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Biggest Gay Lie of 2014? Apple CEO Tim Cook Calls His Homosexuality a Gift from God

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Pray that Cook will repent and turn from proud homosexualism

Attacking the Character of God to Rationalize My Sin-- Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook said he was "proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."

Attacking the Character of God to Rationalize My Sin: Last year Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook said he was “proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” AFTAH calls Cook’s insidious claim the “Biggest ‘Gay’ Lie of 2014.” See the OneNewsNow story HERE and AFTAH’s previous story on Cook HERE.

Folks, one of the odd things about the Homosexual and Transgender movements is that their “conservative” or “religious” branches are as revolutionary and subversive as those campy drag queens prancing down the streets of big cities every June celebrating “Pride.” Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook called his newly-declared homosexuality “among the greatest gifts God has given me.”  Yet the same Creator reveals in the Bible–whose authority deserves a lot more respect than Mr. Cook’s feelings–that homosexual behavior is an “abomination” (detestable). [See previous AFTAH story, “Absolute Truth vs. LGBTQ ‘My Truths’: Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Outrageous ‘Gay’ Claim and the Culture War.]

God cannot hate the sin of same-sex erotic behavior, and love homosexuality at the same time. And so AFTAH finds Tim Cook’s wildly contradictory and blasphemous assertion of a “God-given gayness gift” to be the Biggest “Gay” Lie of 2014. Below is a reprint of a story in AFA’s “One News Now”. Please pray for Tim Cook’s salvation–that he will believe in Christ and repent of (turn away from) his politically-correct sin of proud homosexualism. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Reprinted from OneNewsNow [click HERE to subscribe to ONN’s “Daily Newsbrief” emails]

Homosexuality is a gift from God? What a lie

By Charlie Butts (, December 31, 2014

The CEO of Apple may have offended God in the way he described his homosexual lifestyle, says one pro-family activist.

After coming out this fall in a commentary in Businessweek, CEO Tim Cook said he was “proud to be gay” and said he considered his homosexuality “among the greatest gifts God has given me.”

Pointing to that statement, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality calls it “beyond blasphemy” to claim something that God declared a sin and an abomination is a “gift” from Him instead.

LaBarbera said his organization has declared Cook’s suggestion the “biggest gay lie” of the year.

Cook has taken a page out of the playbook of homosexual activists, LaBarbera alleges, specifically from homosexual activists who use theology to rationalize their sin.

LaBarbera, Peter”But in doing so they’re attacking and assailing the character of God Himself,” says LaBarbera.

There is also the issue of Cook’s claiming knowledge of God and the Bible, since many homosexuals are also atheists who would mock a straight person who made religious claims about normal sexuality.

Even though Cook claimed he was “proud” of his homosexuality, The Washington Post noted that he “never explicitly addressed his sexual orientation,” even when he was asked about it by reporters.

LaBarbera suggests it’s bad enough that Cook, the CEO of a successful corporation, came out as homosexual. But now he has made matters worse for himself by directly challenging God and the Bible, he says.



AFTAH Poem: I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
Michael_Sam_Indecent_Kiss-BLOCKED (3)

Not at All Like Normal Kisses: NFL draftee Michael Sam (left) kisses “boyfriend,” Vito Cammisano, on national TV after learning that he had been drafted by the St. Louis Rams. Ultimately, Sam got cut from the team, but he was lionized by LGBT activists and the media alike. AFTAH blocks homosexual kisses because they are indecent and glamorize immorality, which is especially harmful to children.

Folks, 2014 was another year of intense promotion by the media of all things “gay” and “transgender.” One beneficiary of that was an articulate college football player named Michael Sam, who became the first openly homosexual (“out”) man to be drafted by the NFL. When that moment came, Sam kissed his homosexual lover, Vito Cammisano, on national TV, sparking an awkward national debate about homosexual displays of affection.

Many–dare I say most–people did not care for the televised same-sex kiss, but few pundits took the principled, common-sense position of AFTAH: of course we treat homosexual PDAs (public displays of affection) differently than, say, a football player kissing his girlfriend on the field because (say it with me): HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR, A SIN, IS ALWAYS WRONG, whereas heterosexuality is natural and normal.

