VIDEO: Obama’s DOJ Community Relations Service Offers Politically Correct ‘Transgender’ Sensitivity Video to Police

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Video does not mention ‘prostitution’ even though that is a major factor in violence against “male-to-female” transsexuals

Violence and abuse are always wrong, but the DOJ transgender police video never

Simplistic Stats: Criminal violence and abuse are always wrong, but the DOJ transgender police video never mentions the major role of prostitution in violence against “male-to-female” transsexuals. Above is homosexual D.C. cop Sgt. Brett Parson, who serves as narrator for the biased video. The above graphic (7:07 in the video) alludes to “1 in 4” transgender people being victimized in “hate crimes” allegedly “because of who they are.” This is simplistic and misleading since it ignores reckless behaviors and realities within the LGBTQ subculture–especially urban “transgender” (biological) men who prostitute themselves posing as “women.” Click to enlarge.

The Obama administration’s “transgender” obsession continues. Here we have a new training video released by the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service, an agency that most Americans probably didn’t even know exists (I didn’t). According to a DOJ press release, “CRS produced the video with the support of the National Center for Transgender Equality, PFLAG National, and the Prince George’s County Police Department in Maryland.”

So Obama’s DOJ worked hand-in-hand with D.C.-area “transgender” and homosexual activists–including narrator and D.C.’s top “gay” cop Sgt. Brett Parson (pardon the pun)–to produce this tendentious video with its misleading “trans” advocacy talking points. Your tax dollars at work.

Note the video’s manipulative bias and lack of context, for example: 1) the bathroom scene in which the hetero mom holding a baby is the villain (and what about localities and businesses where it is not legal or allowed for men to use the women’s restroom?); and 2) how the word “prostitute” is not mentioned even though street hustling is a major factor in violence against “male to female” transsexuals. Can you think of anything more dangerous than a biological man walking the street (or being an escort) as a prostitute pretending to be a woman–offering his services to strange men who may think they are about to commit sex acts with someone who is really a woman?!

I wonder: when will the DOJ produce a video teaching sensitivity toward people of faith and those defending biblical morals? It is a sad day when our men and women in blue become change agents for a lobby promoting disordered sex and gender rebellion. More on the Obama administration’s extreme (and unchecked) LGBTQ agenda coming. @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [A full transcript follows after the jump]:

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Media Myths of the Homosexual-Transgender Agenda – Special AIM Report by Peter LaBarbera

Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Photo-story version

Warning: This report contains some offensive descriptions and graphics

This is a woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed to appear like the "man" she wants to be. The homosexual-transgender lobby is advocating such body-mutilating surgeries even for minors--and at taxpayers' expense through the military and government-subsidized health care.

Self-Delusion, Self-Destruction: This is a young Massachusetts woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed to live out her “transgender” fantasy that she is a “man.”  The homosexual-transgender lobby is advocating such body-mutilating surgeries even for “trans” minors–and at taxpayers’ expense through the military and government-subsidized health care.  Photo:

This special report by AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for Accuracy in Media was first published by AIM on August 19, 2016; we have taken the liberty of adding several photos with captions to the original article.


By Peter LaBarbera, Special Report for Accuracy in Media

The purpose of this report is to expose and refute some of the longstanding statistical lies and propagandistic myths of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activist movement. With media support, homosexual and leftist activists now openly campaign to banish dissenting conservative voices. This dangerous dynamic gives the homosexual-transgender lobby nearly full rein to advance its agenda, which now includes:

  • Levying large fines to punish Christians and traditionalists who do not want to participate with their small business in homosexual “weddings”;
  • Criminalizing pro-heterosexual change therapy for sexually confused minors;
  • Using the government to force schools and businesses to allow “transgenders”—e.g., men who think they are women—to use public female (opposite-sex) restrooms and locker rooms;
  • Using LGBT “nondiscrimination” laws to mandate that public schools and businesses punish anyone who does not adhere to politically-correct transgender-inclusive language—such as using “zir” instead of “her.” New York City now demands “respect” for 31 “gender identities,” including “genderqueer,” “third sex” and “pangender”;
  • Taxpayer-funding for horrifying, body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries,” e.g., a woman having her healthy breasts surgically removed to look like a flat-chested “man,” or a man having his penis surgically destroyed to craft a makeshift “vagina”;
  • Allowing transsexuals into the U.S. military, and paying for their destructive, gender-bending “surgeries” in the name of “health care”;
  • Encouraging young people to adopt opposite-sex “gender identities”—even going so far as encouraging underage children to take hormones to offset puberty—in a futile attempt to “become” the opposite sex—or worse: allowing minor boys and girls to have their sexual organs surgically mutilated to appear like the opposite-sex; and
  • Teaching very young children—even kindergartners—to accept homosexuality and the radical “transgender” idea that they can choose a “gender identity” that does not match their biological sex.

