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C.J. Doyle: Defend Morality – Oppose Massachusetts House Bill 4392 Normalizing Sodomy, Fornication and Adultery![]() No Law Can Make Sodomy Safe or Good: Poster warns attendees of International Mr. Leather (IML), a homosexual deviance-sex-fest held every year in Chicago, of the increased risk for meningitis among “gay and bisexual men.” See AFTAH’s story on IML 2016. Also see the Chicago Health Department release on homosexual men and meningitis. The following was released today by the Catholic Action League, a Massachusetts pro-family group: SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: C. J. DOYLE Phone: (617) 524-6309; DEFEND TRADITIONAL MORALITY, OPPOSE HOUSE BILL 4392! Because so many members of the General Court were away this week at the Democratic National Convention, the Massachusetts Legislature will close out its 2016 session with a special weekend sitting of the House and the Senate today, July 30th, and tomorrow, July 31st. One of the proposed laws which may emerge from the Committee on Third Readings is a pernicious measure sponsored by Representative Byron Rushing, (D-Boston), House Bill 4392, which would repeal the remaining prohibitions in the General Laws of the Commonwealth against adultery, fornication, and sodomy—“the abominable and detestable crime against nature.” This repeal is a longstanding objective of homosexual activists in Massachusetts. The bill would also remove the designation of “subversive” from the Communist Party, at a time when the so-called RevComs—Revolutionary Communists—are protesting alongside elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. Although these laws are no longer enforced, they have significant symbolic value. The law is a teacher, from whom many in society learn what is right from what is wrong. Passage of this secularist measure would erase, in matters of sexual ethics, the last vestiges of Biblical morality and natural law in the criminal statutes of Massachusetts, completing the process of de-Christianization. Please contact House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones and urge them to stop this proposed legislation from being rushed through at the end of the legislative session! You may reach Speaker DeLeo by telephone at 617-722-2500, or by email at Robert.DeLeo@mahouse.gov. Representative Jones may be reached at 617-722-2100 and at Bradley.Jones@mahouse.gov. You may find the telephone number and email address of your own state representative by going to https://malegislature.gov. Thank you.
This article was posted
on Saturday, July 30th, 2016 at 11:40 pm and is filed under "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Massachusetts, News, Redefining Morality, Redefining Normal, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality.
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