Too many conservatives, including Bill O’Reilly and other talkers on Fox News [see my America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias HERE] allowed themselves to be hamstrung by political correctness to the point where they failed to admit the obvious: homosexuality is not normal; it’s a perversion–so we treat it differently than everyday (not excessive) displays of affection between a man and a woman. That’s especially the case when it comes to subjecting innocent children to the celebration of immorality that grieves God’s heart [See Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11]. [Note: see this biased AP piece on Sam curiously re-published by the “conservative”]

Since it’s New Year’s Eve, we’re having a little fun here at AFTAH: below is a poem I wrote playing loosely off the lyrics, rhythm and meter of Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” (you know, the one with “Sam I am”). Although it’s light, the message is serious: public celebration of perversion is indecent–and another harmful and obnoxious by-product of “gay” and “same-sex marriage” advocacy. Sure, I’ll be chided by humorless homosexuals and “progressive” hacks who bristle at anything characterizing homosexuality as immoral, destructive and changeable. But who cares: LGBTQ activists attack, slander and lie about AFTAH all the time anyway. So enjoy…or not. Happy New Year! — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth;

P.S. On a very serious note, please pray for Michael Sam and others caught up in homosexuality, that they would accept Christ and become overcomers who leave their sinful lifestyle behind, as many others have [see this “Ex-Gay Truth” site].


I Saw the Kiss by Michael Sam. It Made Me Mad. He Kissed a Man!

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

I saw the kiss by Michael Sam..
It made me mad–he kissed a man!

That’s something I don’t want to see
It’s wrong, unnatural, and it’s not just me.

Many now say, “Homosexuality is OK.”
But God says there’s a better way.

He made men for women, and women for men.
So why are “gays” so prideful then?

Please, no public same-sex kisses, Michael Sam.
We don’t want to see this man-on-man!

Not in a boat, not in a car
This public perversion goes too far!

Not in the store or on a bus
This same-sex stuff, it brings disgust.

Not at the movies or on TV
It’s wrong, unnatural, can’t you see?!

I don’t want my kids to think it’s right
So please, please, keep it out of sight!

Why is it always in our faces?
This sin–celebrated in so many places?

Even at football and baseball games
We have to pretend homosexuality’s the same.

Young kids exposed to same-sex acts,
When parents just wanna’ have fun and relax.

“Well,” said Michael Sam, “let me ask you this:
“Do you get mad when men and women kiss?!”

Man and woman, that’s Nature’s way.
As long as there’s not too much PDA.

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2014 Was the Year Elitist Judicial Grinches Stole the People’s Vote on God-ordained Marriage Between a Man and a Woman

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

GrinchAFTAH News Release

December 31, 2014

By Peter LaBarbera,;; 312-324-3787

The year 2014 in America saw an unprecedented overreach by the judiciary, with federal judges–contemptuous or at least dismissive of the people’s clearly-expressed will–striking down as “unconstitutional” popular state ballot measures preserving the age-old definition of marriage as between husband and wife.

Only an “evolving Constitution” could countenance so-called rights and “marriage” based on sexual deviancy. Legislators, not courts, change the law, and well into the 20th Century most states had laws on their books banning homosexual sodomy—once known as the infamous “crime against Nature.” To this day homosexual acts remain “against Nature,” hence their disproportionate association with sexual diseases like HIV and syphilis—which is why MSM (men having sex with men) is a red flag for blood donations.

Today’s judicial supremacists—with media sycophants in tow—don’t care that the United States Supreme Court has already established precedent in 1972 against using the Fourteen Amendment–designed to combat institutionalized racism left over from slavery–to legalize homosexuality-based “marriage.” The Supreme Court dismissed in an appeal of the Minnesota Supreme Court decision Baker vs. Nelson in which the majority wrote:

“[I]n commonsense and in a constitutional sense, there is a clear distinction between a marital restriction based merely upon race and one based upon the fundamental difference in sex.”  

The 2014 judicial avalanche in favor of radically redefining marriage to accommodate homosexual behavior exposes a key contradiction of the Left: on the one hand progressives bemoan voter-ID laws, arguing that these laws are purposely designed to make it harder for African-Americans and likely Democratic voters to cast a ballot.

On the other hand, “progressives” like those inhabiting the offices of the ACLU overwhelmingly support judicial negation of successful state constitutional amendments preserving marriage as between one man and one woman—in states like Utah, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma and Florida. Each of these court rulings imposing “gay marriage” disenfranchises millions of Americans on the issue.

Moreover, polls show that Black Americans are a strong demographic in support of traditional marriage. So effectively, to use Twitter-ese, liberals are saying that #BlackVotesMatter–except when it comes to popular state amendments rejecting homosexuality-based “marriage,” for which (millions of) #BlackVotesDoNotCount.

