Another Fake “Gay” Hate Crime? Gary Glenn Asks Task Force to Apologize for Blaming Him for Death of Anthony Anthos


Pro-family leader Gary Glenn: “gay” Task Force blamed him for “murder” of homosexual man 

How would you like to blamed for a murder that never even happened? Ask pro-family hero Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan. This is part of an incredible national story: “gay” militants staging “hate crimes” which are then blamed — with the help of the biased liberal media — on pro-family conservatives and Christians. You could fill a large book documenting the cases of fake “hate crimes” — just in the last couple of decades — many of them homosexual-related, others racial.

It’s all about the politics of “hate” and the homosexual activists’ manipulative push for a “gay”- and “trans”-inclusive federal “hate crimes” law — which would only quadruple the potential for abusing American law enforcement to punish Christians and promote the homosexual agenda.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Matt Foreman of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force to apologize to Glenn, after maliciously blasting Glenn by name following the apparent assault of 72-year-old Anthony Anthos (see Foreman’s slanderous comments at bottom or click HERE). All of this is a reminder of the potential for abuse if “hate crimes” law based on homosexuality and gender confusion (“sexual orientation” and “gender identity”) is federalized.

TAKE ACTION against “Thought Crimes”: Call your U.S. Representative and Senators at 202-224-3121 and ask them to oppose HR 1592, the “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act,” and other versions of “Hate Crimes” legislation. (For more information about two other “Hate Crimes” alternative bills, HR 984 and HR 808, click HERE.) ALso, click HERE for an excellent video message by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins about the “Thought Crimes” bill; from there you can sign on to FRC’s “Public Declaration of Opposition to Thought Crimes Laws.”


American Family Association of Michigan News Release 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, March 29, 2007

CONTACT: Gary Glenn: 989-835-7978

“No evidence an assault occurred,” Detroit police say

Homosexual activists pressed to come clean, apologize for claims about discredited “hate crime”

Police urged to investigate complicity in filing of false report

DETROIT — A statewide family values organization accused by homosexual activists of inciting an elderly Detroit man’s alleged murder Thursday called on Detroit police to investigate who may have been complicit in the filing of a false police report after police and medical officials announced that 72-year old Anthony Anthos had not been attacked and instead died of an accidental fall caused by a degenerative disease.

The Associated Press reported today (Thursday): “‘There’s no evidence that an assault occurred,’ police spokesman James Tate said Wednesday. …’They determined that he died of natural causes,’ Tate told The Detroit News.”

Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, issued the following statement:

“Homosexual activists were obviously well into great plans to exploit and profit both financially and politically from the now apparently false claims about the tragedy of this poor man’s death.  It’s time for Jeff Montgomery and the Triangle Foundation to come clean and tell us whatever they know about whether someone convinced an elderly man suffering from mental illness, a week after he accidentally fell and hit his head, to falsely accuse an African-American man of attacking him for ‘being gay.'”

The Associated Press reported March 21st: “(Cousin Athena) Fedenis said Anthos, who received state disability payments, was diagnosed with mental illness in the 1950s.”

The Detroit Free Press reported Thursday: “Initially, Anthos told police he did not know what happened to him, police said. But about a week later, he told police he was struck from behind after someone called out, asking him if he was gay.”

Glenn also called for an apology from a national homosexual advocacy group.

“Now that police and medical personnel have reported the truth, Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force — if he has a conscience — will issue an immediate public apology for falsely and maliciously accusing Cardinal Maida and the American Family Association of Michigan of being responsible for Mr. Anthos’ accidental death,” Glenn said. 

(See NGLTF statement: )

Glenn also urged police and Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney Kym L. Worthy to investigate who may have been complicit in Anthos’ filing of an apparently false police report a week after initially telling police he did not know what happened to him.

He cited an almost identical case of a false “hate crime” allegation by a Boise State University student.  The university’s student newspaper in January reported that the Boise city prosecutor “has filed a summons for a BSU student accused of making up an account of an anti-gay assault on the BSU campus. Authorities announced that Alex ‘A.J.’ McGillis, 20, of Boise must appear in court on charges…relat(ing) to a false report McGillis made to police…According to police reports, McGillis initially claimed a white male struck him from behind with an object while using anti-gay expletives.”  Similarly, in his altered police report a week after intially telling police he didn’t know how he’d been hurt, Anthos claimed a black male struck him from behind with an object while using anti-gay expletives.

Glenn said such fabricated reports are “part and parcel of homosexual activists’ media-driven propaganda campaign to promote so-called “hate crime” legislation under which a criminal who physically attacks a pregnant mom, senior citizen, or small child would be punished less severely than someone who assaults a grown man, if that grown man engages in homosexual behavior.”

“Mr. Anthos’ accidental death was a tragedy to his family and friends because he was a human being, not because he engaged in homosexual behavior,” Glenn said.  “Had he or anyone else actually been physically attacked, the assailant should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, not punished any more or less severely based on the victim’s sexual activity.”


Matt Foreman’s and the Triangle Foundation’s Lies about Gary Glenn:

On Feb 24, 2007, Matt Foreman, Executive Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (which takes in over $30 million/year), issued the following statement blaming Christians:

“The hatred and loathing that led to the vicious murder of Andrew Anthos only because he was gay is not innate. Instead it is being taught every day by leaders of the so-called Christian right and their political allies. They disguise their bigotry as ‘deeply-held religious beliefs.’ They cloak themselves in ‘family values.’

“For years, Michigan has been subjected to the homophobic rants of Gary Glenn of the American Family Association of Michigan, while so many otherwise good and decent people have been silent. Just two years ago, the state endured an ugly campaign, led by Cardinal Adam Maida, to ‘protect marriage’ by writing anti-gay discrimination into its constitution. Based on that amendment, a three-judge panel of Michigan’s court of appeals voted last month to terminate medical insurance coverage for families of LGBT government workers throughout the state.

“It is appalling hypocrisy for these forces to pretend that their venomous words and organizing have no connection to the plague of hate violence against gay people, including the murder of Mr. Anthos…”

That’s right: Matt Foreman publicly (and falsely) accused Gary Glenn and Cardinal Maida as accessories to the murder [which we now know was probably not a murder–AFTAH editor] of a 72-year-old man, simply because these men exercise their constitutional freedom of speech to vocally uphold the Christian principles upon which our nation was founded — including God’s design for one man to wed one woman for life and His consistent condemnation of homosexual behavior.

Perhaps Matt Foreman took his cue from Sean Kosofsky of Triangle Foundation, a Detroit-based homosexual activist group, who once made this preposterous claim against Glenn’s group:

“We personally believe that the AFA may support the murder of gay, lesbian and bisexual people… We are also fairly certain the AFA wants all homosexuals locked up on sodomy charges and put in jail.”

This article was posted on Thursday, March 29th, 2007 at 1:25 pm and is filed under Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, News, Task Force, Triangle Foundation. You can follow any updates to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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