So awash is the public in pro-homosexual propaganda that a 2011 Gallup poll found the average American “guesstimated” that a whopping 25 percent of the population is “gay.” (Women and people under 30 put the number even higher, at around 30 percent.) The actual percentage of homosexual men, lesbians and bisexuals in the U.S. population is just 2.3 percent (see below).

The 10 Percent Myth

10 Percent Lie: For decades homosexual activists promoted the myth — started by a homosexual activist — that a full 10 percent of the populace is “gay.” Reality finally caught up with the LGBT Lobby: a major government survey found that only 2.3 percent of those polled identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Above is a book by homosexual activist Kevin Jennings claiming that one-tenth of teachers is homosexual.

This ’10 Percent’ Lie Helped Grow “Gay” Power: For decades homosexual activists promoted the myth — started by a homosexual activist — that a full 10 percent of the populace is “gay.” Reality finally caught up with the LGBT Lobby: a major U.S. government survey found that only 2.3 percent of those polled in 2013 identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Above is a book by homosexual activist Kevin Jennings claiming that one in ten teachers is homosexual. 

The “10 percent” myth is one of the most enduring propaganda claims of the homosexual activist movement. Concocted in the late 1970s by Bruce Voeller, founder of the National Gay Task Force (predecessor of today’s National LGBTQ Task Force), it was accompanied by the slogan, “We Are Everywhere.”

Thus, just as “gay” militants pressured and bullied America’s mental health professionals to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1973, they greatly exaggerated the homosexual population to expand their political power in subsequent years. And the media duly cooperated by promoting the statistical sham. For decades American reporters treated the 10 percent claim—a misreading of deviant, pioneering “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey’s discredited research—as fact, using it to “report” huge numbers of alleged homosexuals in society.

The 10 percent myth served its purpose of projecting enormous “gay” political strength when the movement was still weak. But study after study came up with estimates of the homosexual-bisexual population under 5 percent. A massive 2014 survey of 35,557 Americans by the federal National Center for Health Statistics dealt a death blow to the Ten Percent claim. It found that only 1.6 percent of those polled identified as “gay or lesbian,” while 0.7 percent said they were “bisexual.” In 2011 the pro-LGBT Williams Institute at UCLA estimated that 0.3 percent identified as transgender. Thus a combined estimate for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in America is around 3 percent.

Born Gay?—No Way

Another popular “gay” activist myth is the notion that homosexuals are “born that way.” This convenient narrative—stoked for many years by LGBT advocates—takes morality out of the homosexual debate by suggesting that homosexuals are not responsible for their sexual behaviors because “being gay” is a genetic part of “who they are.”

From a scientific perspective, however, the “born gay” myth—like its bogus “10 Percent Gay” counterpart—has fallen on hard times. In the 1990s, talk of a “gay gene” was all the rage after then-closeted homosexual researcher Dean Hamer published a media-ballyhooed 1993 study in the journal Sciencepurporting to find a “genetic marker” for male homosexual “orientation.” But Science could not replicate its own study, and other attempts failed as well. Now genetic homosexuality is no longer in vogue, although the possibility of a “gay gene” still excites reporters.

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Affidavit & Video: Cross-dressing Transgender Voyeur Shauna Smith – Who Shot Video of Woman Undressing at Idaho Target Store – Says It Was Like Viewing Porn

Saturday, July 16th, 2016
Transgender Target Voyeur - "Shauna Smith," aka Sean Patrick Smith.

