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VIDEO: Conan O’Brien Pokes Fun at Grindr and ‘Gay’ Sodomy – and in the Process Gives a Lesson on Homo-Promiscuity

Thursday, February 26th, 2015


Grindr--Sodomy Finder: Grindr is a phone app used by four million homosexual men that uses GPS to facilitate them finding a sodomy partner nearby--literally telling them how many feet away he is.

Sodomy Finder: Grindr is a phone app–with by four million homosexual male subscribers–that uses GPS to facilitate them finding a sodomy partner nearby–literally telling them how many feet away he is. The above graphic is from the Grindr website; click to enlarge.

“Grindr is for, basically, gay guys not pretending it’s for anything other than meeting up to have sex.” — Billy Eichner


By Peter LaBarbera

One of the unwritten codes among popular culture elites is that they can make fun of homosexuality, sort of, as long as they are outwardly pro-“gay rights”–which is now practically a universal value in Hollywood and the media. The rest of us can’t even joke about homosexuality–although many aspects of the same-sex world, e.g., Grindr, deserve ridicule–as most people endeavor to toe the line set forth by the Gay Thought Police (GTP) with its modern, deviance-celebrating “morality.”

Nevertheless, in poking fun at homosexuality (sort of) comedians–walking on politically correct eggshells–still manage to get out truth about the perverse “gay” world and even acknowledge verboten dissent–think Seinfeld and the “not that there’s anything wrong with that” episode. Smart media consumers can read between the laugh lines to discover subversive realities, just like in the old Soviet Union, where citizens read through Pravda’s propaganda to find out what was really going on in the socialist “People’s Republic.”

And so, in our own People’s Republic–in which bold Truth-tellers are fast becoming like dissidents in the USSR–we get a lesson in “Homo-Promiscuity” from this bawdy video produced by light-night host Conan O’Brien. Conan’s openly homosexual sidekick, Billy Eichner, clues us in (wink, wink) to the libidinous ways of Grindr–a tool and “lifestyle” that simply has no parallel in straight society (much as “gay” radicals like Dan “Monogamish” Savage would love for straights to sink to their sleazy standards).

Twenty-five-year-old Philly native Dino Dizdarevic (right), shown here with his homosexual boyfriend, was murdered in 2014 after driving to Chester, PA, for a Grindr hook-up.

Grindr Murder: Twenty-five-year-old “gay” Philly native Dino Dizdarevic (right), shown here with his boyfriend Nick McBee, was murdered in 2014 after driving to Chester, PA, for a Grindr hook-up.

I believe this is AFTAH’s first post on Grindr; think of it as a digital bathhouse that facilitates men hooking up for sodomitic encounters–literally telling them how many feet they are from potential sodomy partners. This is AFTAH, so you are free to say what your really think about that–it’s weird, gross and twisted, I know. But it’s happening–and it has real life repercussions that are no laughing matter –e.g., Grindr hook-up murders like the one last year that led to the tragic death of a young Philly man, Dino Dizdarevi?.

Be forewarned: this video is edgy and subversive in a PC way, in the sense that when we’re all laughing at perversion it becomes less threatening–this indeed is how homosexuality began being mainstreamed in America through entertainment, beginning with the 70s TV sitcom Soap, the first with an “openly gay” character (played by Billy Crystal). Note Eichner’s revealing comment about condoms at 7:29 and the look on Conan’s face shortly after 7:40 when he is told what sodomy is. Of course, we’ll have more on Grindr and homo-promiscuity in future articles:

United States Ambassador for Sexual Perversion? Obama Names Randy Berry LGBT Envoy

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
Randy Berry

Randy Berry

Folks, if we’ve learned anything from Barack Obama, it’s that there are no limits to his pandering to the homosexual and transgender activist movement. This latest development described by my Brazilian friend Julio Severo is an insult to the majority of nations around the world that choose not to celebrate the Sin of Sodom like so many liberal Americans–note I did not say all Americans–do.

Where is the Special U.S. Envoy for Adultery? Fornication? Pornography? Abortion?  I’d better be careful: I don’t want to give the Obama bureaucracy any ideas. This is neo-imperialism at its worst–rather than being a force for good in the world, America is now using its money and power to advocate for sexual immorality and gender rebellion across the globe–as we re-define “human rights” to accommodate destructive yet changeable behaviors.