Sexual revolutionaries have cunningly have mastered the art of using government power through the manipulation of the law to legitimize their sin, in this case homosexual behavior–which God calls an abomination (“detestable”; see Leviticus 20:13) and a sin that can be overcome through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). So naturally the Left has exulted in the tendency of most courts to reject overwhelmingly popular ballot measures designed to protect the historic definition of marriage.

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Latest ‘Gay Disease’: Syphilis Is Predominantly a Homosexual Male Epidemic, CDC Reports

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

As debate over ending “gay” male blood ban escalates, so do homosexual disease rates

Homosexual bathhouse "Steamworks" sits prominently in Chicago's "gay" "Boystown" neighborhood.

Catering to Promiscuous ‘Gays’ Is Big Business: The CDC revealed in 2014 that syphilis is now “predominantly” a homosexual male “epidemic.” Above is a photo of the homosexual bathhouse “Steamworks,” which sits prominently (at the 3246 address) on Halsted Street in the heart of Chicago’s homosexual “Boystown” neighborhood. ‘Homo-promiscuity’ is a major factor in the spread of syphilis, HIV and other STDs, but politically-speaking, orgiastic “gay” sex clubs like this one are apparently untouchable. AFTAH has long called for such perversion centers to be closed down in the name of public health, to no avail. Note the nondescript, windowless Steamworks building and the official “rainbow pillars” demarcating the city’s “gay-borhood.” Photo: AFTAH; click to enlarge.


Help AFTAH Expose Homosexual-Transgender Lies with a Year-End Gift!  AFTAH is David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.


WARNING: Offensive CDC photo of syphilis

By Peter LaBarbera

One way that 2014 was not unique compared to previous years is that it brought further evidence of the destructiveness of homosexual behavior. In May, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that such a high percentage of new syphilis cases are linked to homosexuality-practicing males that it now considers syphilis “predominantly an MSM [men who have sex with men] epidemic.”

The health agency’s May 9, 2014 Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) [reprinted in PDF format HERE] found that almost 84 percent of primary and secondary syphilis cases reported in 2012 were among homosexual men (MSM)–up from 77 percent in 2009.

The report states (emphasis added):

“In 2012, primary and secondary syphilis cases in the 35 reporting areas that reported the sex of sex partners for [equal or greater than] 70% of male cases comprised 83.7% (13,113) of all nationwide cases. In those areas, the proportion of male primary and secondary syphilis cases attributed to MSM [men who have sex with men] increased from 77.0 (6,366) in 2009 to 83.9% (8,701) in 2012. Increases in incidence occurred among MSM of all ages and races/ethnicities from all regions. The greatest percentage increases occurred among Hispanics (53.4%, from 1,291 in 2009 to 1,980 in 2012) and whites (38.1%, 2,449 to 3,381), when compared with blacks (21.2%, 2,267 to 2,747)…By age group, the greatest percentage increases occurred among MSM aged 25-29 (53.2%m 1,073 to 1,644).”

In a separate section of the CDC MMWR report (p. 405, in the blue text box), the authors write (emphasis added):

“What is already known on this topic?
Rates of reported primary and secondary syphilis in the United States have increased since reaching historic lows in 2000. Cases of primary and secondary syphilis increasingly are among males, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM).

“What is added by this report?
Primary and secondary syphilis rates increased among men of all ages and races/ethnicities during 2005–2013, from 5.1 cases per 100,000 population in 2005 to 9.8 in 2013, when men accounted for 91.1% of all cases reported in the United States. Although rates remain highest among black men (28.1), recent increases were greatest among Hispanic and white men. Currently, syphilis is predominantly an MSM epidemic.”

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Absolute Truth vs. LGBTQ ‘My Truths’: Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Outrageous ‘Gay’ Claim and the Culture War

Friday, December 26th, 2014
Embracing the "Gay" and Slandering God -- Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook said he was "proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me."

Embracing the “Gay” Lie and slandering God in the process: Apple CEO Tim Cook writes that he is “proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” Cook was repeating a gay theology falsehood, labeled as “Satan’s Talking Points” by AFTAH. Homosexual activists have worked to switched the societal stigma from people practicing the sin of homosexuality to the people opposing it. Cook is giving heavily to an HRC project to promote homosexuality in the South.

