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VIDEO: AFTAH Says Obama’s and Hillary’s International ‘Gay Rights’ Push Will Only Alienate Nations Who Reject America’s Moral CorruptionTAKE ACTION: Read this WorldNetDaily article featuring AFTAH (reprinted at bottom) and AFTAH’s press release below — and call your elected representatives to urge them to strip out language from the DoD authorization bill that would repeal the military’s existing ban on SODOMY and BESTIALITY (we’re not kidding). The Pentagon bill was just passed overwhelmingly by the Senate.. Call 202-225-3121 for the House and 202-224-3121 for the Senate. Or go to www.Congress.org. _______________________________________________ Contact AFTAH: americansfortruth@gmail.com
Americans For Truth Press Release, December 8, 2011. AFTAH Says Obama’s and Hillary’s International ‘Gay Rights’ Push Will Only Alienate Nations Who Reject America’s Moral Corruption CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, issued the following statement in response to the Obama Administration’s announcement Tuesday of a campaign to link American foreign aid to the promotion of homosexuality-based “rights” abroad [a YouTube of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s U.N. speech follows] : With their new escalation of promoting homosexual behavior to other nations through U.S. foreign policy, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have raised America’s defiance toward her Creator to a new level — while needlessly alienating nations less morally compromised than our own. Not content to keep our decadence between our shores, the United States – through aggressively pro-“gay” Democratic administrations – now demands that other countries sink to our level by embracing homosexuality as a “human right.” Who knew that when President Ronald Reagan spoke idealistically about America becoming a “shining city on the hill,” that city would turn out to be Sodom? Hillary earned plaudits from the Left with her U.N. speech on international “gay rights,” but her words were an affront to our Declaration of Independence, which appeals to “Nature and Nature’s God.” By redefining “human rights” to include the normalization of same-sex behaviors and gender confusion, Obama and Clinton have turned God’s natural moral order on its head. There are many countries – including Muslim-dominated nations and major powers like Russia – that reject homosexuality. By pushing sexual deviance on these nations, we only confirm their perception of America as a corrupt and declining – and very arrogant — superpower. America, rooted in the Bible, historically embraced anti-sodomy laws, but now we are in the grip of an unprecedented moral and spiritual crisis that blackens our reputation worldwide. As one Muslim tweeted in reaction to Obama’s international “gay rights” plan: “There is a great divide between the Founding Fathers and the pro-gay regime ruling America [today].” Aberrant sexuality is not a fundamental liberty, and defending morality is not hateful “bigotry.” Hillary claims, “Being gay is not a Western invention, it is a human reality.” But homosexuality is about changeable behavior – not intrinsic, innate identity – as evidenced by countless men and women who now live happy lives apart from homosexuality, despite once considering themselves “gay” or “lesbian.”
Homosexuality – once widely regarded as a Crime Against Nature — is no more a “fundamental human right” than any other sexual sin. Moreover, its practice is linked disproportionately to sexual diseases like HIV, anal cancer, hepatitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. Culturally and politically speaking, what makes this perversion unique is that it has a powerful and well-funded (“gay”) movement behind it. (There are no “Adultery Pride Parades” or “Porn-Users Pride Months.”) However, that does not make it right. All Americans who love God and respect His wonderful design for mankind should be ashamed of Obama’s and Hillary’s campaign to force a deeply flawed sexual ideology on innocent nations that do NOT want to emulate American decadence. ___________________________________________ YouTube of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s Dec. 6, 2011 UN address: _______________________________________________
Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex copWants to import homosexuals with special asylum privilegesPosted: December 07, 2011
By Bob Unruh The Obama administration has announced it intends to make the United States the global sex cop, with plans to try to intervene in the workings of other nations where homosexuality is not promoted as well as plans to create special provisions for homosexuals and those with other lifestyle choices to gain special admittance to the U.S. Among the provisions is a specific call for the U.S. government to “enhance” its work to provide services to “LGBT refugees and asylum seekers.” “Who knew when Reagan was talking about being a shining city on the hill the city would turn out to be Sodom,” said Peter LaBarbera, president ofAmericans for Truth,an Illinois organization active in revealing the truth of homosexuality. The White House statement is called the Presidential Memorandum – International Initiatives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons. In the introduction to the multi-section document, Obama explains that he’s already instructed agencies “engaged abroad” to start “taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere.” Specifically, his plan is to try to intervene in other nation’s where the homosexual lifestyle choice is at risk. That would happen through U.S. government’s agencies that would “strengthen existing efforts to effectively combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct.” Further, special access to the United States needs to be provided to any “LGBT” person, Obama explains. “In order to improve protection for LGBT refugees and asylum seekers at all stages of displacement, the Departments