If the Democrats are defeated in 2016, I would hope that the next administration will reverse actions like this, but that is far from certain to happen given the Republicans’ craven timidity on this issue. The Shining City on a Hill which Reagan invoked has turned into a Smog-covered Slum spreading moral pollution under Obama. And his shame becomes our shame until we, the citizens of this once-great nation, right the wrongs that are being carried out abroad in our name. — Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera


US Names First Global Envoy for Homosexual Agenda

By Julio Severo

The United States is naming its first international envoy for homosexual rights. This is a historic event, because no nation, even the United Nations, has ever appointed a homosexual ambassador for global homosexual rights.

Every single major news outlet in the U.S. is covering this historic event.

In a press release, the U.S. State Department said Randy Berry, an openly homosexual diplomat, will be its special envoy to promote homosexual rights. State Department Secretary John Kerry said, “We’re working to overturn laws that criminalize consensual same-sex conduct in countries around the world.”

The U.S. government’s concern is not only the more than 75 countries that criminalize homosexual activity, but also to target nations trying to resist the onslaught of homosexual groups from United States and Europe, especially because of several pro-family laws that have taken effect around the world in recent years. The Washington Post gave some examples, “Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation in 2013 banning ‘homosexual propaganda,’ and Nigeria banned same-sex marriage and restricted homosexual behavior, including public displays of affection between gays.”
Putin was named by The Advocate, the largest homosexual magazine in the U.S., as the most prominent opponent of the gay agenda.

Kerry says Randy Berry will help the Obama administration in its global efforts to press foreign countries to eliminate laws that criminalize homosexual activity.

According to “The Advocate,” the idea of appointing a special envoy for LGBT issues was championed by several groups, including the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest homosexualist group in the U.S., whose co-founder, Terrance Patrick Bean, was arrested for a pederastic homosexual assault on a child last year.

In a press release, left-wing AJWS applauded the historic State Department appointment of Randy Berry as America’s first special global envoy for LGBT issues around the world.

According to its own website, AJWS is the fourth largest funder of the gay agenda worldwide. Since 2005, AJWS has invested nearly $9.5 million in global LGBT rights. Last year, AJWS provided $2.97 million to 47 organizations promoting the gay agenda in 14 countries.

If you wonder how a leftist group promoting the gay agenda is Jewish, remember that the leftist U.S. president promoting the same agenda is allegedly Protestant.

Under the Obama administration, American Embassies worldwide have flown the "rainbow flag" symbolizing homosexualism, in solidarity with "gay" activists.

America Foreign Policy Goes “Gay”: Under the Obama administration, American Embassies worldwide have flown the “rainbow flag” symbolizing homosexual activism, in solidarity with “gay” advocates. This is the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.

According to the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade, HRC president Chad Griffin applauded the State Department.

“At a moment when many LGBT people around the world are facing persecution and daily violence, this unprecedented appointment shows a historic commitment to the principle that LGBT rights are human rights,” he said. “President Obama and Secretary Kerry have shown tremendous leadership in championing the rights of LGBT people abroad. Now, working closely with this new envoy, we’ve got to work harder than ever to create new allies, push back on human rights violators, and support the brave leaders and organizations that fight for LGBT rights around the world.”

The appointment of an openly homosexual diplomat as a LGBT envoy sends a message that the United States will remain on the forefront and leadership of promoting the gay agenda around the world. It shows also its determination of pushing back Russia, Nigeria and other nations.

Now the United States will make the world freer to adherents of homosexual acts and ideology and less free for Christians and others who do not accept homosexual depravity, including Russia and Nigeria that are trying to protect their children from homosexual propaganda.

Every single homosexual activist around the world is benefited by the U.S. move.

Every single practicing Christian is threatened by it.

I wonder what will happen to Christians like me. My book “O Movimento Homossexual” (The Homosexual Movement), published originally by the Brazilian branch of Bethany House Publishers in 1998, made Brazilian gay groups furious because I exposed that they were bringing to Brazil the gay ideology from America. In fact, many of their militants had been trained and funded in America. My exposé brought threats against me. But now, with the U.S. government strongly siding with international homosexual activists, they will receive more training and funding to advance and threaten, and Christians like me run the risk of being labeled “human rights violator” and “criminals.”