“I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line.” — Isaiah 28:17

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8


Help AFTAH Contend for The Truth Against Homosexual-Transgender Lies:  We are David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

[Sign up for weekly AFTAH e-newsletters HERE]


Dear AFTAH Supporter,

I hope you had a blessed Christmas Day.  Happy New Year!  This is the season to dwell on Absolute Truth, lest we reduce “the holidays”—happy or otherwise–to mere sentimentality.  Divine Truth.  We profess it, but do we actually believe in it?  The namesake of Christmas—Jesus Christ–is the most important Absolute Truth anyone can ever know: God becoming man, to solve man’s sin problem.  [“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”—1 John 2:2]

The explosion of sexual sin in Western cultures–especially one like ours with a magnificent Christian heritage that still professes to be “under God”–is ultimately a manifestation of losing the Truth of Jesus.  Let’s face it: many or even most Americans—secular or professing “Christians”–think they’re “smarter than God” when it comes to sex (and other issues), and the result is a society is awash in sin and its consequences: fornication, broken homes, divorce, abortion, widespread STDs and, yes, homosexualism and extreme gender rebellion.

All sins dishonor God, but there’s something especially deplorable and significant about the spread of homosexuality and related perversions in a civilization.  Someone smart once said something to the effect that if homosexual sodomy—what Noah Webster in 1828 defined as “a crime against nature”–is OK, then nothing is wrong.  The court-imposed spread of sodomy-based “marriage” is a cultural act of defiance for which America will be judged—or perhaps is already being judged–as a nation. [Read the AFTAH article, “Gay Marriage and Distant Consequences.”]

Following and obeying Jesus is the key to righteousness.  I find this reality to be evident in my own life: the more I stray from the Savior, the less virtuous, the less “godly,” I become.  The closer I get to Jesus through the Scriptures, the Word of God, the more righteous I become.  So it is with nations.

Changing the standard of right and wrong

All people sin.  But most of us lack the audacity and hubris to attempt to change the transcendent, eternal standard of Right and Wrong, even as we fall short, sometimes woefully short, of God’s righteous demands.

But the earthly “enemies” against which AFTAH contends are all about changing the Truth standard–in a desperate quest to rationalize their sin.  They want to change God’s plumb line of righteousness, based on the authority of, well, their feelings.  “LGBTQueer” forces–fueled by seemingly endless financial resources–work day and night to change the standard, but the standard does not change.  The standard cannot change.


Help AFTAH Fight Against the Lies of Big ‘Gay’ Inc:  We are David and the well-funded “Gay” Lobby is Goliath. Support AFTAH today with a year-end gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can give! Give online [safe credit-card form HERE] or send a check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. All gifts postmarked by or made online midnight Dec. 31 are tax-deductible for your 2014 taxes.


Read the rest of this article »

Canadian Judge Finds LaBarbera, Whatcott Not Guilty of ‘Mischief’ Charge for Protesting at University of Regina

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014
AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina. Yesterday, Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university's claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students' education.

JUDGE SAYS NO TO CAMPUS CENSORS: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera being arrested at the University of Regina last April. Yesterday, Saskatchewan Provincial Judge MaryLynne Beaton rejected the university’s claim that a peaceful protest at U-R against abortion and sodomy somehow interfered with students’ education. Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott–who with LaBarbera was arrested on a “Mischief” charge–says he will return to the camps to disseminate biblical truth.

“I find that the purpose of (their) attending the University of Regina was to communicate information and their actions were passive and non-aggressive,” Judge Beaton wrote. “The university’s response was disproportionate to the peaceful distribution of flyers.” [page 14, decision]


Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Marylynne Beaton ruled yesterday that AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Canadian pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott are not guilty of criminal “mischief” after being arrested and jailed April 14, 2014 after peacefully protesting and disseminating factual literature at the University of Regina–against the wishes of school administrators.

In the 27-page decision, available HERE, Judge Beaton relied heavily on Whatcott’s claim under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that he had a right to disseminate his religious views–and rejected the notion put forth by the prosecution that the two pro-family activists disrupted the educational mission of U-Regina.

Below is YouTube of a Regina Leader Post audio-story with Whatcott’s reaction to the decision, and beneath that the print report by the Leader-Post. You can go to Whatcott’s website HERE, and beneath that an excerpt the Leader-Post’s story on the decision.

Said LaBarbera in response to the ruling:

“I am gratified by Judge Beaton’s well-reasoned decision, and I congratulate my friend Bill Whatcott for once again leading the way in challenging Canada to live up to her ideals of liberty and freedom of conscience. It is preposterous in a country that claims to be free to criminalize dissenting speech at a public university. Yet this is what University of Regina administrators sought to do by cowardly attempting to banish Bill Whatcott and me from their campus. In the process they dishonored their students–who deserved better than clumsy attempts at censorship justified by condescending and odious appeals to ‘protect’ them from ‘hate.’

