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‘Gay’ Hero Frank Kameny Calls Believers “Christianofascists”; Library of Congress Honors “Gay Is Godly” AtheistBy Peter LaBarbera The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, a leftist homosexual organization, honored Frank Kameny at its 2006 Creating Change conference Nov. 8-12 in Kansas City, Missouri. At the event, Kameny referred to Christians with venom, calling them “Christianofascists” and “nutty fundamentalists,” according to an Americans For Truth reporter who attended the conference and heard his acceptance speech. The author of the “gay is good” slogan, Kameny–whose papers have just been accepted by the Library of Congress and the National Museum of American History–also told conference attendees that “gay is moral and virtuous,” as part of his ongoing crusade to redefine ancient moral truths through catchy activist slogans. I’ve known Kameny for years. I respect his zeal, but loathe his ideology, just as he loathes mine. He is brilliant but wasted his considerable intellect and talents on homosexual activism, which is a shame. Like others in the pro-family movement, I have been on the receiving end of Kameny’s angry and pointed letters, or should I say screeds, in which–if my memory serves–he would repeat his patented slogan, “Gay is good,” followed by, “Gay is godly. You are neither.” Kameny is a feisty old bird who agreed to sit down with me and Ken Ervin for an extended interview back when Ken and I were both working at Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. One of the things we learned in that interview is that Kameny is an atheist, which makes his “gay is godly” assertion a tad disingenuous. But hey, anything to advance the homosexual cause, right? ![]()
We’ll have more about Frank Kameny later, but suffice it to say that this man with a penchant for anti-Christian bigotry and questionable sloganeering does not deserve to be honored as a “civil rights” pioneer by America’s national library. Somehow my mind just can’t get around the idea of putting Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman in the same category, historically speaking, with a homosexual and “fervent atheist” who says “gay is godly” and “gay is moral and virtuous,” just to sock it to the Christians.
From the Task Force’s Creating Change conference daily report dated Nov 10, 2006:
Mario Guerrero went on to say of Kameny:
During the weekend, Kameny expanded on his phrase “gay is good” by explaining:
Continuing, the daily report says:
A note from AFT: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force apparently didn’t care to publicize Kameny’s actual remarks. Kameny called Christians “nutty fundamentalists” and warned the 1,000+ homosexual activists present to remember that “Christianofascists” burned heretics and that they would like to “burn us, too” and would do it if they could, according to a member of Americans For Truth who attended “Creating Change.” Kameny added that Christians are “after us vigorously” and that homosexuals must “do something,” must “keep on fighting.” Kameny also bragged that his letters and protest signs would now reside in the same collection as the desk that Thomas Jefferson used to draft the US Constitution, in the same collection as the implements used by Abraham Lincoln to craft the Emancipation Proclamation. The Task Force daily report concludes:
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on Wednesday, November 15th, 2006 at 12:07 pm and is filed under 01 - Gay, Activists, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Task Force.
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