Read the rest of this article »

Video: Dead ‘Gay’ Porn Stars Memorial – Created by Former Homosexual Joseph Sciambra

Thursday, February 19th, 2015
God rescued ex-"gay" Joseph Sciambra from the homosexual porn industry and the depravities of a debauched homosexual "deathstyle." See his website at

There Is Hope: God rescued ex-“gay” Joseph Sciambra from the homosexual porn industry and the depravities of a debauched homosexual “deathstyle.” See his website at Buy his book, “Swallowed by Satan,” HERE.

Folks, if this video doesn’t touch your soul, then you have no soul. All of these men were cut down in the prime of their life. They got on the wrong road–making homosexual pornography–and I’m afraid that barring repentence for some, it took them to perdition. The Bible says:

“There is a way that seems right to a man, and its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12; ESV)

I had forgotten the passing of one of the men in this video–“sex positive” homosexual writer Scott O’Hara. I remember back when I was a newbie at monitoring the “gay” agenda–having launched “Lambda Report” in 1993–being shocked by O’Hara’s magazine, “STEAM.” Its libidinous purpose was to “help” homosexual men cruise for sex in parks and public restrooms. Read his Wikipedia bio here: it is one of the saddest I’ve ever read: O’Hara’s short life–he died at 36 in 1998–was devoted to pursuing and promoting deviant sex.

I take no delight in passing this along to you. It is not another mere “talking point” against homosexuality. It is much more than that. God surely wanted more for these men than than to be a cog in the wheel of an evil industry that glorifies sexual sin–one that used them up and then moved on to the next batch of young men to exploit for the almighty dollar–pornography is a very big business in the the male homosexual world; indeed in the entire fallen world.

And now the flip side: this video was created by Joseph Sciambra, who was once a “gay” porn actor himself before fleeing his homosexual “deathstyle” through the grace of God. See Joseph’s website HERE; I look forward to meeting him and helping get out his heartwarming story.

This modern age, including much of “Christendom,” seems to celebrate ambiguity, but do not doubt that we are in a battle of Good versus Evil. Sexual sin of all stripes is running rampant in our nation. The Left champions “sex workers,” as if it is just another occupation or special interest group. But the Christian knows that souls are in the balance here. The Lord rescued Joseph Sciambra; we pray that He rescues many more people caught up in pornography and the lies of homosexuality and gender confusion. Because we do not want anyone to die without knowing Christ. Can you see Satan’s work in the curtailed lives memorialized in this video? — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; AFTAH FaceBook Page HERE


Joseph Sciabra writes:

Published on Aug 22, 2013

A tribute to the men who lost their lives in the porn industry. There are many more names besides those I listed here; but these actors all had a cause of death that could be traced directly back to their time in pornography. Do not let their deaths be in vain: Don’t watch porn! For more information go to:

David Axelrod Makes it Official: Obama Was ‘Bullsh*tting’ America on Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Obama was “chomping at the bit” to support homosexuality-based “marriage,” says key adviser

David_Axelrod_book_coverBy Peter LaBarbera

Obama adviser and powerful Chicago Democratic political strategist David Axelrod confirms in his new book “Believer” what many Americans have long suspected: Barack Obama “bulsh*tted” America on “gay marriage” to help win his bid for the White House in 2008. [See the 2013 AFTAH piece, “Was Obama Lying When He Piously Professed His Belief in Natural Marriage?”]

Axelrod reveals in Believer: My 40 Years in Politics that:

  • “I had no doubt that this [a 1996 campaign pledge by Obama to support same-sex “marriage” legislation while running for Illinois state senator] was his heartfelt belief.”
  • Candidate and then-Sen. Obama “grudgingly accepted the cousel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than [homosexual ‘marriage’].”
  • Obama “never felt comfortable with the compromise, and told Axelrod after  one “awkward” public exchange defending his calculated compromise position: “I’m just not very good at [bullsh*tting].”
  • In 2010, “the president was chomping at the bit to support the right of gays and lesbians to wed–and having watched him struggle with this issue for years, I was ready, too.”

I heartily agree with Boyce College Professor of Biblical Studies Denny Burk‘s take on this:

“If Axelrod’s report is accurate, this is the worst kind of hypocrisy and cynicism. It would mean this: Not only did President Obama lie in order to get elected, but he also used his Christian faith as a pretense. He pretended to believe Christian teaching in order to make the lie credible.”

Obama himself is pushing back against Axelrod’s claim–see this Politico story: “Obama: I didn’t lie about same-sex marriage.” “I think David is mixing up my personal feelings with my position on the issue,” Obama told Buzzfeed.