“Hopefully, this ruling will open up the door to a resurgence of true tolerance and freedom in Canada. The Left in Canada, as in the United States, does not want debate but rather control. They fear unfettered exposure to moral truth and compelling facts about homosexuality–hence their campaign to silence Christians and others who speak out against sexual immorality and gender rebellion.

“The very fact that I was detained and searched at length twice by Border police upon entering Canada–merely because I and AFTAH espouse historic, biblical, Judeo-Christian teachings on homosexuality–reflects escalating ‘thought tyranny’ and anti-intellectualism in Canada which, if allowed to take root, will only lead to more rigid repression against believers in this great land.”

More coming from AFTAH on this story; here is Whatcott’s reaction [order his book “Born in a Graveyard” HERE]:

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Walmart Gives Major Grant to Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund – Group that Helps Elect Mostly Openly Homosexual Democrats

Friday, December 19th, 2014

Retail giant steps up its financial support for homosexual/transgender agenda; pro-“gay” CEI scorecard ranking goes up to 90 percent

Walmart's full-page ad in the newsletter of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which works to elect openly homosexual legislators at the local, state and federal level. This ad appeared in the Victory Fund's Fall-Winter newsletter. Walmart now has a 90 percent ranking in HRC's "Corporate Equality Index"--indicating escalating support for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement.

Walmart Helps Grow “Gay/Trans” Political Power: Above is one of Walmart’s full-page ads in the newsletter of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which works to elect openly homosexuals to local, state and federal political offices. This ad appeared in the Victory Fund’s Fall-Winter 2014 newsletter. It reads: “Walmart is proud to support LGBT LEADERS 2014. We celebrate with you the gift of leadership that inspires us to do all we can, together, to help people live better.” Walmart now has a 90 percent ranking in HRC’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index”–indicating escalating support for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement. Call Walmart at 479-273-4000. Click on ad to enlarge.

WARNING: Offensive photo showing a young woman who had a body-mutilating, transgender “breast reduction surgery”


  • Walmart is now publicly pro-“gay” and giving major grants to homosexual/transgender events and organizations, including $25,000-50,000 in 2014 to the “Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund”–a group that helps elect “out” homosexuals to political office (mostly Democrats).
  • Giving corporate dollars to “gay/trans” groups like GLVF helps Walmart increase its score on the rigged “Corporate Equality Index” (CEI) put out annually by the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign.
  • Walmart’s pro-homosexual/-transgender CEI score is now 90 percent–up from 40 percent in 2008. The world’s largest company has embraced a pro-homosexual/bi/transgender agenda in recent years, especially after granting homosexual “domestic partner” employee benefits in 2013.
  • The CEI scoring system is completely biased against social conservatives: if Walmart were to give a grant to a pro-family group like AFTAH that opposes homosexual “marriage” and male “transgenders” using female restrooms, it would lose 25 points according to HRC’s rigged CEI scoring system.
  • The only way for Walmart to get the 10 points it needs to reach a perfect “100-percent” score on the CEI scorecard is for it to provide “transgender health benefits”–paying for or subsidizing body-mutilating “sex reassignment surgeries” like the one shown below (as a “health” benefit).
  • Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] — or use Walmart’s online Contact Page to make your voice heard on their capitulation to Big Gay Inc.


TAKE ACTION: The retail giant Walmart has increased its pro-homosexual/pro-“transgender” profile–giving $25,000-$50,000 to the highly political Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund in 2013. Call Walmart’s headquarters at 479-273-4000 [or their Customer Service line: 1-800-WALMART (800-925-6278)] –or use their Contact Page HERE to politely express your concerns about Walmart turning its back on godly morality and traditional marriage by pandering to the homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby groups like the Victory Fund with large donations.

WALMART’S GROWING PRO-“GAY” RATING: Also, take note of Walmart’s 90 percent score on the Human Rights Campaign’s pro-“gay” “Corporate Equality Index”–for which “philanthropic support of at least one LGBT organization or event” helps to earn a corporation 15 points out of a perfect 100. The CEI report–like HRC itself–is heavily biased against biblical, Judeo-Christian moral values. Thus Walmart’s 2014 score of 90 (up from 40 percent in 2008) shows that the company with a conservative reputation is now actively promoting sexual immorality and gender confusion. Please urge Walmart to stop giving to homosexual-transgender lobby organizations and to at least return to neutrality on LGBTQueer issues.