of State and Homeland Security shall enhance their ongoing efforts to ensure that LGBT refugees and asylum seekers have equal access to protection and assistance,” Obama wrote. He explained that federal workers must be trained to help LGBT members in their desires. The enhancements the U.S. offers for those who support the alternative sexual lifestyle choices also means that those agencies helping with foreign aid should step up their involvement with LGBT interests and a special “standing group” should be organized to make sure the U.S. is responding as he wants, Obama said. Also, the State Department and other agencies “should strengthen the work they have begun and initiate additional efforts in these multilateral fora and organizations to … counter discrimination on the basis of LGBT status; broaden the number of countries willing to support and defend LGBT issues” and other outreaches. The statement from Obama came just a day after his press secretary refused to answer a question about the appropriateness of a Senate vote to remove the ban on bestiality from the law that governs the nation’s military. Those who have been involved in the confrontations over the demands for “rights” from homosexual and other groups in America said the move is extraordinarily inappropriate. “America is not being a post-Christian nation. … We’re anti-Christian. We’re directly at war with Judeo-Christian ethics,” LaBarbera told WND. “Also [at war with] Muslims and the ethics in other countries. We’re turning human history on its head.” He said Obama, and his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, literally are “redefining sin.” “In all of the colonies, through our whole history, homosexuality has been forbidden,” he said. “Now all of a sudden we’re going to be lecturing other countries, forcing other nations to follow the new-fangled version of human rights.” He said regarding Obama press secretary Jay Carney’s handling of the question about military bestiality, the very things that have been said about homosexuality and rights could apply to bestiality and rights, or pedophilia and rights, or other alternative lifestyle choices and rights. “On what basis,” he asked, “can we say [pedophilia or bestiality are] beyond the pale? NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, he noted, used to walk in “gay pride” parades. “Human rights are rooted in biblical, Judeo-Christianity’s idea of rights,” LaBarbera said. “This is unbelievable. They are twisting what human rights are. If there’s a right to homosexual behavior, why isn’t there a right to polygamy, adultery, incest?” Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com has been involved in his state’s fights over the indoctrination of sexual alternatives in public schools as well as the fight over the voter-approved constitutional amendment that defines marriage as being only between one man and one woman. He said the promotion by Obama and Hillary Clinton of homosexuality simply isn’t rooted in the facts. “Homosexuality has never shown evidence that it is inherited, or has a genetic or biological origin. The ‘gay gene’ doesn’t exist. Race and ethnicity are inherited, but homosexuality is not inherited,” he said. “Obama and Hillary Clinton need to take a science course on human sexuality and genetics and learn what they think is right is scientifically wrong,” he said. He said the classification of homosexuality as a “right” is a “fatal error” that threatens children, accurate science, good health, real marriage, religious freedom, free speech and property rights. He’s assembled information about homosexuality and releases it through his NotBornThisWay website. He contends homosexuality is not genetic, nor is it healthy. His site also includes offers of assistance for those struggling to leave homosexuality. Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel told WND, “How dare we, the U.S., export our decline in morality to other nations. This president has brought shame upon our nation by using extortion. I use a strong word there, extortion, in an attempt to compel other nations to adopt every demand of the radical homosexual lobby.” He noted the urgency of Obama’s concern about homosexuals under fire around the world, yet notes that it is Christian men, women and children who are “slaughtered” daily under anti-Christian regimes. It was GOP presidential hopeful and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who said the vote in the Senate to repeal the military’s ban on sodomy and bestiality was “absolutely abhorrent.” She made the comments last night on Glenn Beck’s Web television program. Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House, had asked press secretary Jay Carney, “The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, ‘includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.’ Does the commander in chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?” Carney said, “I don’t have any comment on – I don’t have any comment on that. Let me go to another question.” See the exchange that happened at the White House: Kinsolving tried to ask whether the president thought it would be endorsed by animal support groups, and Carney said, “Let’s get to something more serious.” Read more: Obama offers plan for U.S. to be global LGBT sex cophttp://www.wnd.com/?pageId=375277#ixzz1fz5p4Y2q
This article was posted
on Thursday, December 8th, 2011 at 4:39 pm and is filed under "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anal Cancer, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Beyond America, Biblical Truth, Born that Way?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Gonorrhea, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Hepatitis, Hillary Clinton, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, International, News, Obama, Physical Health, Russia, Syphilis, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, United Nations, YouTube videos.
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