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John Piper Sermon: The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality, Part 1The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality, Part 1 To listen online to this sermon, click HERE; to read the entire sermon, go HERE. To learn more about John Piper, visit HERE. By John Piper October 11, 1998 Romans 1:24-28
Astonishing Relevance Full-page ads were recently [in 1998] taken out in USA Today and the New York Times and the Washington Post showing some 850 former homosexuals who gathered last summer at the Exodus conference and who declared there is power in Christ to be changed. Here in Minnesota, legal cases continually crop up about child custody and adoption of children by homosexual people. And most immediate of all, here in our church there are people who have homosexual desires and many more people among us who have people in their families whom they care about very deeply who consider themselves homosexual. The reality of homosexuality is inescapable today, and this would come as no surprise to the apostle Paul, and therefore should not to us. One of the things that makes matters unusual today is the effort on the part of some people to defend the legitimacy of homosexual behavior from the Bible. Most common, for example, is the claim that the denunciations of homosexuality in the New Testament are not references to committed, long-term homosexual relations, which these people say are legitimate, but rather refer to promiscuous homosexual relations and to pederasty, which are not legitimate. To use the words of one scholar, “What the New Testament is against is something significantly different from a homosexual orientation which some people seem to have from their earliest days. In other words, the New Testament is not talking about what we have come to speak of as sexual inversion. Rather, it is concerned with sexual perversion” (Paul Jewett, Interpretation, April, 1985, p. 210). To read Piper’s whole sermon, click HERE.
This article was posted
on Friday, May 11th, 2007 at 9:48 am and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, New York Times, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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