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Pro-Homosexual ‘Non-Discrimination’ Laws DISCRIMINATE Against People of FaithIllinois bill HB 5569 banning pro-hetero change therapy for minors robs self-determination and parental rights![]() AN EX-“GAY” OFFERS HOPE TO STRUGGLING YOUTH: Christopher Doyle is a former homosexual and licensed therapist who now helps people overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. He was molested as a boy and suffered for years with unwanted same-sex desires before getting help. [Read Doyle’s testimony HERE]. He is now happily married and the father of three children. Under proposed Illinois legislation, HB 5569, boys like him who are the victims of homosexual predators or suffering in sexual confusion could not see a therapist (like Doyle today) to deal with their same-sex problems. 2) EVERYONE ELSE: Call or write your U.S. Representative (202-225-3121) and Senators (202-224-3121)–or go to ContactingtheCongress.org–and urge them NOT to support ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which is a federal version of the same homosexual/transgender “rights” bills that have been used in states and cities to enforce *politically correct discrimination* against Christians and others who opposes homosexualism and “gay marriage.” [see this AFTAH article.] AFTAH is calling ENDA the “Gay Lawyers’ Dream Act” since it would only make if easier for Christians to be sued for not violating their conscience. [See this excellent report on ENDA by the Heritage Foundation.] _______________________ Dear AFTAH Readers,One important thing I’ve learned about the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Lobby in more than 20 years of fighting it is that everything they accuse their opponents of doing THEY DO in spades. They say we “hate,” yet many observed that it is radical homosexual activists like Dan Savage, Wayne Besen and Peter Tatchell (in Britain) who are truly hateful and vindictive in their often vicious, “morality-phobic” bigotry. Pro-homosexual militants say that we are “harming children,” and yet the homosexual-bisexual behaviors THEY promote in the name of “equality” are closely linked to the spread of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Almost every case of HIV among boys and young men ages 13-24 is linked to deviant homo-sexual behavior [see this AFTAH article pointing to CDC data]. Moreover, bisexual men who have a girlfriend or are married but who (often secretly) engage in homosexual acts with other men are a key group spreading HIV to women. And of course, homosexual activists charge us with “discrimination,” as the world’s largest homosexual lobby organization, the Human Rights Campaign, does below in a fundraising letter by the actress Sally Field (yes, the “gay” movement has Hollywood and the leftist media helping it). Experts at marketing and manipulation, the LGBT Lobby is now trying to re-define sincere efforts by Americans to protect Christians and moral-minded Americans from discriminatory pro-homosexual laws — calling such legislation–like the recent Arizona bill vetoed by Gov. Jan Brewer–“License to Discriminate” bills. Don’t buy this latest “gay” con job. Who is really “discriminating”? Did you know that pro-homosexual “sexual orientation non-discrimination” laws are one of the single greatest threats to freedom of conscience and religious liberty in the Western world? In a report I did for WND’s Whistleblower magazine, I described a bunch of the cases pitting “Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty,” but I didn’t come close to listing them all, and there are many other cases outside the United States I simply didn’t have room to include. The reality is that “gay rights”–that peculiar ideology of treating aberrant, unhealthy sexual misbehaviors and inclinations as “civil rights”–is fundamentally incompatible with the First Amendment liberty of Americans to believe what we want about sexual morality and marriage. ![]() POLITICALLY CORRECT DISCRIMINATION: Elaine Huguenin and her husband Jon are being sued for politely refusing to take a photography job for a lesbian “commitment ceremony” due to their Christian convictions. Read about their and other cases of anti-Christian discrimination HERE. “Gays win, Christians lose,” said radical lesbian attorney Chai Feldblum in predicting who will triumph in the legal “zero-sum game” that pits homosexualism against religion. Feldblum proved to be right in the case of New Mexico Christian photographers Elaine and Jon Huguenin, who lost their case in the state’s supreme court after they were sued by two lesbians under New Mexico’s “sexual orientation nondiscrimination” law. The Huguenins had declined due to their faith to take the job of photographing the lesbians’ “commitment ceremony”–so the lesbians sued. They were fined $6,000 and the case is being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Denying healthy change and parental rights in Illinois With such DISCRIMINATION against people of faith in mind, how is it then that the Homosexual Lobby is pointing the evil finger of DISCRIMINATION at us? Here in Illinois, where I live, homosexual activists are trying to pass a bill, HB 5569, that would ban parents from securing pro-heterosexual, healthy-change therapy for their minor son or daughter. That’s right. Say if, God forbid, your 13-year-old son or grandson was lured into a sexual “relationship” by a 19-year-old young man–or by your son’s 25-year-old (secretly homosexual) wresting coach, or molested by the pastor or priest you trusted–and you didn’t want him in his confused state to believe that homosexuality is his destiny. (Sadly, this is how many homosexual men process their childhood victimization: look at the case of Don Lemon, the CNN anchor, who was molested as a boy by an older teenage young man–yet he now considers himself “gay,” as if that is his natural sexual identity!) ![]() MOLESTED AS BOY, “GAY” AS MAN: CNN anchor Don Lemon was sexual molested as a 5-year-old boy by a “much older” teenage male neighbor. Tragically, many homosexual men like Lemon consider themselves naturally “gay” despite their childhood victimization. If HB 5569 became law, you would not be able to take your sexually-confused son to a pro-heterosexual therapist like Christopher Doyle [see his compelling testimony HERE], who himself was molested, thought he was “gay,” but has now left that lifestyle far behind and is married and the father of three children. Doyle and many like him were HELPED by pro-heterosexual therapy yet in two states–California and New Jersey–teenagers struggling with homosexual desires are prohibited from getting the help they need because these states enacted laws similar to the bill being pushed in Illinois banning ex-“gay”-change therapy for minors. Big ‘Gay’ Government Does using the heavy hand government to STRIP AWAY YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS to protect child and guide your children ‘s healthy moral and emotional development sound fair to you? Or does it sound like….DISCRIMINATION? Do aggressive homosexual activists or the State of Illinois–one of the most corrupt states in the union–know more about what is best for your children than YOU do?! Of course they don’t, so do NOT let them TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS in the name of … “gay rights.” The Homosexual Lobby hates “ex”-gays like Christopher Doyle and my friend Linda Jernigan, who has been down in Springfield to lobby against HB 5569. Linda, too, was seduced by an older woman into the lesbian lifestyle, but now she is free in Christ from the bondage of lesbianism. (By the way, have you noticed that NOBODY talks about lesbian pedophilia?) Many men and women and young people have walked away from homosexual behavior–but fanatical homosexual activists like Wayne Besen who HATE EX-“GAYS” want to lock youth into immoral homosexual, bisexual and transgender identities. By the way, Besen–whose homosexual hate-group “Truth Wins Out” labors daily at the Sisyphean task of denying that real ex-“gays” exist–has reportedly moved to Chicago, and is among those pushing for HB 5569’s passage. I nicknamed Besen’s outfit “Focus on the Failures” because he loves to highlight failed ex-homosexuals while ignoring the many successes. Here is an excellent passage illustrating what is at stake with the Illinois bill, HB 5569; Christian legal advocate Mat Staver spoke last year at an “Ex-Gay Awarenss” dinner organized by Doyle:
__________________________ TAKE ACTION: 1) ILLINOIS RESIDENTS: if you live in Illinois, call your legislators (217-782-2000) and urge them to oppose HB 5569 (the so-called “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act”)–which would deny healthy, pro-heterosexual change therapy to minors with unwanted same-sex desires. The bill, sponsored by lesbian St. Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), has passed out of committee and has been sent to the House floor. It is on the liberal fast-track so act now! Call Springfield at 217-782-2000. Find your state and federal legislators HERE. We advise calling your legislators at their LOCAL offices since they will not be back in Springfield until Tuesday, April 1. 2) EVERYONE ELSE: Call or write your U.S. Representative (202-225-3121) and Senators (202-224-3121)–or go to ContactingtheCongress.org—and urge them NOT to support ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which is a federal version of the same homosexual/transgender “rights” bills that have been used in states and cities to DISCRIMINATE against Christians and anyone who opposes homosexualism and “gay marriage.” [see this AFTAH article.] __________________________________________ Human Rights Campaign E-mail Fundraising Letter Signed by Sally Field[Note: the critical comments in red were written by Miami-based pro-family advocate Eladio Jose Armesto] The “gay” lobby group HRC writes: —–Original Message—– Shocking “License to Discriminate” bills, which would make it legal to discriminate against a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) person on the grounds of “religious freedom,” have been appearing across the country. HRC’s goal is to raise $150,000 to help fight back against efforts like these and other attacks on LGBT civil rights in the coming months. I hope you’ll read why Academy Award-winning actress Sally Field stands with HRC during this critical time in the movement for equality – and that you’ll stand with us too to help fend off these dangerous new attacks and press steadily forward for LGBT civil rights. With all my thanks, Chad Griffin [Critical comments in red are not part of the original HRC letter but were written by pro-family advocate Eladio Jose Armesto]
The three things I’m most proud of in my life are my sons, Peter, Eli and Sam. They are kind, loving and productive people. Each with their own list of talents and accomplishments. Sam is my youngest son, by 18 years, and he’s gay. To that, I say: So what? Growing up, Sam wanted desperately to just be like his older brothers – athletic, rambunctious and even a little bit macho. He wanted to beat Eli at tennis, trounce Peter at computer football and learn everything about every basketball player on the court. But Sam was different. And his journey to allow himself to be what nature intended him to be was not an easy one. (Does Nature ever intend for anyone to make biologically aberrant or unhealthy sexual behavioral choices???) When I saw him struggling, I wanted to jump in. But his older brothers held me back. They told me I couldn’t travel that road for Sam. It was his to travel, not mine. I had to wait for him to own himself in his own time. I could make it easier only by standing visibly to the side, clearly loving him, always being there and always letting him know. Finally, at 20, long after he beat his brothers at tennis and computer games and knew as much as anyone about basketball, Sam was able to stand up proudly and say, “I am a gay man.” (Since when does making biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices make one “gay”???) Sam knows that if he ever marries (Since when does cohabiting with another male constitute “Marriage”???), he’ll have my full support. After all, I like to believe I raised him with the good sense to choose a great partner (Since when is a “good partner”. But there are people out there – organizations and politicians, strangers who have never even met Sam – who would rather devote themselves to denying his happiness.(Since when is disagreeing with forcing on society biologically aberrant sexual behavioral choices “denying” anyone their happiness???) Why would anyone want to prevent my son – or anyone’s son or daughter – from having basic legal safeguards like family medical leave, Social Security survivors benefits, or health insurance? It doesn’t make any sense – but it won’t change until people speak out. I’m proud to stand with HRC to add my voice. (Since when is supporting DISCRIMINATION something to be “proud” of?) Will you join me? Whether you are LGBT yourself, a parent or grandparent of an LGBT child, or just a great person with strong convictions about what’s fair and right, I hope I’ve convinced you to stand with HRC for equality (Since when does DISCRIMINATION equal “equality“). You’ll be glad you did! Sincerely,
This article was posted
on Friday, March 28th, 2014 at 12:41 pm and is filed under "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Christian Persecution, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News.
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