But like so much of what the president has said over the years, his denial is not very plausible–just watch again the video below of Obama’s infamous “God is in the mix” pledge to 2008 debate moderator Pastor Rick Warren in support of natural marriage. (One could argue that as much as Obama may have “hated BS’ing” the country on sodomy-based “marriage,” he was pretty darned good at it–maybe a career in Hollywood awaits him after he leaves the Oval Office.)

Below are photos of the pages 446-7 from Axelrod’s book containing the key revelation that candidate Obama knew all along that he was “bullsh*tting” the public on this critical moral issue, followed by the 2008 Saddleback presidential debate footage (note Obama’s feigned piety). Oh, and one more thing: NEVER should Rick Warren moderate another presidential debate–he blew a big opportunity to call out Obama on his charade, which should have been evident to everyone since then-candidate Obama gave rhetorical sustenance to the very aggressive LGBT push for same-sex “marriage”–e.g., condemning state amendments to preserve the traditional definition of marriage–even as he formally opposed legalizing it:



Here is then-candidate Obama’s profession of support for natural marriage (one-man, one-woman) at the Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church debate in 2008:

Corporate Jesus-Bashing: Why Did Southwest Airlines, Wells Fargo, Comcast/NBC Fund LGBTQ ‘Creating Change’ Attack on Christ?

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

It’s bad enough that homosexual activists are “Playing with Redemption”; must major corporations join them by funding this evil enterprise?

Brought to You by Southwest Airlines: The book cover to the blasphemous play "Corpus Christi," in which Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual who had a sexual relationship with Judas and who performs a "gay wedding" ceremony for two of his male disciples. Twice Dallas-based Southwest Airlines has financed LGBT events promoting a documentary that celebrates the "Corpus Christi" play. Call Southwest at 214-792-4000, or contact them online HERE.

This Jesus-Bashing “Art” Brought to You by Southwest Airlines and Comcast/NBC: The book cover to the blasphemous play “Corpus Christi,” in which Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual who had a sexual relationship with Judas and who performs a “gay wedding” ceremony for two of his male disciples (see graphic below). [See AFTAH story on Southwest’s sponsorship of the radical LGBTQ “Creating Change” 2015 conference held last week in Denver HERE.] Twice the Dallas-based SWA has financed LGBT events promoting a documentary that celebrates the “Corpus Christi” play. Call Southwest at 214-792-4000, or contact them online HERE.

TAKE ACTION: Please ask for a reply in writing from Southwest Airlines and other major corporate sponsors of the radical “Creating Change” conference that celebrated a blasphemous documentary portraying “Jesus Christ” as a homosexual who conducts a “gay marriage” between two of his disciples, and has a sexual history with Judas. If you get a reply, please pass it on to AFTAH at:

Note: so far every time I have called a corporation to complain about its sponsorship of “Creating Change,” the person on the other end of the line was shocked that such funding went to such an extreme event. Act Now: Please take a few minutes out of your day to hold these corporations accountable! See previous AFTAH story on Creating Change 2015 HERE, and other related stories from past CC conferences at bottom. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. Good News!:  Chili’s dropped off as a “National Corporate Partner” of the “Gay Task Force” after AFTAH exposed their association with this evil organization — your letters and phone calls worked! Don’t lose heart!]

Scan the 148-page Creating Change 2015 Program PDF celebrating sexual perversions of all stripes and extreme gender confusion: [click here]. See AFTAH’s other articles on this uber-radical National LGBTQ Task Force event over the years at bottom.

CONTACT Southwest Airlines:  Dallas HQ (CEO Gary Kelly): 214-792-4000 (hit ‘0’ and make your opinion known to the operator before you get routed to Customer Relations). 

  • Online Southwest Contact Page: [Here]. 
  • Southwest Airlines (SWA) is a “National Corporate Partner” of the (far left) National LGBTQ Task Force. 
  • SWA proudly served as the “Official Airline” of Creating Change; 
  • Twitter: @SouthwestAir

Some other major corporate sponsors of LGBTQ Task Force and Creating Change:

Office Depot: (“National Corporate Partner” of the National LGBTQ Task Force)

  • Call Boca Raton-based Office Depot HQ (CEO Roland Smith): 561-438-4800; contact form [Here]
  • Rich Leland, Office Depot Investor Relations: 561-438-2895 [Note: Office Depot, which purchased Office Max, is in the process of being bought out by Staples]


Comcast/NBC: 1 (800) 934-6489; online contact form to senior VP Tom Kerinshak: [here]; Twitter: @Comcast


