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Archive for March, 2012
Monday, March 5th, 2012
We’ve slightly blocked this indecent photo of a homosexual Marine, Sgt. Brandon Morgan, kissing his male lover (Dalan Wells) during a homecoming celebration at a Marine base in Hawaii. [See an NPR puff-piece on the twisted kiss HERE.] Morgan looks forward to the day when such homosexual greetings “become the norm” (although he regrets the leg wrap). LGBT activists and pro-homosexuality liberals consider this “progressive,” but truly it represents the moral decline of America, which — as someone smart (not de Tocqueville) once said — will cease to be good if it ceases to be great. (And please don’t pretend that this is no worse than some inappropriate heterosexual “Public Display of Affection.”)
Homosexual conduct is the opposite of good. It is unnatural and a sin against God, who lovingly established boundaries for mankind. Now, military moms and dads and relatives who bring their children to homecomings will be forced to explain this disgusting homosexual misbehavior to their kids. (Note the young child at the right in this photo.) How tragic it is that due to media bias and political correctness, President Obama’s homosexualization of the American military has hardly been an issue in this year’s presidential primary. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
Marine Sgt. Brandon Morgan kisses and wraps his legs around his homosexual lover, Dalan Wells, reportedly at homecoming for families at a Marine base in Hawaii. Note the young boy standing nearby, circled here in yellow. We have blocked the same-sex kiss for the sake of decency. Morgan says he looks forward to the day when homosexual greetings on bases don't make news and "become the norm." We hope he is wrong, for only a decaying society pretends that homosexual relationships are morally equivalent to normal, male-female couples.
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Biblical Truth, Government Promotion, Homosexual Public Displays, Morality and Moral Judgments, Natural Law, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, USMJ - Military
Sunday, March 4th, 2012
For more on the massively disproportionate federal funding for HIV/AIDS relative to other diseases, go to the Fair Foundation website, from which this 2011 graph is reprinted:
The following is a Fair Foundation chart from 2008 on the huge disparity in NIH spending per death between HIV/AIDS and other diseases:
Posted in Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, News
Thursday, March 1st, 2012
AFTAH March Moneybomb: Today we launch our first-ever “Moneybomb” for Americans For Truth, with the goal of raising $10,000 in the month of March for AFTAH. If just 500 supporters were to give $20 each — or 1,000 $10/each — we would reach our goal. Can you donate $20, $50 or $100 today (or even just $10) to help AFTAH report facts and truth about radical, freedom-threatening homosexual activism — which the liberal media refuse to report? Go online towww.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or send your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you for helping us stand up for Truth!
Dear AFTAH Reader,
The liberal media’s bias in support of the homosexual — and especially “same-sex marriage” — agenda is so egregious it’s laughable [go HERE]. Below is a story featuring AFTAH about a “gay” hairdresser-turned-homosexual-militant, by our good friends at American Family Association’s “One News Now.” You can listen to this report at the ONN website: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Culture/Default.aspx?id=1544346 (and please sign up for their e-news alerts). Notice how homosexual activists and their media allies keep ratcheting up their definition of “bigotry” and “hate.” Now all you have to do to be smeared as a “bigot” by the ‘Gay’ Thought Police is take a public stand for preserving the age-old definition of marriage (one man, one woman). Amazing, and evil.
TAKE ACTION: Start factoring in corporate support for the homosexual-transgender activist agenda in your buying decisions. Of course, it’s almost impossible to boycott all the pro-homosexuality companies, but you CAN start taking practical steps to prevent your hard-earned dollars from being used to subsidize immorality and destructive gender confusion. AFTAH will help to educate you on the ongoing GLBT campaign to pressure corporations to subsidize and embrace perversion. But for starters, take a few moments to review this astonishing document that reveals the Homosexual-Transgender Lobby’s plan to intimidate corporations into paying for body-mutilating “sex-change” operations in the name of “transgender health.”
Now here’s the One News Now story about the campaign to intimidate New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, a “story” that got HUGE PLAY in New Mexico and the liberal media:
‘Homosexual arrogance’ in New Mexico
A hair stylist in New Mexico is refusing to do Governor Susana Martinez’s hair again. Activist Peter LaBarbera calls the incident “a lesson in homosexual activism” for conservatives.
The reason Antonio Darden is snubbing the governor is that she does not support homosexual “marriage” — and Darden is refusing to do her do until she changes her stance. OneNewsNow turned to Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality for a reaction.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, News
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