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Georgia ‘Gay’ Republican Activist Calls AFTAH ‘Domestic Terrorist Group,’ Compares Us to NazisAbe Lincoln was right: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”
TAKE ACTION: Respectfully request that the Georgia Republican Party (404-257-5559; info@gagop.org) and the Fulton County (Ga.) Republican Party (www.FultonGOP.org) take appropriate disciplinary action against Jamie Ensley, president of the Georgia “Log Cabin Republicans” (and Fulton, County, Georgia Republican Party member) — after Ensley compared Americans For Truth to Germany’s Nazi Party and labeled AFTAH a “radical christian domestic terrorist group” (see letter below). Ensley was reacting to our call last week to GOP Chairman Michael Steele not to bend to the Log Cabin’s homosexual activist agenda (which includes “same-sex marriage” and the attempt to overturn Proposition 8, passed by California voters on Nov. 4, through the courts). Calls opposing the homosexual Log Cabin agenda have poured into Steele’s office following our appeal. Also, please write or call Mr. Steele (chairman@gop.com; 202-863-8700) and graciously urge him to work hard keep the GOP a pro-traditional-marriage party that does not promote homosexuality in the guise of “tolerance.” Congratulate Mr. Steele on winning the GOP’s chairmanship and send him a copy of Ensley’s slanderous letter (below) as evidence of Log Cabin’s bigoted, anti-Christian agenda that will cost the party support if promoted by the GOP. (If you are a Democrat, contact the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000) and/or President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge them to reverse the Party’s growing collusion with radical homosexual activists.) ______________________________ Dear Readers, What further proof than Ensley’s nasty message do GOP leaders and the party’s rank-and-file need that Log Cabin Republicans is a group that — far from promoting “inclusion” and expanding the GOP’s appeal — is devoted to slash-and-burn homosexual extremism and rank anti-Christian bigotry? Rarely is such raw, anti-religious hatred so brazenly put on display, even in 2009 America, as in this slanderous missive by the “gay” Georgia Republican activist. (See AFTAH writer Allyson Smith’s letter to Steele and our original release calling on pro-family Republicans to contact Steele urging him not to pander to the Log Cabin agenda.) And Ensley’s spurious analogy is also a lesson in the danger of pro-homosexual “hate crimes” legislation. If a seasoned political operative like Ensley can become so unhinged as to compare a peaceful pro-family advocacy group like AFTAH to Nazis and “terrorists,” you begin to see how “hate crime” laws ultimately will be applied in this nation. “Gay” militants routinely equate the defense of Judeo-Christian teachings on sexual morality to “hate” and argue that pro-family rhetoric against homosexuality contributes to a “climate of violence” against homosexuals. This will inevitably result in calls to curb “anti-gay” speech. We must remain vigilant to expose and confront anti-Christian bigotry whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head. Please take action today using the contact information above so that GOP leaders will understand that tolerating this sort of malice is unacceptable. Abe Lincoln (whom the Log Cabin Republicans also smear by claiming him as their inspiration) was right: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The GOP cannot be pro-marriage and -family while radically undermining both at the same time. Sincerely, Peter LaBarbera Letter from Georgia Log Cabin Republican President Jamie Ensley to GOP Chairman Michael Steele [web links added by AFTAH]:
This article was posted
on Tuesday, February 17th, 2009 at 12:07 am and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Christian Persecution, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Log Cabin Republicans, News.
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