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Folks, this is the debut episode of our new daily AFTAH webcast, “Americans For Truth Live.” It will air live Monday through Friday at noon Central Time (1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Mountain) right here on the AFTAH website. As you can see, we are still ironing out some wrinkles in the show, but I am super excited about it.
Americans For Truth Live will feature tons of hard-hitting, politically INcorrect analysis and interviews with some of the leading front-line happy warriors fighting Big LGBTQ, in America and across the globe. There will be more than a little laughter, and lots of God’s honest Truth. This video explains how AFTAH and our message is different: we’re hopping off the “Always on Defense” pro-family train, and are not afraid to speak tough truths, even if that means criticizing the Republican Party or (brace yourself!) Fox News.
Pro-LGBTQ “progressives” and the gay-/trans-cheerleading liberal media are now celebrating 11-year-old “drag kid” “Desmond Is Amazing” (Desmond Napoles).
Please spread the word about this new webcast. Share it everywhere. Tell your family and friends. Join the counter-revolution against the reckless Sexual and Gender-Rebelling Left–you know, the LGBTQueer activists and their “progressive” allies who think we all should celebrate an 11-year-old boy who identifies as a “drag kid” and performs at “gay” bars where men throw dollar bills at him.
Send me your feedback at americansfortruth@gmail.com, and please pray for and support this show if you are able [donate safely online HERE] so we can begin setting men and woman to freely and aggressively defend Truth against the secular-Left lies all around us. Because it’s God’s Truth to defend, not ours. God bless. –– Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
I enjoyed this interview with my friend Dr. Chaps Klingenschmitt on the Milo Yiannopoulos controversy and the whole notion of “gay conservatives.” Gordon James (Dr. “Chaps”) Klingenschmitt is the director of the Pray in Jesus Name Project. As you can see, we are both torn on Milo. [See my recent piece in LifeSiteNews, “Milo still defends sex between men and teenage boys despite blowback.”] In the interview, I attempt to bring out the subversive aspects of Milo’s “conservatism,” which includes his bawdy, sodomitic humor that is way too disgusting to describe in depth on pro-family program.
And yet, as you can see beginning at 11:45 in this video, Milo brilliantly analyzes the recent violent UC-Berkeley riots by leftists targeting his (canceled) speech there. Chaps notes Milo’s recent apology for joking about pederasty (sex between men and boys) in which he was involved, and I discuss the reality of “man-boy love” (sodomy) in the homosexual subculture going way, way back. Chaps also notes a reality that was almost ignored due to the Milo controversy: CPAC is now again pandering to homosexual activists, thus undermining Ronald Reagan’s “three-legged stool” of conservatism. Two-legged stools don’t stand up, so the GOP is headed for big trouble if it continues to jettison the homosexual issue. Chaps says a prayer for Milo at the end of the video. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
“I’ve not acted out homosexually in over 30 years,” says Black
[This post was modified 1-29-15]
The video below features the testimony of our friend Stephen Black, director of First Stone Ministriesand a Board Member of the ex-“gay” umbrella group Restored Hope Network(which replaced the failed “Exodus International”). It was produced by Pure Passion TV–a project of Mastering Life Ministries,founded by David Kyle Foster, himself a former homosexual. You can watch it on Vimeo HERE. Stephen’s testimony is highly relevant to the ongoing debate over ex-“gay” “Reparative Therapy” and legislative efforts to ban it for minors [see AFTAH release on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signing such legislation into law HERE].
Moreover, Stephen is a mature Christian whose life is a rebuke to those who deny that real change away from homosexuality is possible. It also stands in contrast to confused Christians like former Exodus staffer Randy Thomas—who curiously has declared himself “gay” again (“Could I see myself with a man? Yes.”)–even as he declares his enduring love for Jesus! Needless to say, the vicious homosexual activists at “Truth Wins Out” were quick to exploit Thomas’ egoistic declaration [HERE and HERE]. This is an Age of Apostasy, and we need steady voices like Black’s.
In my mind there are few things more insidious than confirming a false and deviant “gay” sexual identity in a young person who was once sexually abused by an adult homosexual predator. Yet under laws like New Jersey’s, parents of a victimized boy like Stephen Black once was would be BANNED from providing him with any therapeutic help that would “attempt to change” his “sexual orientation.” Watch this powerful video and you will understand why the Homosexual Lobby is so desperate to keep solid testimonies like his and David Kyle Foster’s from being heard in the Public Square. This runs 28 and a half minutes; it was posted in the Fall of 2014. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
Writes ChurchMilitant.TV: “Catholic investigative journalist and author, Randy Engel, joins Michael Voris of ChurchMilitant.TV to talk about her landmark book The Rite of Sodomy. Over the course of 1,300 pages and 3,000 footnotes, Engel explains the immensity of the homosexual subculture that has hijacked the Roman Catholic Church.” This program (“Mic’d up”) aired September 20, 2013.
Editor’s Note: I highly recommend Randy Engel’s book for any serious student of the organized homosexuality (“gay”) movement. I am not even a third of the way through it but already I have benefited tremendously from Randy’s insights and research. There is MUCH information in this book that homosexual activists and their allies do not want you to know! I also appeared as a guest on Michael Voris’ “Mic’d Up” program September 25th (2013) to discuss my America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias. We will post that video when it is available. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Here is Part Four of our interview [Click HERE to listen] with Dr. Judith Reisman, Visiting Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law. This program aired July 2, 2011 on WYLL-AM Chicago and was pre-recorded. All four parts of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Reisman’s can be found on the AFTAH Hour Archive Page.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do not use Real Player.It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
No matter what Hollywood or the media say, lesbian conduct is immoral (Romans 1:24-27). Shame on Dakota Fanning’s parents for allowing her to be exploited by the film industry — first in Hounddog — in which she was filmed semi-naked in a simulated child-rape scene — and now in The Runaways. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
[Warning: This story contains graphic content that may offend some readers.]
Fifteen-year-old child star Dakota Fanning is starring in yet another provocative movie role – snorting cocaine in bathrooms and participating in a steamy lesbian kiss and heavily implied sex scene with her female co-star.
Her latest movie, “The Runaways,” is rated “R” and will release March 19. It premiered at this year’s Sundance film festival.
Fanning plays the role of Cherie Currie, lead vocalist of The Runaways, an all-girl hard-rock band popular in the 1970s. Former “The Twilight Saga” star Kristen Stewart, 19, plays openly lesbian rocker Joan Jett, the band’s guitarist.
According to an early version of the script, the opening scene includes a splotch of menstrual blood hitting the sidewalk. Fanning’s character is seen with blood dripping down her leg as she begins her first menstrual cycle.
Jett is a rebellious teenager who curses, shoplifts leather pants, urinates on electric guitars, smokes, pops pills, takes part in several sexually charged scenes and smashes objects. Jett teaches another band member, Sandy, how to masturbate to Farrah Fawcett.
Fanning’s character cusses often, acts out, appears scantily clad in bed with “twenty-something surfer dudes,” drinks, uses cocaine and pops prescription pills. At age 15 she is abandoned by her mother, who moves to Indonesia with her boyfriend, and her father is an alcoholic.