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Walmart Gives Major Grant to Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund – Group that Helps Elect Mostly Openly Homosexual DemocratsRetail giant steps up its financial support for homosexual/transgender agenda; pro-“gay” CEI scorecard ranking goes up to 90 percent![]() Walmart Helps Grow “Gay/Trans” Political Power: Above is one of Walmart’s full-page ads in the newsletter of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which works to elect openly homosexuals to local, state and federal political offices. This ad appeared in the Victory Fund’s Fall-Winter 2014 newsletter. It reads: “Walmart is proud to support LGBT LEADERS 2014. We celebrate with you the gift of leadership that inspires us to do all we can, together, to help people live better.” Walmart now has a 90 percent ranking in HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–indicating escalating support for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Call Walmart at 479-273-4000. Click on ad to enlarge. WARNING: Offensive photo showing a young woman who had a body-mutilating, transgender “breast reduction surgery” SUMMARY:
_______________________________________ TAKE ACTION: The retail giant Walmart has increased its pro-homosexual/pro-“transgender” profile–giving $25,000-$50,000 to the highly political Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund in 2013. Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or their Customer Service line: 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] –or use their Contact Page HERE to politely express your concerns about Walmart turning its back on godly morality and traditional marriage by pandering to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby groups like the Victory Fund with large donations. WALMART’S GROWING PRO-“GAY” RATING: Also, take note of Walmart’s 90 percent score on the Human Rights Campaign’s pro-“gay” “Corporate Equality Index”–for which “philanthropic support of at least one LGBT organization or event” helps to earn a corporation 15 points out of a perfect 100. The CEI report–like HRC itself–is heavily biased against biblical, Judeo-Christian moral values. Thus Walmart’s 2014 score of 90 (up from 40 percent in 2008) shows that the company with a conservative reputation is now actively promoting sexual immorality and gender confusion. Please urge Walmart to stop giving to homosexual-transgender lobby organizations and to at least return to neutrality on LGBTQueer issues. ____________________ By Peter LaBarbera Dear AFTAH Readers, As I was researching alleged man-boy sex predator and Obama major donor Terry Bean, I stumbled upon a rather startling fact that indicates how rapidly Corporate America is caving in to the Homosexual Lobby: Walmart is now giving large donations to one of the most political of all the homosexual/transgender groups, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund–which works to elect openly homosexual legislators, and which Bean co-founded. In at least each of the last two years, Walmart has paid for a full-page ad in the GLVF’s newsletter, “Victory Magazine.” Walmart is listed as having donated between $25,000 and $49,999 to the Victory Fund in 2013 as a “Strategic Partner” of the homosexual organization, in the GLVF’s Spring/Summer newsletter. That is a higher level of giving than Southwest Airlines, which in recent years has been a much more active corporate donor to homosexual/transgender activist causes. (Southwest was listed as giving the Victory Fund in range of $10,000-$24,999 in the same period.) The Walmart ad in the GLVF newsletter reads:
Walmart’s five-figure gift to a homosexual activist political organization, and its other gifts to “gay pride” events and causes like an ad in the 2014 “New York City Pride Guide,” paralleling Walmart’s increasingly pro-homosexual rating in the Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index”–from — percent in 2007 to 60 percent in 2012 to 90 percent today [see CEI 2015 report on PDF HERE]. As AFTAH has reported in a previous article [“HRC’s Rigged CEI Rating System”], the CEI report is geared toward pressuring companies to building a pro-homosexual profile, including through corporate gifts to “gay” groups–with the ultimate “reward” for homosexually-compliant corporations being their designation by HRC’s as a “100-percent” CEI-ranked business.
