AFTAH to AFA’s One News Now: Log Cabinites are homosexual activists first, Republicans second
The following is reprinted from American Family Association’s “One News Now” online news source:
GOP seeks ‘big tent’ but who props it up?
By Charlie Butts (, September 28, 2016 |
With just weeks to go before Election Day, a pro-family advocate is questioning the Republican Party’s affiliation with a homosexual group.
Newt Gingrich is set to speak tonight, September 28, at a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans. The pro-homosexual group is meeting in Washington, D.C., where the keynote speaker is the former Speaker of the House.
Peter LaBarbera, who heads Americans for Truth, recalls that Log Cabin president Gregory Angelo publicly expressed anger this summer over the socially conservative platform approved by the Republican Party.
In a July press release, Angelo complained that the GOP “passed the most anti-LGBT platform in the party’s 162-year history,” citing “opposition to marriage equality” and “nonsense about bathrooms.”
LaBarbera says it’s a fair question why Gingrich is helping an organization raise money that’s attacking the Republican Party’s conservative beliefs.
“I think this is the fallacy of the big tent,” says LaBarbera. “The Log Cabin Republicans are homosexual activists first, Republican second.”
The more the GOP reaches out to homosexual Republicans, he warns, “the more they alienate their massive Christian, conservative, grassroots base.”
LaBarbera says the Log Cabin Republicans report [in 2008] only 20,000 members nationwide, meaning Gingrich and others risk offending millions of conservative Americans [for a tiny amount of votes].
Related AFTAH articles:
(2008): “Homosexual Group ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Has a Measly 20,000 Members Nationwide”