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Stop HR 2262: Homosexual Agenda Advances Under ‘Safe Schools’ BannerBy Laurie Higgins, reprinted with permision of Illinois Family Institute ________________________
H.R. 2262, “The Safe Schools Improvement Act,” was introduced in May, and in June it was referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. This bill would “amend the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act to include bullying and harassment prevention programs.” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that anti-bullying/safe schools curricula are now the central means by which pro-homosexual propaganda is secreted into public schools. Joining bill sponsor Representative Linda Sánchez (D-CA) are 81 co-sponsors. Seventy-nine are Democrats, one is an independent, and two are Republicans. Co-sponsors from Illinois are Mark Kirk (R-10th District), Danny Davis (D-7th District), Luis Gutierrez (D-4th District), Mike Quigley (D-5th District) and Jan Schakowsky (D-9th District). Background The “safe schools” curriculum in Alameda,CA, like all other “safe schools” curricula, presents homosexuality, bisexuality, “transgenderism,” and “transsexuality,” (more properly known as gender identity disorder) positively and in ways that suggest that these disordered sexual practices are morally equivalent to heterosexuality. What makes this situation worse — if that’s possible — is that the school district’s “attorneys say parents would not be allowed to keep their children from taking the courses because the lessons don’t include health or sexual education.” The school board formally announced in May that parents will neither be notified prior to students being exposed to pro-homosexual resources, nor will they be permitted to opt their children out of such presentations. In so doing, these activist ideologues betray their own pedagogical claims that they want parents to be advocates for their children and that they “honor diversity.” They reveal the deceit and Machiavellian machinations they are willing to employ in the service of using public education to advance their social and political vision. A Massachusetts court came to a similar conclusion regarding parents’ rights — or the lack thereof. Judge Mark Wolf concluded that it is reasonable for K-5 teachers to teach other people’s children to respect homosexuality. He further stated that parents have two choices: either put their children in public schools or don’t. Once children are enrolled in public schools, however, there will be no requirement that schools notify parents prior to the presentation of pro-homosexual resources or offer parents an opt-out option. We in Illinois should be troubled by this because it’s coming here. Organizations like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which endorsed H.R. 2262, are working feverishly to get pro-homosexual/safe schools curricula in all schools. What is noteworthy about the efforts of activist “educators” like those in Alameda, CA is that they live and move as if their subversive theories about homosexuality and transgenderism are objective facts — despite the absence of proof:
This sounds scarily like propaganda to me. Apparently, when activist educators say that it takes an entire village to raise a child, they really mean it takes an entire village of likeminded “agents of change” and boatloads of public money to indoctrinate other people’s children. If only people of faith would start to treat their own ontological and moral views as objective, universal, eternal, transcendent truths, maybe we could stem the tide of pro-homosexual activism in our public schools. The California mother who contacted me comes to the issue with an unusual perspective: Kerry Cook is a former lesbian who identified as a “lesbian feminist” for ten years. Not only that but she was an Anti-Discrimination and Managing Diversity professional for the Australian government and a former board member of the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby in Sydney, Australia. She turned from that life, embraced Christ, a husband, and motherhood. It is unconscionable that pro-homosexual resources are making their way into our schools when there are so many people of faith who know that these resources promote deeply flawed and destructive ideas. Why are there not more faith leaders and their followers in communities all across this country willing to fight the well-financed, morally corrupt effort to propagandize children with abominable ideas? Just as the legitimate concept of “civil rights” is cunningly manipulated to change the legal definition of marriage, and the phenomenon of race is exploited to convince the public that homosexuality is an immutable, biologically determined, 100% heritable, morally neutral condition like race, the very real problem of bullying is being exploited to convince the public that pro-homosexual proselytizing belongs in public schools. Don’t buy it. Schools can address bullying without ever mentioning deviant sexual conduct. For example, no public school administrator would ever recommend an anti-bullying program that affirms polyamory even to end the bullying of those students who identify as polyamorous. As I’ve said before, the good ends of ending bullying do not justify the illegitimate means of using public funds to affirm homosexuality. Not only are schools pushing pro-homosexual indoctrination under the guise of “anti-bullying” programs, but the hardcore proselytes are fighting tooth and nail to prevent parents from being allowed to opt their children out of these propaganda sessions. We in Illinois must stop ignoring the educational abuses taking place in publicly funded schools in places like California and Massachusetts. There are activists both within and without our public schools working to bring the same kinds of resources, activities, programs, and policies to Illinois schools. Children are the immediate victims of these abuses, but we should remember that current students are our future culture-makers. To be good stewards of our money, caretakers of our children, preservers of our culture, and protectors of our rights, we must vigorously and publicly oppose the promotion of ignorance and deceit in public schools. TAKE ACTION: Contact your U.S. Representative (202-225-3121; www.congress.org) immediately to urge him or her to stop this dangerous bill.
This article was posted
on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 at 10:54 pm and is filed under A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Bullying & Victimhood, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, News, Not with MY Tax money!, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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