WATCH: Sorba Undercover Video #3 Shows Democrats Supporting ‘Polyamorous Marriage’ Rights – Multiple-Partner Unions

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Folks, I will say this about the latest Ryan Sorba video: you don’t need to go undercover to reveal the Democrats’ penchant for embracing any sexual lifestyle that is outside the bounds of one-man/one-woman marriage. More and more social liberals–who always follow the “progressives'” lead–are jumping on the “polyamory” (multiple-partner) bandwagon. Sorba’s description of the video follows the jump and the video. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


Ryan Sorba writes:

Published on Jun 22, 2015

Recently, I went undercover posing as a same-sex marriage activist and asked prominent gay activists and Democrats the following question:

“If the purpose of marriage is to confer dignity upon individuals who love each other, then what about polygamous couples who love each other? They should be able to marry too, don’t you think?”

Shockingly, the gay activists and Democrats all answered, “Yes!”

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RACIST ‘GAYS’ – Sorba Undercover Video Shows Barney Frank’s ‘Husband’ Jim Ready Taking Drugs, Joking about Offering Blacks Watermelon for Votes

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Folks, here is my friend Ryan Sorba’s second undercover video exposing homosexual activists’ hypocrisy and, in this case, racism. It was published June 2, 2015. The first video, showing homosexuals telling how they were not “born gay” but molested when they were young. is available HERE. Please donate to Ryan’s efforts HERE. See his extended comments on the irrationality of homosexual “marriage” following the video. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; AFTAH Facebook Page: HERE

Below is Ryan’s introduction to the video:

Last month I went undercover and discovered that many gays attribute their sexual orientation to molestation or other traumatic life experiences. While I was investigating I heard quite a few racist comments. The comments prompted me to initiate a second investigation into the subject of homosexuality and race. What I found was once again shocking. Although the homosexual movement has attempted to link itself to the black civil rights movement, racism still runs rampant in a community that supposedly espouses equal treatment. [continued after video and page jump…]

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WATCH: Ryan Sorba Video Shows ‘Gays’ Admitting They Were Not Born That Way – Some Homosexually Raped as Boys

Friday, May 1st, 2015

This is a powerful undercover video by Ryan Sorba. Note that several of the homosexual men in the video tell how they were molested as boys. Tragically, an adult man CHOSE homosexuality for them. For example, at the 3:20 mark, a man at a bar says, “I was molested when I was 13”; he says it was by a “family friend who was 21.” The man says that he “liked” the initial sexual experience, but that it “was one of the most terrifying moments I ever had.” And at the 10:00 mark another man says, “I became gay when I was raped”; he was just a 12-year-old boy and his rapist was a man who was his next-door neighbor in Mexico. Yet another “gay” man (11:05) says he was molested as a child “and that affected me!”

You won’t hear about this in the “mainstream media,” but homosexual molestation and predatory seduction are one of the key entry paths into a “gay” identity and lifestyle for many males. Yet for decades homosexual activists like Harvey Milk (who himself was molested as a boy; see the book, “Mayor of Castro Street,” by Randy Shilts) have ridiculed any connection between pedophilia and homosexuality. You don’t get much raw truth on this issue, anymore, so share this video with your family and friends who have bought the lie that homosexuals are “born that way.” We regret that the video contains profanity. Please support Sorba’s “GoFundMe” online fundraising campaign HERE— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


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