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Et tu, Elisabeth? The View’s Hasselbeck Joins Pro-Gay-‘Marriage’ SelloutsHasselbeck joins growing list of conservatives who lack courage to defend truth on homosexuality![]() The View's token "conservative," Elizabeth Hasselbeck, abandons not just conservatism but timeless biblical truth by supporting homosexual "marriage." Note: we apologize for botching Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s name not once, but twice (first and last); it is fixed below. We also note that Hasselbeck’s views on same-sex “marriage” have been evolving for some time, as this 2007 YouTube video with a homosexual activist shows: ________________________________________ TAKE ACTION: Contact Elisabeth Hasselbeck through ‘The View’ HERE. What is this, ‘Conservatives Without Principles Month’? The following Newsmax article is yet another pathetic account of a confused “conservative” who abandons God’s truth, natural moral law, and common sense for the latest worldly trend: domesticated homosexuality and counterfeit “marriage.” If poor Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ABC’s The View knows that life begins at conception yet can’t understand the urgency of government protecting that life (unborn babies) in the womb — then it’s hardly surprising that she is confused about homosexual “marriage.” Memo to Hasselbeck: the unborn baby is a human being with his or her own separate DNA, not some mere appendage. Regarding marriage: America’s moral slide and several decades of homosexualist organizing — and perhaps the likelihood that you sympathize with your “gay” friends and acquaintances — do not erase the timeless truth of the Book of Genesis. I can deal with the “queer” activists, whose fanatical dedication to rationalizing their own sin problem is what you’d expect from a movement that “proudly” rejects normalcy and shakes its collective fist at God and His natural, created order. What confounds me are the “conserv-a-libs” (Ryan Sorba calls them “liberal-tarians”) — who so readily ditch five millennia of biblically-informed truth for the latest sexual/social fad. George Will, Laura Schlessinger, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Kathleen Parker, Mike Gallagher, Michael Barone (talk about poll-driven morality!), Bill O’Reilly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck — each of these conservatives has made some homosexuality-related cave-in, some more serious than others. And, of course, every defection has earned the plaudits of media liberals and LGBT activists alike. Perhaps because it’s guaranteed to resonate so loudly within the liberal-secular media-libertarian echo chamber, selliing out on homosexuality has become the modern capitulation of choice for “conservatives” who lack the courage to defend politically incorrect truths. (After all, being “pro-choice” on abortion is so ’90s.) Then there are those who have bought the libertarian lie that unchecked individualism trumps ordered freedom and fealty to our Creator. Yes, the libertarians appear to be winning the day on this issue, which is especially galling because the homosexualist agenda is a statist and anti-liberty agenda if there ever was one. Just ask its growing list of faith-based victims who have paid a high price for disagreeing with homosexuality. One must wonder: if on the American Right, the once-unmentionable Sin of Sodom is now deserving of association with the sublime title of “marriage,” just what are modern “conservatives” like Hasselbeck conserving, anyway? — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org __________________________________________ Newsmax reports:
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on Friday, August 20th, 2010 at 2:09 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Biblical Truth, News.
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