“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

Thomasson Glad Prop 8 ‘Half-Upheld,’ but Disappointed that 18,000 Counterfeit ‘Gay Marriages’ Remain Valid

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

My friend Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com put out the following release after the half-victory (or half-loss) of the Prop 8 decision. — Peter LaBarbera


‘An Arm and a Leg Cut off Marriage’: Thomasson

California Supreme Court upholds only half of Prop. 8

Sacramento, California — Today’s ruling by the California Supreme Court that some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” are valid, despite the vote of the people to prohibit such legal recognition, has frustrated and disappointed pro-family citizens who voted for true protection of marriage licenses for a man and a woman.

“While it was good that the majority of the justices ruled only man-woman marriages could be performed after Prop. 8 passed, it’s wrong and unconstitutional for the judges to permit counterfeit marriages in clear violation of Prop. 8,” said Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a statewide pro-family organization that has been fighting for natural marriage in California for more than a decade. “An arm and a leg have been cut off the natural institution of marriage in California.”

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Expect California High Court to ‘Half Uphold’ Prop 8: Thomasson

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Prop. 8 ruling scheduled Tuesday 10 a.m.

randy_thomasson.jpgMy friend Randy Thomasson (left) of SaveCalifornia.com expects at partial victory for pro-natural-marriage forces on Prop 8 Tuesday. — Peter LaBarbera. Randy writes:

As you’ve probably heard, the California Supreme Court will file its Prop. 8 ruling on Tuesday at 10 a.m. There’s no more praying or influencing you can do to effect the decision, because the seven justices’ opinions are already in writing.

SaveCalifornia.com expects a “half right, half wrong,” convoluted decision that allows some 18,000 homosexual “marriages” performed before Nov. 4 to remain legally valid, but after Election Day permitting the granting of marrriage licenses only to a man and a woman.

Our [Save California] news release from Friday afternoon is below. To be reminded of what the justices said during the Prop. 8 hearing on March 5, click HERE. Full Save California release follows:


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New Hampshire House Voted Down Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Bill Because it Contained a Religious Liberty Protection Clause

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Staver: “Same-sex ‘marriage’ agenda on a collision course with freedom”

mat_staver_21.JPGMatt Staver of Liberty Counsel (right) says the New Hampshire House vote “is clear evidence that the end game is to force clergy and religious institutions to not just accept, but to celebrate and participate in same-sex ‘marriages.’”

Liberty Counsel issued the following press release today; we added the quote marks around “marriage,” as in same-sex “marriage,” as part of our ongoing attempt to preserve the real meaning of words against the semantic onslaught of pro-homosexuality activists:


May 21, 2009, Liberty Counsel

Manchester, NH – By a vote of 188-186, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted down a same-sex “marriage” bill because it contained a religious liberty protection clause. The state Senate had previously passed the bill along party lines by a vote of 14-10. Governor George Lynch, who is opposed to same-sex ‘marriage,’ said he would veto the bill unless it contained a religious liberty protection amendment. The amendment was added to the House version of the bill, and that is where it met opposition by an openly homosexual member of the House, who lobbied against the bill because of the amendment.

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San Francisco’s Deviant Values: New Folsom Street Poster Mocks Family, Prop 8

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Nancy Pelosi’s district celebrates the most vile perversions and attacks on God and nature known to mankind:


TAKE ACTION: call or write House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and urge her to denounce this blatant attack on the family coming out of her district: 202-225–4965 or 202-225-0100.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, take a look at what the sadistic pervs over at Folsom Street Fair came up with for their promotional poster this year. And to think that in all their “leather pride” they think of themselves as “progressive.” (PETA might disagree.) The good news is that thanks to the efforts of Americans For Truth and others who have exposed the open-air perversions that have been allowed to take place year after year at Folsom and at another San Francisco “street fair,” police are finally promising to crack down on the nudity and public sex [see this report in California Catholic Daily]. Will House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) denounce this new attack on the natural family, or will she continue to pander to her homosexual base– as she did by refusing to condemn a version of the above that mocked the Last Supper? Few Americans have any clue about just how deviant America’s Queer Mecca is.

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Truth From a Beauty is All Ye Need to Know

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

“The self-appointed political guardians of ‘tolerance’ aren’t so tolerant, after all”

trump-prejean.jpgBy Kathryn Jean Lopez, Townhall.com

It’s an odd day when Donald Trump becomes your hero. But that’s the new light I see him in, standing beside Miss California as she withstood the worst kind of public incivility, just for giving an honest answer to a question about a fundamental institution in American lives.

Truth be told, “hero” might be overkill. But Trump, for whatever his reasons, deserves credit for how he handled the Carrie Prejean controversy. Prejean, who was a runner-up in the recent Miss USA pageant (a stepping stone to the Miss Universe pageant), became a household name because of her opinion on gay marriage, which she gave in response to a question asked during the televised event.

But by the end of the story — when Trump, who is co-owner of the Miss Universe brand, decided to keep Prejean on despite accusations of inappropriate activism and breach of contract — due to previously unpublished semi-nude photos that were exposed (and overexposed) in the wake of her now-infamous answer — it became about showing the lie of tolerance. And as Trump allowed Prejean to keep her title of “Miss California,” he also defended free speech and said some true things rarely uttered by non-culture-warriors.

