The following video was published by the Family Research Council (FRC) on September 20, 2013. I agree with Leo Johnson [at 6:40 on the vide0] that “gay” activist Floyd Corkins deserved a tougher sentence than 25 years (especially considering that only Johnson’s heroics likely kept Corkins from committing mass murder). Newsbusters documents HERE how the major networks ABC, NBC and CBS ignored the sentencing of Corkins, who targeted FRC based on a spurious “hate map” put out by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Needless to say, had the situation been reversed and a conservative activist had nearly committed mass murder at the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (a homosexual lobby group), the story would have been received far greater coverage than the shocking attack on FRC. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [more information follows the the video, after the jump]
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