Transgender Target Voyeur – “Shauna Smith,” aka Sean Patrick Smith, admitted to shooting a secret video of a young woman undressing in an Idaho Target store changing room (while he was dressed as a woman himself). In a police affidavit, Smith said he videotaped women like the Target victim undressing for the “same reason men go online to look at pornography”; see PDF of affidavit here.  Click on photo to enlarge.

“The defendant [Sean Patrick Smith aka Shauna Smith] eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying.”–affidavit of probable cause against accused transgender Target voyeur Shauna Smith

The following is the text of the police affidavit of probably cause for the arrest of suspected Idaho transgender voyeur “Shauna Smith,” whose birth name is Sean Patrick Smith. Go here to view a PDF of the actual affidavit, courtesy of East Idaho News, [Note: bolded emphasis is ours, and we have put in brackets the pronouns that fit Smith’s actual biological sex as opposed to his confused transgender identity; a video of Smith’s court appearance–from jail–follows after the jump]:


Affidavit of Probable Cause for Warrantless Arrest under I.C.R. 5

Detective Zeb Graham, the undersigned peace officer, being first duly sworn, deposes and states under oath as follows:

1. I am a duly qualified and acting peace officer for Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.

2. I have probable cause to believe the above-identified defendant committed the offense(s) of Video Voyeurism (FELONY)(IC 18-6609).

3. The facts upon which I rely in believing there is probable cause that the above defendant. _ _ committed the above offense(s) On July 11, 2016, Deputy P. Sagers responded to a report of a disturbance that took place at Target (a large retail store), city of Ammon, Bonneville County, ID. An 18-year old female, M.R., reported to Deputy Sagers that while she was trying on swimwear in a fitting room at Target, someone in the adjacent fitting room was video recording or taking photographs of her with an Apple Phone i by holding the phone over top of the barrier between the rooms.

The victim’s mother, T.R., confronted the suspect, who immediately fled on foot. Both M.R. and T.R. described the suspect as a white male who was wearing a dress and a blonde wig. A witness, T.M, observed the suspect get into a vehicle and leave area. This vehicle is registered to the defendant. On July 12, 2016, I contacted the defendant’s roommate, L.B., who told me that her [roommate] is a transgender male who identifies as a female, Shauna Smith. I showed L.B. surveillance still photos of the suspect from [Target], and L.B. identified the suspect’s clothing as that of the defendant’s [sic].

I contacted the defendant on July 12, 2016. I interviewed the defendant. The defendant eventually admitted to me that she [he] had made videos in the past of women undressing. The defendant told me that she [he] makes these videos for the ‘same reason men go online to look at pornography’. The defendant told me that she [he] finds the videos sexually gratifying. The defendant asked me to unlock her [his] Apple iPhone and look at the camera roll. I looked at the camera roll and observed a video of a young adult female undressing in a changing room at what appears to be Target. The defendant admitted to me that this video was recorded at Target.

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Save the Date – Friday, October 28 – AFTAH Banquet Featuring Linda Harvey – ‘Selling Gender Deviance to America’s Youth’

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

Even minors are seeking body-disfiguring operations–as “progressives” promote gender confusion to kids

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of the homosexual and transgender agenda on America’s youth. Harvey is the keynote speaker at the annual AFTAH dinner-banquet on Friday, October 28, at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL. She is speaking on: “How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.” The banquet is just $25/person or a Table of 10 for $250; pay online HERE or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

Note:  Pay at the Door: doors open at 5:00 PM, Friday, Oct. 28 and dinner will be served at 6:30. Linda’s presentation begins at 7:30.  Tickets are just $25 and you can pay at the door. See Basic Info below.

Hey all, please reserve the date of Friday, October 28, 2016 for AFTAH’s annual Chicagoland banquet. This year we’re very excited to have as our keynote speaker my good friend, Linda Harvey–the founder of Mission America, a WND columnist, and one of the world’s leading pro-family experts on the aggressive agenda to corrupt youth with homosexualism and transsexualism.

On Friday, Oct. 28 we will have our annual dinner-banquet, only at a different location than usual: Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, Illinois, pastored by my friend John Kirkwood. Linda will lead an in-depth discussion on radical transgender youth activism. Doors will open at 5:00 pm and our dinner will be served around 6:30. We will have a Q&A period after Linda’s talk, which has this theme:

“How the Gay and Transgender Lobbies Are Selling Gender Deviance & Body Mutilation to America’s Youth.”