Click here to read the rest of Lopez’s article: “Truth from a Beauty,” on Townhall.com

Come to the Americans For Life Rally in Chicago on Friday, May 22nd

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

ultrasound_unborn_baby-2.jpg Smiling in the Womb: Ultrasound photo of a seemingly happy preborn baby. Liberals love to talk about “safe spaces,” but most don’t apply that to the womb. What did innocent, helpless unborn babies do to deserve being slaughtered by the thousands every day in America? Calling it “choice” does nothing to lessen the gruesome horror of abortion-on-demand. Come join Americans for Truth at the Americans For Life rally in downtown Chicago on Friday, May 22nd, at 11:30-3:00. Click on photo to enlarge.

Folks, I will be speaking on the defense of marriage in Illinois at the Americans For Life rally in downtown Chicago on Friday, May 22nd, at the State of Illinois Building, from 11:30-3:00. The rally is being organized by my friend Dick Walsh, a tough, veteran cultural warrior if there ever was one. WYLL’s Sandy Rios — another great friend of life and marriage — will be emceeing the event. Come to the rally, stand up for the unborn, whose lives are slaughtered for convenience. Bring your family and have a wonderful time standing up with fellow pro-life and pro-marriage Americans! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com

Here are the details:

Please join Americans For Life at the May 22, 2009 March for Life
11:30 a.m.  to 3:00 p.m. in downtown Chicago

11:30 am to 12:15 pm    Rally at the State of Illinois Building 100 West Randolph Street (between LaSalle and Clark Streets):

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Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Thomasson: “Donald Trump has to avoid hypocrisy, he’s got to respect Carrie’s right to her opinion and let her keep her Miss California title.”

perez_hilton_doctored_photo_what-a-jerk.jpgVictim of Intolerance: Is the American Left descending to the level of Perez Hilton, the “queer” activist blogger who arrogantly launched the attack on Carrie Prejean for merely voicing the timeless truth that marriage is between a man and a woman? At left is Hilton’s phallic defacement of Prejean from a doctored photo on his blog.

Folks, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the Number One threat to free speech and religious freedom in America today is the pro-homosexual activist movement — which now includes overzealous straights who delude themselves that they are advancing “civil rights.” even as they work to take away the First Amendment freedom of others. And to think that the Left used to lecture us about “imposing our morality”! Who would have dreamed 20 years ago that pro-homosexual fanaticism would take us to this point — where a young woman faces punishment and ridicule for merely voicing belief in marriage as between a man and a woman? We know “the Donald” loves the publicity, but he should have dismissed this un-American request out of hand.  — Peter LaBarbera


SaveAmerica.com writes:

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

TAKE ACTION: To leave a message for Mr. Trump, call the Miss Universe Organization (212) 373-4999

Sacramento, California — SaveAmerica.com, a leading West Coast pro-family organization, is blaming the intolerant homosexual agenda for trying to strip the crown of Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Holding a Beverly Hills news conference today to call for stripping away Prejean’s crown were Miss California pageant co-directors Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler, both of whom have been fiercely attacking Prejean ever since the April 19 Miss USA pageant, when she said “marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

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White House Pulls Obama’s Anti-DOMA Pledge from Presidential Website

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Does President Obama recognize that he has no mandate to repeal “Defense of Marriage Act,” which protects states from outside homosexual “marriages”

president_obama.jpgObama: No “Gay” Agenda Mandate: President Obama’s website has removed his radical campaign promise to work for the repeal of DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. Obama’s liberal homosexual/transsexual agenda was barely discussed in the election campaign, so he has no mandate to accomplish these goals: pro-homosexual/transgender federal “Hate Crimes” legislation; repeal DOMA; homosexualize the U.S. military (repeal “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell”); enact federal “civil unions” legislation; pass “ENDA Our Freedom” law (Employment Non-Discrimination Act), which would force businesses to conform to federal “superior rights” based on same-sex- and gender-confused “identities”; and homosexualizing the U.S. immigration process (treating homosexual couples like married couples). TAKE ACTION: Call your Congressman and Senators (202-224-3121; 202-225-3121, www.congress.org) and urge them to reject Obama’s homosexual agenda — including Hate Crimes. Tell them you oppose any bill that would establish the U.S. Government as endorsing immoral homosexual behavior or relationships, and that would invariably result in a loss of freedom for moral-minded Americans.

By Peter LaBarbera

Is President Obama indicating that repealing a law that protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state “gay marriages” — the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), signed by President Clinton and passed overwhelmingly by Congress in 1996 – is now a low priority for his administration? We hope so, given that support for traditional marriage, between a man and a woman, remains strong throughout the country.

The White House has stripped Obama’s anti-DOMA pledge (“Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act …”) from its website, as part of new, tighter language under the “Civil Rights” section dealing with homosexuality. Already homosexual activists are chafing at the slow pace of “change” offered by Obama in support of their agenda; many will not appreciate the public scrubbing of his DOMA promise – even though most Americans probably are unaware of it in the first place, as it barely surfaced in the presidential campaign. (Obama hardly has a mandate on DOMA; in fact, in informally questioning voters, I have yet to find an Obama supporter who was aware that Mr. Obama even made the anti-DOMA promise.)

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