of selections from the Leather Archives & Museum; the items are available for perusal to patrons of the museum’s library. I apologize in advance for describing such awful deviance but it is our role to document and shed light on behaviors that are not only tolerated but honored, as it were, in the larger homosexual “community.” More will follow in future pieces:

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San Francisco AFTER the ‘Public Nudity Ban’ – AFTAH Exposes Depraved and Nudity-Filled ‘Up Your Alley’ Street Fair

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Perverse event in world’s “gay-est” city features “daddy-boy” master-slaves, human “puppies,” “Naked Twister” and lots of bared body parts

WARNING: Rear nudity, offensive photos and graphic descriptions; as always, AFTAH will block frontal nudity but we will publish photos with rear nudity. Our goal is to convey the “gay” Mecca’s radicalism and perverseness as realistically as possible without being pornographic.

“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.” (Romans 1: 29-31; NIV)


Even though San Francisco adopted a "public nudity" ban in 2013, it exempted the street fairs like the "Up Your Alley" event Sunday. The event featured hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full nudity.

SAN FRANCISCO, POST-“NUDITY BAN”: San Francisco adopted a “public nudity” ban in 2012. However, it exempted annual nudist events and homosexual-oriented street fairs like the “Up Your Alley” held in the city Sunday. The event drew thousands and featured hundreds upon hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full frontal nudity. “Up Your Alley” also promoted condom-less “barebacking” sodomy (condemned by the CDC) despite the presence of AIDS groups; and celebrated human degradation (“slaves”); and consensual violence, e.g., whipping people to the point of bleeding as an S&M ritual (see photos below). All Photos: Americans For Truth, Peter LaBarbera. Fair use allowed as long as “” is credited. Click on photos to enlarge or view in a separate window.


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

SAN FRANCISCO, California– Dear AFTAH Readers:

I was curious to see what out-and-proud San Francisco was like AFTER the city council passed its 2012 “public nudity ban”–which, curiously enough, exempts massive street fairs celebrating nudity and perversion. (This is San Francisco, after all.) So I ventured out to the world’s most sexually deviant city last weekend (Sunday, July 27) to cover its annual “Up Your Alley” street fair, also called “Dore Alley“–put on by the same proud perverts (er…sadomasochistic “leathermen”) that annually stage the notorious Folsom Street Fair.

Organizers of the “Up Your Ally” fair call it “Folsom’s Dirty Little Brother,” which, considering Folsom’s unbridled debauchery, is quite a recommendation for boundary-defying libertines and tourist gawkers who are there for the freak show. [See previous AFTAH stories on Folsom HERE (2007); HERE (2008) and HERE (2009).]

Below is the first installment of a several-part photo-story on the twisted event and the bizarre ethos of San Francisco; the next installment will document the fair’s promotion of “barebacking” (anal sex without a condom)–thus violating the CDC’s longtime, basic recommendation for HIV prevention to “men who have sex with men”: always use a condom. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. How ironic that the path of “Sexual Liberation” ended up at “Bondage and Discipline”…

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY PLAYER: Grown man poses with boy "slave" at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. I saw more than a few "Master/Slave"  "couples" in which the master was much older than the boy.

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY: Perhaps the spikes on his face mask give it away. Grown man poses with his boy love “slave” for a photo at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. The young man had a little white “tail” protruding from his shorts in the back. I witnessed dozens of “masters” walking around with their “slaves” attached to a leash (like a dog). And I also saw more than a few “Master/Slave couples” in which the master was much older than his boy slave(s). There were also heterosexual “Master/Slave” duos at Up Your Alley.

As the Bible says, “they invent ways of doing evil” (Ephesians 1:30). Here is one of the BDSM women at the street fair: 

This is a woman with a strap-on "dildo" (fake penis). She was seen

PENIS ENVY? This is a woman with a strap-on “dildo” (fake penis). It is attached to her groin area with a harness. She was seen earlier in a groping situation with a man. Sexual and gender confusion reign in San Francisco. It should be noted here, strange and comical as it may seem, that some lesbians use dildos to simulate heterosexual sex and/or anal sodomy. There are many attempts to imitate heterosexuality (i.e., normalcy)–some cruder than others–in the LGBT world. 

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