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Pro-Homosexual Apostates, Denying Godly Morality in the Name of GodWe saw plenty of pro-homosexuality apostates at Sunday’s Chicago Gay Pride parade — churches and synagogues marching proudly for sin — er, tolerance and affirmation of “gays.” A major politician has accused the “Christian right” of hijacking Christianity. It seems the real hijackers are those who would turn the Bible on its head (Isaiah 5:20) by celebrating the evil of organized homosexuality and echoing the misguided call for “pride” in same-sex “orientation” — when we see clear evidence that homosexual behavior can be changed through Jesus Christ. — Peter LaBarbera Below is excerpted from a release by Biblical Family Advocates: Contact: Phil Magnan, Director, Biblical Family Advocates, 619-962-0659 phil@bfamilyadvocates.com SAN DIEGO, June 25 /Christian Newswire/ — Biblical Family Advocates, (BFA) has come across many news articles revealing the joining of homosexuality and religion. One example is an article about how a defrocked homosexual Pastor, Rev. Bradley Schmeling had become a hero in the eyes of so many religious people who support his homosexual lifestyle. The article stated that “Schmeling’s refusal last year to resign after telling a church bishop he was in a gay relationship has earned him quite a following.” In another article entitled, “Religious Groups Take Lead for Gay Pride,” participating Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of New York City’s Congregation Beth Simchat Torah said, “We stand for a progressive religious voice…Those who use religion to advocate an anti-gay agenda, I believe, are blaspheming God’s name.” BFA President Phil Magnan was in amazement at these outrageous statements made in the name of God. “It seems to me that every one of these so called religious people has lost their ability to read the clear text of Scripture, ignoring the holiness of God. God will not relent in condemning homosexual behavior nor ignore its eternal consequences. Those who are involved in these things are actually under the judgment of God. Romans 1:22-27, 32. 1Timothy 1:8-11 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.” “But I believe the saddest and most damnable tragedy is that there are Pastors so caught up in tolerating immorality for their own benefit and acceptance that they will lead many of their own people into sin and bondage. There will be many precious lost souls who will not be introduced to the true Savior who is able to free them from this unnatural lust. The pro-homosexual religious community has instead glorified perversion in the name of God, which is a blasphemy against God’s own nature of holiness.” “And I have a question for Rabbi Kleinbaum; did Moses advocate an antigay agenda when he was told by God that homosexuality is an abomination? Christ had a similar anti immorality agenda in which He said, “Go and sin no more.” What more needs to be said when the Word of God who spoke in the Old Testament is the same Word of God who also said ‘depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.’ It is a cruel and unloving thing to not warn those who are headed towards God’s righteous judgment.” Biblical Family Advocates adamantly condemns the statements from those who are not only misrepresenting Almighty God, but for making Jesus Christ into someone who is tolerant of sin instead of calling people to despise it and forsake it. Magnan continued by saying,” What kind of love upholds sin and deception as they deny the very God who calls them out of darkness? Their actions confirm that they have fallen away from the faith by seeking teachers and leaders who follow after their own lusts and do not obey the clear commands of God.” Phil Magnan, Director Biblical Family Advocates 619-962-0659
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on Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 at 8:10 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, E - Praying for the Lost, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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