“Even this traditional icon of Americana … is being co-opted by whitewashed depravity.”—Linda Harvey

Macy’s Corrupts Children — And Liberals Are Loving it: Homosexual behavior is immoral, and proscribed as sinful in the Bible (see Romans 1:26). Yet major corporations like Macy’s–egged on by the radical Human Rights Campaign–are promoting it like never before. This is a photo from a YouTube video of the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, which featured two actresses kissing (we’ve blocked the indecent kiss here). The occasion for the celebration of lesbianism was a new Broadway musical comedy, “The Prom,” about a lesbian student who is frustrated (by Christian bigots, of course) in her attempt to take another girl to her high school prom.
Folks, we’ll have more on this latest abuse of children’s innocence by pro-LGBTQ “progressives.” I was attacked on Twitter for tweeting this about my good friend Linda Harvey’s piece (one fanatic urged Twitter to suspend me):
Cultural Subversion: Macy’s had to *go there* and promote #lesbianism at their parade, because mainstreaming deviance is now a corporate norm, thanks to leftist Sin Movement lobby groups like @HRC: https://t.co/74hh6OlMOV
Hollywood and the media are really, really good at selling sexual perversion. But also remember that much of corporate LGBTQ activism of this type is being done to score points on the LGBTQueer lobby Human Wrongs Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard. That scoring system, outlined by AFTAH HERE, uses deceptive and very unfair tactics to pressure companies to adopt pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” policies. More on that coming. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Macy’s Parade Marred by Lesbian Teen Kiss
By Linda Harvey, Mission America
Opinion, first published November 22, 2018
On Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 am, we turned on the TV, eager to see the Ohio State marching band in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. The famous all-brass stars of Big 10 football games were scheduled to be the leading band in the heartwarming procession down Central Park West to 34th Street.
But of course, we weren’t allowed to enjoy this moment before the incessant homosexual agenda was thrust into America’s face.
The cast of the hit Broadway musical “The Prom” performed in the first few minutes of the broadcast, smilingly introduced by NBC’s Hoda Kotb as the story of a teen girl whose high school would rather cancel prom than let her take a girlfriend to the dance. In the scene, the female performers held hands—one in a tuxedo and the other in a dress — and the closing touch was their lesbian kiss.
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