![]() Will Walmart Pay for Grotesque “Transgender” Surgeries Like This? A young woman in Boston is shown with her healthy breasts surgically removed to appear like the “man” she wants to be. The only area where Walmart needs to capitulate to get a full 100-percent ranking in Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index” is “transgender health benefits”–to cover “sex reassignment surgeries” (including removing healthy breasts). Photo: MassResistance.org. Click to enlarge. Every couple of years, the CEI scoring criteria get more demanding–from HRC’s homosexual activist perspective–thus forcing 100-percent companies to continually ratchet up their pro-homosexual/transgender actions to maintain their “perfect” 100 CEI score. This year’s report focuses heavily on transgender policies and benefits–including providing health coverage for “hormone therapy” and “sex reassignment surgeries” sought by employees seeking “gender transition”–i.e., biological men trying to appear and live as trans “women,” and biological women trying to live and appear as men. (For the latter, gender transition surgery can include having their healthy breasts removed to have a flat chest like a man; see photo.) HRC’s CEI ratings actually punish a corporation–taking away 25 points from the corporation’s score–for a “large-scale official or public anti-LGBT blemish on their recent records.” Thus, if, say, Southwest Airlines–which has a perfect 100 score–were to make a public grant to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality for $25,000 to provide some semblance of balance to its many pro-homosexual gifts and actions, Southwest would immediately lose 25 points off its CEI score and become a 75-percent-rated corporation. Needless to say, HRC and its echo chamber in the liberal media and blogosphere would then decry Southwest’s fall from homosexualist “perfection.” Walmart goes steadily ‘gayer’ Walmart, a favorite target of the Left, was founded by churchgoing social conservative Sam Walton and is based in Bentonville, Arkansas–half an hour’s drive from nearby Fayetteville, where a “gay/transgender rights” law was just repealed by city voters. In 2013, Walmart crossed a major homosexuality-affirming hurdle by announcing that it would supply “domestic partner” benefits to its homosexual employees. The world’s largest company has been lobbied on both sides of the homosexual issue (and other social issues like pornography), and announced in 2008 that it would no longer give money to “gay” groups and events. For that action, Walmart had its CEI score lowered by the Human Rights Campaign from 65 in 2007 to 40 in 2008 [see graphic below]. ![]() Give Us $$$ Or We’ll Lower Your ‘Gay’ Score: In 2008, the homosexual activist lobby Human Rights Campaign “demoted” Walmart–lowering its CEI score to 40–because the giant retailer announced that it would no longer give grants to homosexual-transgender groups. Click on graphic to enlarge. But now Walmart’s executives seem to have settled on a full-embrace of the LGBTQueer agenda–with the exception that Walmart still does not pay for employees’ transgender “sex reassignment” surgeries as an employee benefit (worth 10 points on the 2015 CEI scorecard). Walmart paid for a full-page at in the New York City Pride Guide last June, earning the applause of homosexual activists. And the Facebook page of PRIDE, the Walmart “LGBT and Straight Ally Associate Resource Group,” shows photos from a June “Home Office PRIDE Celebration,” held at the headquarters of Sam’s Club (owned by Walmart). One of the slides shows a map of the U.S. with ll cities highlighted–under the headline, “2014 Walmart Sponsored Pride Events Across the Country.” [See photo below] By giving major grants to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, Walmart’s pro-homosexual/-transgender outreach (some would call it pandering) takes a distinctly political flavor. The Victory Fund’s mission is to help elect “out” homosexual and transgender candidates to local, state and federal political offices. Though the GLVF claims to be nonpartisan–and is attempting to get more homosexual Republicans like Richard Tisei (Massachusetts) elected–most of the people it is has helped finance have been Democrats. AFTAH will closely follow this story. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth ________________________________ TAKE ACTION: Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or their Customer Service line: 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] –or use their Contact Page HERE. ________________________________ ![]() “PRIDE” in a Sin? The above slide is part of a presentation at Walmart’s Sam’s Club headquarters in June to honor its homosexual employees group, PRIDE. It shows the retail giant’s corporate sponsorship of various “gay/transgender pride” events across the USA. Photo: PRIDE Facebook page. Click to enlarge.
![]() Major Giver: Walmart is listed by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund as a “Strategic Partner”–giving the highly political homosexual/transgender organization between $25,000 and $50,000 in 2013.
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on Friday, December 19th, 2014 at 11:27 am and is filed under "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, 100-Percent Pro-Gay Corporations, News, Redefining Morality, Wal-Mart (PRIDE).
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