The AFTAH dinner-banquet event costs just $25 but if you are able, please consider buying a Table of 10 for $250.   You can sign up online using our special banquet sign-up form HERE. Or mail your check to:

PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522

NOTE: If you cannot make the banquet, please send a gift to AFTAH anyway to help us fight the anti-Christian, anti-freedom, pro-corrupt-the-children Homosexual-Transgender Lobby: give online HERE.


Basic Facts:

What:  Annual Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Dinner-Banquet fundraiser

When:  Friday, October 28, 2016; doors open at 5:00; dinner served at 6:30

Who:  Linda Harvey, founder of the Christian, pro-family group Mission America and columnist

Where:  Grace Gospel Fellowship church in Bensenville, IL (near Route 83 and I-290). Address: Grace-Gospel Fellowship, 4 North 220 Route 83 (Frontage Road), Bensenville, IL 60106; church phone: (630) 834-0550. The church is a red barn-like building with abortion-victim crosses in the yard: it is on the west side of Rt. 83, about a mile north of I-290. In Google Maps, the church is listed as “Grace Gospel Center.”  Park behind the church and enter through the lower level. 

Cost:  Just $25 per person or $250 for a Table of 10; pay online using our Banquet Form, or mail your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522  [to give a general donation to AFTAH, go here]

Questions?  Write Brad Wallace at; call him at 312-324-3787. Or write AFTAH at


About the Table of 10: we also encourage YOU to help Americans For Truth by purchasing a Table of 10–just $250 for the dinner-banquet. Even if you can’t fill your entire table, you will help us fill those spots with students and others who otherwise couldn’t afford to come.

AFTAH annual banquets are special. Ask anyone who’s been to one! They are not about celebrity but are  highly informative and ALWAYS focused mainly on the mission of educating people about homosexualism and transsexualism. You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to learn from and interact with a modern-day pro-family hero, Linda Harvey.

In an age of utter confusion and sexual/gender anarchy, Truth is even more precious and we must defend it vigorously. Please save these days and make it a point to be there! @Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [an important P.S. on “Why We Fight” after jump]

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The ‘Transgender’ Lobby’s Civil Rights Con – Common Sense Bathroom Laws Are Nothing Like Racist Jim Crow Laws

Thursday, May 19th, 2016
Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries and author of "The Truth About Homosexuality."

Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries and author of “The Truth About Homosexuality.”

“Race and Transgenderism are utterly incomparable, and so are common sense bathroom laws and racist segregation. Yet this hasn’t stopped immoralists and pro-LGBT advocates from drawing a false equivalence between the two.”–Bruce Smith Jr.

Folks, we welcome Bruce Smith Jr., founder of Purity Quest Ministries, as a contributor to Americans For Truth. Smith analyzes the LGBT analogy between “transgender women” (men in dresses) being denied entry into female restrooms and racist Jim Crow laws of the past. Former GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson has called such analogies “a bunch of crap,” and we agree. Smith is also the author of the book, The Truth About Homosexuality, which I encourage you to purchase.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera


By Bruce Smith Jr.

We’re being lied to and the liars at the fore of the “transgender” movement hope we don’t notice. The problem is their falsehoods are so obvious that it is impossible to overlook them– except for those who just aren’t paying attention and the liberals who actually believe the lies are true.

In any case, it is time to set the record straight on the “transgender” activist movement, the lies on which it is based, and the liars that are perpetuating this insanity.

Let’s begin with the term itself. The common liberal definition of “transgender” is a person trapped inside the body of the opposite sex. This is telling because it assumes that it is possible for someone to be trapped in the wrong body, which is a false assumption. Moreover, it establishes that “transgenderism” is based entirely on feelings and opinions; it is a concept that only exists in the mind of the subject.

Race_Is_Not_A_Feeling_Graphic_Bruce_Smith_QuoteThus, “transgenderism” is subjective not objective. In other words, it does not correspond to reality. This is why “transgenderism” has been diagnosed as a “gender identity disorder.”

Race, on the other hand, is objective. I am a multiracial man—some would say person of color; that is a fact. Race is not limited to the mind of the subject. It is actual, it corresponds with reality and is verifiable.

