Archive for June, 2007

Exodus International Supports White House Surgeon General Nominee’s Position on Change in Homosexuality

Friday, June 8th, 2007

News Release, Exodus International

Exodus International Press Office
Melissa Condrey, Phone: (407) 599-6872

Orlando, FL- President Bush’s nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. James W. Holsinger, has recently come under attack for supporting the fact that homosexuals can change. Dr. Holsinger founded Hope Springs Community Church, a church  that offers help to individuals seeking an alternative to homosexuality. Alan Chambers, president of the world’s largest outreach to those affected by unwanted same-sex attraction, issued a response: 

“As former homosexuals, we cannot ignore this hypocritical attack upon Dr. Holsinger. As a society, we should not disqualify an individual simply because of his belief that those  conflicted by their same-sex attraction can and should be helped. Thousands of us have experienced inner distress and external devastation when we were living as homosexuals and have found a faith-honoring and psychologically sound way out. We know that change is possible because we have experienced it. Opposing this alternative is incompatible with free thinking and personal choice.


“While we do not support or oppose the nominee, we are grateful that President Bush has put forth a candidate who supports individual autonomy and authentic diversity. We call upon members of the Senate Health Committee to offer the same tolerance afforded gay activist groups to former homosexuals as well.”

Founded in 1976, Exodus International is the largest Christian organization dealing with homosexual issues in the world today. With over 150 affiliates in its network, Exodus is a dynamic outreach ministry dedicated to sharing the hope of freedom through the power of Jesus Christ.

Surgeon General Nominee Dr. James Holsinger’s 1991 Paper, ‘Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality’

Thursday, June 7th, 2007


Prepared for the
Committee to Study Homosexuality of The United Methodist Church
by James W. Holsinger Jr., M.D.
Committee Member
January 14, 1991

[Note: click HERE for a PDF copy of this paper, and HERE for the (liberally biased) June 7, 2007 ABC News report on Dr. Holsinger quoting June Reinisch, director emeritus of the Kinsey Institute, strongly criticizing this paper as “unscientific.”]

During the course of the meetings of the Committee to Study Homosexuality, biology has come to mean the nonpsychological causation of homosexuality. However, biology also means “the division of physical science which deals with organized beings or animals and plants, their morphology, physiology, origin, and distribution” (Oxford English Dictionary, 1971). I believe that we must seriously consider the scientific disciplines of anatomy (structure or morphology), physiology (function), pathology (abnormal anatomy), and pathophysiology (abnormal function). Not to do so would simply fail to be true to our charge as a committee.

There is absolute consensus in the scientific community concerning the structure and function of the human alimentary [pertaining to the digestive tract] and reproductive systems. These two systems are absolutely separate since the human does not possess a cloaca. Reproduction can occur only by utilizing the reproductive system, requiring both the female ovum (egg) and the male sperm. Ova are fertilized naturally in the fallopian tubes of women following sexual intercourse by the sperm which transits through the vagina and uterus following release from the penis. Although artificial methods are available and used, the anatomy and physiology of humans have resulted in a natural means for conception.

The structure and function of the male and female human reproductive systems are fully complementary. Anatomically he vagina is designed to receive the penis. It is lined with squamous epithelium and is surrounded by a muscular tube intended for penile intromission. The rectum, on the other hand, is lined with a delicate mucosal surface and a single layer of columnar epithelium intenuea primarily for the reabsorption of water and electrolytes. The rectum is incapable of mechanical protection against abrasion and severe damage to the colonic mucosa can result if objects that are large, sharp, or pointed are inserted into the rectum (Agnew, 1986).

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California Dems: PRO-Homosexual Indoctrination; California Republicans: Cowardly Silence

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, one paragraph in the following alert from California pro-family hero Randy Thomasson of Campaign for California Families — about that State Senate’s passage of radical pro-homosexual/transsexual school indoctrination bill (SB 777) — sums up WHY we are seeing the “gay” agenda roll over America. Randy writes:

But you should also be frustrated with the [California State] Republican senators who seem to have lost their God-given VOICES and have forgotten their MORAL OBLIGATION to speak out in defense of children and family and morality. On Thursday, when given the opportunity to speak out against SB 777 in front of the several TV, radio and newspaper reporters who cover always attend the floor sessions, NOT ONE Republican state senator raised his microphone in defense of children.

So here’s the current political situation in so many areas (not so much in solid red states):

  1. The Democrats as a party have largely sold their soul to the homosexual lobby;
  2. The Republicans usually cast the “right” vote (there are key exceptions) but refuse to speak out against pro-homosexual bills;
  3. The media are so biased in their coverage of homosexual-related issues that they intimidate politicians from speaking out against pro-“gay” legislation; thus, even many conservative lawmakers view this issue as the “third rail” they don’t want to touch.

Of course, on point 3, the media would have a much tougher time ignoring these issues if the GOP actively engaged the Democrats on the dangers of the homosexual agenda. Besides, conservatives should be used to dealing with left-wing media bias on a whole range of issues, so there’s something bigger going on here. Call it a “live-and-let-live” (“tolerance”) zeitgeist — driven by pro-“gay” groupthink in the media, Hollywood and academia — that is leading many to give up fighting.