Wells Fargo (“National Corporate Partner” of the National LGBTQ Task Force):

  • Wells Fargo: 1 (800) 869-3557: [Note: San Francisco-based Wells Fargo is one of the most committed major corporations to the overall “gay” agenda]
  • Online Wells Fargo online email form: [Here]
  • Kathryn Ellis, Wells Fargo Media: 415-222-3767; 
  • Twitter: @WellsFargo
  • International Callers: [Here]


Hilton Worldwide: HQ: McLean, VA: (703)883-1000; Memphis Operation Center: (901)374-5000 [online contact page HERE]


Letter to Southwest Airlines from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Dear Southwest Airlines,

I’m writing to express my deep opposition to Southwest Airlines’ funding of and involvement with the homosexual “Creating Change” conference in Denver Feb 4-8–and your role of as a “National Partner” of the event’s sponsoring organization, the National LGBTQ Task Force.

As you can readily see from the Creating Change program [PDF HERE], this debauched event includes a screening of a documentary celebrating a play (“Corpus Christi”) that portrays Jesus Christ as a homosexual–who “marries” two of his male disciples. I have read the play and to call it blasphemous would be an understatement. Making “Jesus”–the Son of God and Savior of the world–a sexual sinner who performs a homosexuality-based “marriage” is an incredible affront to Christian believers everywhere–and decent people of other religions (or no religion) who reject hateful and twisted attacks on Christianity and the Bible.


Funding Perversion and Anti-Christian Bigotry: “National Corporate Partners” of the National LGBTQ Task Force: Comcast/NBC; Southwest Airlines; Hilton Worldwide; Office Depot; Wells Fargo; Showtime; and Grey Goose Vodka. Click on graphic to enlarge.

As a longtime Southwest customer, I am stunned that SWA continues to fund the LGBTQ Task Force despite its record of celebrating–not just anti-Christian bigotry like this film screening–but fringe perversions such as sadomasochism (“kink”) and “multiple-partner unions.” There are also many offensive panels like “Queering Education” that would shock many of your customers. Did you know that the Creating Change conference gives an award every year to its favorite sadomasochist (the “Leather Leadership Award”)? Why is SWA associating itself with such extreme activities and even financing them with major corporate grants?

Did you vet this event? Do you think most SWA customers would support the Task Force’s radical agenda (which includes sessions dedicated to undermining the historic biblical understanding that homosexual acts are sinful)? Did you know that this year’s CC event includes a film celebrating a grotesquely distorted portrayal of Jesus Christ Himself as a homosexual who has “gay” sex, gets drunk and conducts “gay marriages”?

I believe Southwest owes an apology to faithful Christians everywhere for helping to make this event happen. At the very minimum you should adopt a NEUTRAL approach toward giving on the issues of homosexuality, transgenderism and “gay marriage”–rather than fund only PRO-“gay” and PRO-“transgender” organizations and events. Thank you for considering this letter.

Peter LaBarbera,

Chicago, IL

February 9, 2015


Passage in “Corpus Christi” play in which the “Jesus” character (Joshua) conducts a homosexual “marriage” between two of his disciples:

The above passage where "Joshua"--representing "Jesus Christ"--conducts a homosexual "marriage" between two of his male disciples is found on Page 62 of the play, "Corpus Christi," by homosexual Terrence McNally. The play screened at Creating Change--which was sponsored by Southwest Airlines and other major corporations--is titled, "Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption." It celebrates the blasphemous play.

This Blasphemy Brought to You by Wells Fargo, Hilton and Office Depot: “Jesus” (Joshua) conducts a homosexual “wedding” between two of his “disciples” in the above passage from the play “Corpus Christi”–on page 62 of the play by homosexual Terrence McNally. A documentary celebrating the perverse play was screened at the radical “Creating Change” conference–which was sponsored by Wells Fargo, Southwest Airlines, Comcast/NBC, Office Depot and other major corporations.This passage is transcribed immediately below;  click to enlarge graphic.

Read the rest of this article »

Fischer on Judge Roy Moore – We Believe in the Rule of Law – It’s Federal Judges Who Don’t

Friday, February 13th, 2015
Judge Roy Moore

Judge Roy Moore

AFTAH republishes this column by our friend Bryan Fischer from the outstanding website Renew America; to learn more about R.A., click HERE.  Americans are indebted to Judge Roy Moore for attempting to stop arrogant judicial supremacists from imposing homosexual so-called “marriage” on the citizens of Alabama and those in so many other states who have been disenfranchised on this critical issue. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


February 9, 2015

By Bryan Fischer

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at “Focal Point”

A federal judge’s ruling is not a “law.” It is a “ruling.” So, for example, when people refer to Roe v. Wade as “the law of the land,” they are simply mistaken.