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Why ‘Transgenders’ Should Not Be Allowed to Choose a Public Bathroom by their ‘Gender Identity’

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
Upside-Down: Like homosexual activists before them, "transgender ideologues say the problem is with society, not them. This is a 2014 tweet

Upside-Down: Like homosexual activists before them, “transgender” ideologues say the problem is with society, not them. This 2014 tweet (in the “transgender pride” colors of baby blue and pink) by Transgender Graphics reads: “There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world you live in.”–Chris Colfer (actor and former Glee star). Click to enlarge.

By Sharon Kass

When it comes to social issues, conservatives from all walks of life need to be able to make brief, concise, multi-faceted arguments.  On the transgenders-in-public-bathrooms issue, here is mine:

  1. The need and wish for modesty between males and females is the original and eternal justification for sex-segregated, public, multi-use bathrooms.
  1. The Equal Protection Clause (EPC) of the Fourteenth Amendment did not originally, and does not now, apply to the sexes.
  1. Even supposing that the EPC did apply to the sexes to some degree, the S. Supreme Court has repeatedly stated that, based on fact, the sexes are not “similarly situated” in all situations and that the law may recognize this.  Relevant cases include Reed v. Reed(1971), Rinaldi v. Yeager (1966), Parham v. Hughes (1979), Califano v. Webster (1977), Schlesinger v. Ballard (1975) and Kahn v. Shevin (1974).

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It’s Not Just About Bathrooms: Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

In addition to allowing men in female restrooms, Target backs radical LGBT “Equality Act”; boasts 100% perfect score on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”

target-3Folks, today I sent the following letter to Target using their online Contact Form. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

TAKE ACTION: Contact Target at 800-440-0680 or using their Online Contact Form; and sign the AFA “Boycott Target” petition if you plan to join the boycott. If you do, make a point of going into your local Target store or calling the manager to explain why you and your family will no longer shop there. 


TARGET: 100% Pro-Homosexual-Transgender Agenda: Target boasts online of its “perfect” ranking on HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.” The biased LGBT “Index” punishes corporations for giving to pro-family causes–and rewards them for funding “gay” and “transgender” groups and events. This graphic is taken directly from the Target website.


Why My Family Won’t Be Shopping at Target Stores Anymore

May 2, 2016

By Peter LaBarbera

WARNING: offensive descriptions of horrifying transsexual “sex reassignment surgeries”

Dear Target,

My family and I are joining the Target boycott and will no longer shop at your stores. It is preposterous that all Target stores now allow men to use female restrooms—a sex predator’s dream. Girls have the basic right not to have their private spaces invaded by men, for ANY reason.

My family has done a LOT of shopping at Target over the years, but no more. One of my five children even worked at Target–but now I will not allow my two teenage kids to apply for a job there given Target’s leftist, politically correct corporate policies. Target has chosen to be contemptuous of common sense and Americans who are motivated by faith, decency and traditional morality. So we in turn choose to no longer support Target with our consumer dollars.

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Franklin Graham Condemns PayPal as ‘Hypocrite of the Year’ for North Carolina Pullout over Transgender Bathroom Law

Friday, April 8th, 2016

Franklin_Graham_microphone_FBChristian evangelist Franklin Graham made the following Facebook post April 6, 2016:

By Franklin Graham

PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award! This company says they’re not coming to North Carolina because the legislators and Gov. Pat McCrory have passed a law to protect women and children against sexual predators by not allowing men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Congressman Robert Pittenger made a great point yesterday: “PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position.”

PayPal operates in countries including Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Yemen for Pete’s sake. Just last month PayPal announced they would be expanding in Cuba, a country in which homosexuals and transgender people have been imprisoned, tortured, and executed. PayPal only agreed to come to Charlotte in the first place after holding out for millions in corporate incentives. And under the current law that they are so strongly protesting, PayPal could have chosen their own corporate bathroom policies.

I’m very proud of NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest who said:

“If our action in keeping men out of women’s bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it. North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children. They are precious and priceless. If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else.”

He couldn’t be more right! We need more politicians across the country with this kind of backbone. Pray for the NC governor, lieutenant governor, and legislators that they stand strong against the attacks of this wicked agenda.

?#?NCprivacyandsafety? ?#?StoptheBullying?

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