Here’s Randy’s alert:

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‘Proud Pervert’ Assails LaBarbera for IML Expose

Monday, June 4th, 2007

A “proud pervert” writes in to Americans For Truth, repeating the tired attack-line that because we seek to expose homosexual perversion, we, too, must be secret “perverts”:  

Hey Petey, For someone opposed to everything IML [International Mr. Leather] stands for …. you sure spend an awful lot of time there. Methinks the lady (and I do MEAN lady, as in girlfriend) doth protest too (and I cannot emphasize too, too much) much. Why don’t you just come out of the closet, already (again)? And if you can’t, then sit down and shut up. The rest of us don’t need to hear any more from someone who doesn’t even have the guts to admit who they are.


Disdainfully yours,


Todd B. Leek Mpls, MN Mr. Minneapolis Eagle 2000 Proud pervert since 1986

Homosexual Legal Bullies’ Latest Target:

Monday, June 4th, 2007

e-harmony-couple.gif Doesn’t and its Christian founder have a fundamental right to promote traditional marriages between a man and a woman — and not cater to unnatural “unions”? Will this and all private American companies be forced to promote the homosexual agenda? Above are happy normal couples brought together by e-Harmony’s online dating service.

TAKE A MINUTE TO SUPPORT and respectfully ask that they support real marriage by not leaving open the possibility of providing “matches” for homosexuals. Write them via their Contact page or call their corporate offices in Pasadena, California, at 626-795-4814 (hit #9 when you get the machine). Their snail-mail address is, P.O. Box 60157, Pasadena, CA 91116.
Also, call or write your U.S. Representative and Senators (202-224-3121; and urge them to oppose H.R. 2015, the “Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), the pro-homosexual/pro-trannsexual employment bill — which will only embolden “gay” harassment lawsuits against tradition-minded companies.

Below is a Reuters news story describing the homosexual activist lobby’s latest attack on the freedom to be moral. There are plenty of places offering “match” services for homosexual couples — just try any (liberal) “City Paper,” where all sorts of disordered unions can be arranged. But no, e-Harmony must bend to the tiny minority of homosexual militants who have no regard for others’ liberties — including your freedom to live out your religious beliefs as you see fit.

We hope, a private business run by a born-again Christian, Dr. Neil Clark Warren, does not cave in to this outrageous demand by lesbian Linda Carlson. (It appears that by keeping open the possibility of including “gay” matches, eHarmony is moving away from Warren’s assertion to ex-homosexual Christian activist Steve Bennett that he would never consider such a thing; also, see Warren’s 2005 NPR interview HERE.)

If eHarmony capitulates, it will only encourage other lawsuits. Who’s next? Christian-owned day care centers? Summer camps run by orthodox Jews? The message coming from the liberal, pro-homosexual activists here is simple: you can have your beliefs in your church or synagogue or home (for now…) but don’t you dare try to live them out in the public square.

They are telling us: retreat into your church closet. All of America — our schools, corporations, and our laws — must now affirm homosexuality.

It’s become all too clear: no special interest group threatens our basic freedoms like the homosexual and gender confusion (“transgender”) lobbies. They are the new legal bullies on the block, and can only be stopped if good people lose their apathy and their fear of being Politically Incorrect — and say “No” to this oppressive, unhealthy agenda. Call (626-795-4814) or write eHarmony today!

May 31, 2007
eHarmony sued in California for excluding gays
By Jill Serjeant

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The popular online dating service eHarmony was sued on Thursday for refusing to offer its services to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

A lawsuit alleging discrimination based on sexual orientation was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on behalf of Linda Carlson, who was denied access to eHarmony because she is gay.

Lawyers bringing the action said they believed it was the first lawsuit of its kind against eHarmony, which has long rankled the gay community with its failure to offer a “men seeking men” or “women seeking women” option.

They were seeking to make it a class action lawsuit on behalf of gays and lesbians excluded from the dating service.

eHarmony was founded in 2000 by evangelical Christian Dr. Neil Clark Warren and had strong early ties with the influential religious conservative group Focus on the Family.

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Wayne Besen Has Been Taking his Hate Pill again….

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

UPDATE: Since I posted this item below, Wayne Besen has put up another piece filled with lies against me. Thankfully, a couple friends have defended me on his site, but I’m afraid Wayne is losing it. As my son would say, chill… Click HERE for Wayne’s latest hateful blast against Americans For Truth.

It looks like Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen has been taking his hate pill again. Besen, who is out to prove, with Stalinesque zeal, that no homosexual can change — has written another diatribe against me and Americans For Truth

Just as night follows day, we could have predicted that Wayne and his fellow “gay” comrades, including the folks at Box Turtle Bulletin (who alternate between high-minded critiques of pro-family research and mean-spirited name-calling), would ridicule — not the men at International Mr. Leather who were engaging in vile (“pig sex”) orgies at Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton Hotel; not the “leather” vendors hawking twisted porn videos including those featuring “fisting” and “water sports” — but yours truly, for exposing these perversions.

We’ll have more on Wayne and friends later, but for now, check out his angry blog entry following our feeble attempt to shine the light of truth on the sadistic goings-on at IML. Oh, we almost forgot: “Porno Pete” is Wayne’s nickname for me because, you see, the fact that I expose “gay” extremism makes me, well …. a secret gay (make that a secret “leatherman”). I suppose according to that logic, Simon Wiesenthal was a covert Nazi and Mother Teresa made hidden donations to Planned Parenthood.

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