Chicago ‘Gay’ Bathhouse Steamworks Again Lures Young Men Through ‘Spring Break Student Discount’

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

steamworks_spring_break-1WARNING: Offensive Descriptions of Homosexual Perversions

“Think twice about mixing alcohol and/or recreational drugs with sex. They can reduce your ability to make good decisions and can lead to risky behavior—like having sex without a condom.

“Limit your number of partners. You can lower your risk for STDs if you only have sex with one person who only has sex with you.”–“CDC Fact Sheet: What Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Need to Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases,” last updated Nov. 13, 2014


By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

If you haven’t noticed, most of the media debate surrounding homosexuality–insofar as the media even consider there to be a legitimate “debate”–centers around “marriage” and monogamy. Precious little attention is given to the actual set of behaviors that not only has made–especially male homosexuality–a dangerous lifestyle, but which also provides evidence that homosexualism is precisely what moralists say it is: wrong, perverse and destructive behavior.

Homosexual institutions, organizations and “gay” sex businesses actively recruit young people to join their ranks. Catering to male homosexual sex is big business. Below we have a particularly wicked institution, Steamworks–a Chicago homosexual bathhouse where men go for indiscriminate, anonymous sexual encounters with other men–trying to lure college boys to its debauched premises. This ad ran last week (March 21-29) on the Chicago Steamworks website:


Wanted: Young Men: Web ad for the Chicago homosexual bathhouse “Steamworks”–part of a North American chain–advertises a “Student Discount” for Spring Break 2015.

AFTAH has called for the closure of homosexual bathhouses in the interest of protecting the public’s health–e.g., women who are infected with HIV by male spouses who secretly engage in homosexual acts on the “down low. ” And we have reported on this particular Chicago bathhouse before. It sits in a large, nondescript building on Halsted Street in the heart of the city’s homosexual “Boystown” neighborhood (officially demarcated with “gay” rainbow pillars lining the streets). In fact, about a decade ago, I joined some hardy souls in a late-night “protest/Christian witness” outside this bathhouse.

For years, Steamworks has participated in the annual Chicago homosexual “Pride” festivities. It is part of a North American chain of homosexual bathhouses–others are located in Berkeley, California, Seattle, Washington–and in Canada in Toronto, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia.


What goes on in a bathhouse? I can only know from reading accounts by people who have been there: men young and old pay to get in. They buy a locker for their clothes–$5 off the usual price with a student ID, according to the “Spring Break”ad–and then walk around in a towel, which of course makes it easier to engage in sodomies with complete strangers. Customers can pay extra for a private room.

There is a sauna, showers and hot tub–and surely sodomitic acts occur in all three. Homosexual pornography spews from TVs throughout the building to stoke the hyper-sexual, orgiastic atmosphere. I cannot imagine the hygienic violations at a place like Steamworks but it is telling that in online reviews of this and other “gay” sex clubs, men complain about sticky floors.

The depraved and vile goings-on in bathhouses predictably contribute to the astronomically high rates of STD rates among homosexual men, but the response of government health bureaucrats and researchers to the crisis seems to be to use the bathhouses and “gay” sex clubs as distribution points for condoms and “safer sex” information–rather than to close them down or at least regulate them more tightly. That’s sort of like passing out anti-gambling literature at a racetrack but it has been the politically correct “safer sex” mentality for decades.

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Video: Dead ‘Gay’ Porn Stars Memorial – Created by Former Homosexual Joseph Sciambra

Thursday, February 19th, 2015
God rescued ex-"gay" Joseph Sciambra from the homosexual porn industry and the depravities of a debauched homosexual "deathstyle." See his website at

There Is Hope: God rescued ex-“gay” Joseph Sciambra from the homosexual porn industry and the depravities of a debauched homosexual “deathstyle.” See his website at Buy his book, “Swallowed by Satan,” HERE.

Folks, if this video doesn’t touch your soul, then you have no soul. All of these men were cut down in the prime of their life. They got on the wrong road–making homosexual pornography–and I’m afraid that barring repentence for some, it took them to perdition. The Bible says:

“There is a way that seems right to a man, and its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12; ESV)

I had forgotten the passing of one of the men in this video–“sex positive” homosexual writer Scott O’Hara. I remember back when I was a newbie at monitoring the “gay” agenda–having launched “Lambda Report” in 1993–being shocked by O’Hara’s magazine, “STEAM.” Its libidinous purpose was to “help” homosexual men cruise for sex in parks and public restrooms. Read his Wikipedia bio here: it is one of the saddest I’ve ever read: O’Hara’s short life–he died at 36 in 1998–was devoted to pursuing and promoting deviant sex.

I take no delight in passing this along to you. It is not another mere “talking point” against homosexuality. It is much more than that. God surely wanted more for these men than than to be a cog in the wheel of an evil industry that glorifies sexual sin–one that used them up and then moved on to the next batch of young men to exploit for the almighty dollar–pornography is a very big business in the the male homosexual world; indeed in the entire fallen world.

And now the flip side: this video was created by Joseph Sciambra, who was once a “gay” porn actor himself before fleeing his homosexual “deathstyle” through the grace of God. See Joseph’s website HERE; I look forward to meeting him and helping get out his heartwarming story.

This modern age, including much of “Christendom,” seems to celebrate ambiguity, but do not doubt that we are in a battle of Good versus Evil. Sexual sin of all stripes is running rampant in our nation. The Left champions “sex workers,” as if it is just another occupation or special interest group. But the Christian knows that souls are in the balance here. The Lord rescued Joseph Sciambra; we pray that He rescues many more people caught up in pornography and the lies of homosexuality and gender confusion. Because we do not want anyone to die without knowing Christ. Can you see Satan’s work in the curtailed lives memorialized in this video? — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; AFTAH FaceBook Page HERE


Joseph Sciabra writes:

Published on Aug 22, 2013

A tribute to the men who lost their lives in the porn industry. There are many more names besides those I listed here; but these actors all had a cause of death that could be traced directly back to their time in pornography. Do not let their deaths be in vain: Don’t watch porn! For more information go to:

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