Gay-For-Pay….And Lots of It: Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin is stepping down, and saying good-bye to an annual salary in excess of half a million dollars ($507,000 in 2013). HRC, which funds almost exclusively Democratic candidates, spent $26 million in the midterm elections to advance pro-LGBTQ Democrats in six battleground states. The hard-left HRC receives fawning coverage from the media, which is now effectively a part of the LGBTQueer movement. Photo: HRC website.
Related Story: See this video in which Cliff Kincaid interviews Peter LaBarbera on the midterm election, which was disastrous for social conservatives opposing Big LGBTQ.
Folks, I sent this email to pro-family activists after learning that Chad Griffin, the president of the world’s leading LGBTQ lobby group, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), is stepping down next year. Turns out there’s some resentment among grassroots “gay” activists at HRC’s enormous salaries and spending priorities (Griffin made $507,000 in 2013):
Wow, and we wonder why we’re losing: outgoing HRC President Chad Griffin was making $500,000/yr. plus benefits. (The same HRC spent a whopping $26 million in the midterms influencing 6 battleground states, including AZ where it backed victorious self-declared “bisexual” Kyrsten Sinema.)
This email [below] is from a grassroots gay activist who is resentful toward HRC for sucking up all the gay donor $$$. It seems to me that the LGBTQueer lobby has created such a powerful money machine, including hundreds of millions of dollars extracted from pandering corporations, that it doesn’t even know how to spend it all. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Back2Stonewall >
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 3:45 PM
Subject: [New post] FINALLY! – Human Rights Campaign President Chad “Rosa Parks” Griffin Steps Down
To: Americans For Truth
Via the AP (Take the article with a huge grain of salt)
Chad Griffin, the influential gay rights activist who helped turn the Human Rights Campaign into a powerful political force, announced Thursday that he is stepping down as the organization’s president.
Griffin informed staff at HRC of his decision to step down Thursday. Griffin hasn’t said what he plans to do next. He is expected to stay at HRC until the organization names a new president; that process could take several months.
A prolific fundraiser with deep political ties, Griffin probably will become one of the most sought after advisers for Democrats preparing to undertake White House campaigns.
Back2Stonewall.com has never been a big fan of the HRC or of Chad “Rosa Parks” Griffin both of whom have both taken the credit for work that many grassroots activists have done while sucking up all the money in the LGBT community by throwing garish galas and weekly money begs . Griffin a very good friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton (Griffin worked for Bill as an Aide during his White House years) has been one on the highest overpaid ($500k + benefits a year) LGBT rights org presidents and one of the most ineffectual leaders the organization has ever had.
We will assume there’ll be a farewell cocktail party forthwith?….