A “law” is something enacted by the elected representatives of the people (or by the people directly through referendum) and signed by the chief executive. A judge’s “ruling” is not therefore a “law.” Judges have no authority whatsoever to make law. They can issue rulings, but the power to make law is flatly prohibited to them.

This is clear from the first words in the the first article of the Constitution. “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

That is “all,” as in “every last little single bit,” of the power to make law has been vested in Congress. That means no legislative power whatsoever has been granted to the judiciary. That is “no” legislative power as in zip, zilch, nada.

The New York Times makes a typical and constitutionally illiterate gaffe in today’s edition, on a piece on Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s directive to probate judges in Alabama to refuse to issue wedding licenses based on what Alabama state law still refers to as “deviate sexual intercouse.”

In Alabama, United States District Court Judge Callie V. S. Granade issued a ruling – not a “law” you will note – overturning the state’s marriage amendment, which was passed with 81% of the vote in 2006. Thus this tyrannical judge in one fell swoop pulverized the voting rights of 697,591 Alabamians.

This judge, acting like a black-robed despot, has ordered Alabama to begin issuing same-sex licenses as of today (February 9). Judge Moore is rightly and constitutionally saying not so fast.

Read the rest of this article »

New Research Finds Children in Homosexual-led Households Have More Emotional Problems than Kids with a Mom and Dad

Friday, February 13th, 2015
One of the San Francisco "Sisters" works the annual Easter egg hunt, which is held the morning of the Christ-mocking "Hunky Jesus" contest.

Parenting, San Francisco-style: One of the San Francisco drag-queen “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” works the 2013 Easter egg hunt, which is held the morning of the Christ-mocking “Hunky Jesus” contest every Easter Sunday. A new study finds the use of mental health treatment services is nearly double among children with same-sex parents when contrasted with those of opposite-sex parents. Children in homosexual-led households are naturally more exposed to aberrant sexual and gender behaviors–like those on display at “Gay Pride” parades–than children in normal mother-father homes. Photo: AFTAH; click to enlarge.

The following is an excerpt from an article on the excellent website The Public Discourse:

New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad

Public Discourse,

Published research employing the New Family Structures Study (NFSS), the ECLS (Early Childhood Longitudinal Study), the US Census (ACS), the Canadian Census, and now the NHIS all reveal a comparable basic narrative, namely, that children who grow up with a married mother and father fare best.

A new study published in the February 2015 issue of the British Journal of Education, Society, and Behavioural Science appears to be the largest yet on the matter of same-sex households and children’s emotional outcomes. It analyzed 512 children of same-sex parents, drawn from a pool of over 207,000 respondents who participated in the (US) National Health Interview Survey(NHIS) at some point between 1997 and 2013.

Results reveal that, on eight out of twelve psychometric measures, the risk of clinical emotional problems, developmental problems, or use of mental health treatment services is nearly double among those with same-sex parents when contrasted with children of opposite-sex parents. The estimate of serious child emotional problems in children with same-sex parents is 17 percent, compared with 7 percent among opposite-sex parents, after adjusting for age, race, gender, and parent’s education and income. Rates of ADHD were higher as well—15.5 compared to 7.1 percent. The same is true for learning disabilities: 14.1 vs. 8 percent.

The study’s author, sociologist Paul Sullins, assessed a variety of different hypotheses about the differences, including comparative residential stability, experience of stigma or bullying, parental emotional problems (6.1 percent among same-sex parents vs. 3.4 percent among opposite-sex ones), and biological attachment. Each of these factors predictably aggravated children’s emotional health, but only the last of these—biological parentage—accounted for nearly all of the variation in emotional problems. While adopted children are at higher risk of emotional problems overall, being adopted did not account for the differences between children in same-sex and opposite-sex households. It’s also worth noting that while being bullied clearly aggravates emotional health, there was no difference in self-reported experience of having been bullied between the children of same-sex and opposite-sex parents….