By Peter LaBarbera

Dear AFTAH Readers,

As I was researching alleged man-boy sex predator and Obama major donor Terry Bean, I stumbled upon a rather startling fact that indicates how rapidly Corporate America is caving in to the Homosexual Lobby: Walmart is now giving large donations to one of the most political of all the homosexual/transgender groups, the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund–which works to elect openly homosexual legislators, and which Bean co-founded.

In at least each of the last two years, Walmart has paid for a full-page ad in the GLVF’s newsletter, “Victory Magazine.” Walmart is listed as having donated between $25,000 and $49,999 to the Victory Fund in 2013 as a “Strategic Partner” of the homosexual organization, in the GLVF’s Spring/Summer newsletter. That is a higher level of giving than Southwest Airlines, which in recent years has been a much more active corporate donor to homosexual/transgender activist causes. (Southwest was listed as giving the Victory Fund in range of $10,000-$24,999 in the same period.)

The Walmart ad in the GLVF newsletter reads:

“Walmart is proud to support LGBT LEADERS 2014.

“We celebrate with you the gift of leadership that inspires us to do all we can, together, to help people live better.”

Walmart’s five-figure gift to a homosexual activist political organization, and its other gifts to “gay pride” events and causes like an ad in the 2014 “New York City Pride Guide,” paralleling Walmart’s increasingly pro-homosexual rating in the Human Rights Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index”–from — percent in 2007 to 60 percent in 2012 to 90 percent today [see CEI 2015 report on PDF HERE]. As AFTAH has reported in a previous article [“HRC’s Rigged CEI Rating System”], the CEI report is geared toward pressuring companies to building a pro-homosexual profile, including through corporate gifts to “gay” groups–with the ultimate “reward” for homosexually-compliant corporations being their designation by HRC’s as a “100-percent” CEI-ranked business.

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Linda Harvey: Don’t Shop at Macy’s Due to Their Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Transgender Agenda

Thursday, December 18th, 2014
Macy's float in homosexual "pride parade" in West Hollywood, CA. To contact Macy's, call 800-289-6229, or go to their Online Contact Page.

Macy’s’ LGBTQueer Agenda: Macy’s float in homosexual “pride parade” in West Hollywood, CA. To contact Macy’s, call 800-289-6229, or go to their Online Contact Page. Click to enlarge.

TAKE ACTION: My friend and stellar cultural warrior Linda Harvey of Mission America is calling for a boycott of the pro-homosexual-bisexual-transgender (LGBTQueer) retail giant Macy’s. Make it count: If you choose to join Linda, please make your decision count by contacting Macy’s to tell they WHY you are no longer shopping there. Call their Customer Service line at 800-289-6229, or use their online “Contact Us” form HERE.

I called the 800-number, and the only way to reach a human being is by hitting an option to buy something. The Macy’s operator who took my call totally agreed with me that it is inappropriate for biological men to dress in women’s private spaces! Also, on the Macy’s Contact Page, you can find local stores using your zip code. Try calling your local store to inform them of your decision not to shop at Macy’s until they at least approach neutrality on homosexuality and transgender issues. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH 


Say No to Shopping at Pro-‘LGBTQueer’ Macy’s

By Linda Harvey

Hey, ladies, would it bother you if a guy changing into a dress occupied the fitting room stall next to you at Macy’s? If this creeps you out, you should thank Natalie Johnson.

She tried to preevent this from happening at a Macy’s in San Antonio several years ago. And of course, the Macy’s management was extremely thankful to her for telling a teen cross-dressing male, accompanied by several other “LGBTqueer” friends, that he could not enter the female fitting room.

No, wait. They weren’t thankful. In fact, the Macy’s managers told Natalie to turn in her badge, so to speak. Natalie was terminated but the pushy and deluded young male (a non-female) was given honor and respect for the worthy goal of
invading the privacy and safety of actual women.

Natalie cited the Macy’s employment non-discrimination policy, one that includes the category of “religion.” She’s a Christian and found it offensive for a male to undress in the women’s fitting room.

But religious rights are only included in the Macy’s employment manual for show, apparently. In a head-to head contest against boys in lipstick and heels, the boys win. That’s the culture of Macy’s.

This is why I have not been inside a Macy’s since 2011. I used to spend quite a bit of money during the holidays at our local Macys—but no longer. This decision was reinforced as I watched and photographed the huge Macy’s red star balloon flying high above the Columbus “gay” pride parade in both 2013 and 2014. The banner carried by the Macy’s employee group marchers read, “Pride and Joy.”

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