Continued on Public Discourse [HERE]

Video: ‘Gay’ History 1993: Homo-Fascist LGBT Assault on Hamilton Square Baptist Church and Rev. Lou Sheldon

Friday, February 13th, 2015
Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activists protesters in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.

‘Gays’ Bully Church: Attendees at Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco were harassed and assaulted by homosexual activist protesters as they attended a Sunday evening service in 1993. Read about it in this Conservapedia account.

“The day of the riot was the day Reverend Louis Sheldon, of the Traditional Values Coalition, was a guest speaker. Only the church’s membership and regular attenders were notified of the service, through the church’s bulletin. No public notice or invitation was made in regards to the guest speaker. However, the September 16, 1993 edition of the [homosexual newspaper] Bay Area Reporter, the meeting was made public in a front page article using inflammatory language…The church received telephone calls prior to [Rev.] Sheldon’s arrival demanding that he should not come and threatening to disrupt the service. In addition, two people visited the church and told a church employee that the church could not have…Sheldon as a guest speaker at the church and that they were going to stop it from happening.”– Conservapedia article, “Hamilton Square Baptist Church Riot” 

Go straight to VIDEO: [click HERE]

By Peter LaBarbera

What’s past is prologue. The video below offers a glimpse into a September 19, 1993 political mob-attack against the Hamilton Square Baptist Church in downtown San Francisco in which angry homosexual activists including ACT UP militants, outraged over an invited Sunday night speaker, defaced the church building, vandalized its property, pounded on the doors of the church as the evening service was going on–and even assaulted churchgoers, frightening young children.

Long before there was a serious national debate over homosexuality-based “marriage,” there was a phenomenon that many have since nicknamed “homo-fascism”–essentially the organized and often vicious LGBT harassment of those who openly oppose out-and-proud homosexualism. The neo-totalitarian assumption underlying homo-fascist aggression is that critics of homosexuality (and now transgenderism) are mere “haters” and “bigots” who effectively do not deserve or possess the same freedom to defend and organize around their beliefs as “gay” activists have to advance their agenda.

Homo-fascism is an outgrowth of homosexual activist power–which is greatest in major cities and “gay” Meccas like San Francisco. Ironically it resorts to the very same “bullying” that homosexual activists routinely condemn–and which they have manipulated rhetorically to great effect to promote homosexualist programs and ideology in schools. (Note that this writer has also used the term homo-communist–since the most oppressive attempts at thought-control in modern times have come from the Left–but that has not caught on like homo-fascist. Other conservative slang-terms mocking homosexual activist bullying and intolerance are: Gay-KK and the Gay-stapo.)

Homosexual activists raised a "rainbow flag" symbolizing "gay" liberation atop the flagpole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church--like on conquered territory.

Rainbow Aggression: Homosexual activists and rioters raised a “rainbow flag” symbolizing “gay” liberation up the flag pole of Hamilton Square Baptist Church–as if on conquered territory. See just after the 6:00 mark in the CBN video report on the 1993 anti-Christian LGBT riot.

One of the things that is fascinating in this broadcast by CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) reporter Richard Hunt is how even after fanatical LGBT activists terrorized HSBC churchgoers and vandalized the Church–to the point of verbally assaulting churchgoing ladies and raising a “Rainbow Flag” up the church flag post while police apparently stood by and did nothing–they still managed to portray themselves as victims. Note also how, just like today, LGBT militants resorted to wild exaggerations–e.g., alleging that Christians opposed the homosexual agenda really aim to commit “violence” and even a “holocaust” against “gays”–to justify their strong-arm tactics against the Church and, in this case, pro-family leader Rev. Lou Sheldon.

That is a cynical, political lie, but also note the more direct falsehoods used to stoke the San Francisco leftists’ collective outrage: an apparent “gay” militant spits on Sheldon–CBN caught the despicable act on camera [start at about 4:50 of the video]–as Sheldon was being escorted back to his seat, or possibly out of City Hall, after testifying. Then, as the militant himself is ejected by police, “gay” activists are heard catcalling that the spitter is innocent (“Can we pick out Christians to arrest for no reason?!”) as they turned his deserved expulsion into more cries of homosexual victimhood. Unfortunately, cameras are not usually on hand to document the dirty, ends-justify-the-means tactics of LGBTQueer militants.

Here is the YouTube description of the video (see Conservapedia for a good account of the Hamilton Square riot):

Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in San Francisco on the date of September 19, 1993 in which a angry group of male homosexuals and lesbians vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized church congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and scared children, and disrupted a church service.”

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