“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

Read Phil Magnan’s “15 Reasons Why Homosexuality Is Wrong and Hurts Society”

Monday, July 21st, 2008

phil_magnan-2.jpgPhil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates.

We’re just getting back from a trip that offers more evidence why homosexuality is wrong and harmful to children. Meanwhile, take a read of Phil Magnan’s report, “15 Reasons Why Homosexuality is Wrong and Hurts Society.” Phil is the founder of Biblical Family Advocates, based in San Diego. I just met him in person for the first time and came away impressed by his love for people, including those practicing homosexuality, and his love for God’s truth and His heart on this issue. Check out BFA’s report. — Peter LaBarbera

California Homosexual Activists Lose in Bid to Deny Voters a Say on Counterfeit ‘Marriage’

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Apparently California’s homosexual activists are afraid of a vote in November on an amendment that would ban same-sex “marriage” in the state. Hopefully, that’s a good indication that they will lose that crucial vote. The “gay” attempt to deny democracy is nothing new: for years, homosexual militants have attempted to deny popular votes on homosexual issues in various states, at times resorting to dirty tactics like harassing pro-family petition-gatherers for state ballot initiatives. To them, the end justifies the means. — Peter LaBarbera

The San Francisco Chronicle reports today:

State high court refuses to remove same-sex marriage ban from ballot

The state Supreme Court refused today to remove a proposed ban on same-sex marriage from the November ballot.

The initiative, Proposition 8, is a state constitutional amendment that would overturn the court’s May 15 ruling allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry in California.

Gay-rights advocates sued June 19 to block a vote on Prop. 8, arguing that the measure would destroy fundamental rights that can’t legally be abolished by an initiative.

Noting that the Supreme Court’s ruling relied on the constitutional rights of privacy and equal protection, they argued that a repeal would amount to a revision of the Constitution – something that requires approval of two-thirds of the state Legislature before going to the voters.

Sponsors of Prop. 8 replied in court papers that their opponents were trying to deprive Californians of their right to change their own Constitution.

The court dismissed the case today in a unanimous order, without comment.

Ronald McDonald: Anti-Christian Bigot? McDonald’s Suggests Pro-Family Advocates Motivated by Hate

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Fast-food chain echoes homosexual activists’ smear

Gay Ronald McDonald

Why does McDonald’s equate defenders of marriage and Judeo-Christian morality with “hate”? TAKE ACTION: Call McDonald’s to let them know about your decision to boycott at 1-800-244-6227 (or 630-623-3000; fax: 630-623-5004). For more information about AFTAH’s Wednesday press conference at McDonald’s world headquarters, write americansfortruth@comcast.

Dear Readers,

Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this Wednesday, July 16, in support of American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott of the fast-food giant. Joining AFTAH and AFA will be representatives of Liberty Counsel, Illinois Family Institute, AFA of Pennsylvania, Culture Campaign and other pro-family advocates — including some moms who will explain why they won’t be taking their children to McDonald’s until the corporation stops promoting homosexuality and “gay” activism.

Note McDonald’s unfortunate choice below of the word “hate” as applied to critics of the company’s pro-homosexual policies. When we’ve reached the point where belief in the Bible and traditional morality is routinely equated with hatred, America has become hostile territory for people of faith. Sadly, pro-homosexual “diversity” is becoming a code-word for anti-Christian bigotry, as we at AFTAH have experienced before. (See our story about the founder of DiversityInc magazine, Luke Visconti, outrageously equating this writer (and Americans For Truth) with racist pro-slavery advocates of the past. Click HERE for African American ex-lesbian Charlene Cothran’s response to Visconti’s ugly and, yes, hateful analogy.)

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Mass. Legislature Poised to Export Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, July 14th, 2008

TAKE ACTION: stand against Massachusetts exporting counterfeit “gay marriages” across the nation: click HERE. Our good friends at MassResistance.org report:

Mass. Legislature poised to export our “gay marriage” across the country by repealing “1913 Law.” National “gay” groups pouring in money to lobby. Pressure needed NOW to stop Senate vote Tuesday – (see our new fax feature!)

The national homosexual movement is funding a huge lobbying effort over the next few days to persuade the Massachusetts Legislature to repeal the “1913 Law” which would allow out-of-state “gay” couples to legally “marry” in Massachusetts — and then cause havoc in their home states. Currently, out-of-state couples can not marry in Massachusetts if that marriage would be illegal in their home state. (See our report with the language of the bill.)

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McDonald’s Scores 85 Percent on Homosexual Group HRC’s ‘Corporate Equality’ Scorecard

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

HRC uses 11 criteria to rank corporations — including shunning pro-family groupsmcdonalds_boycott.jpg

By Peter LaBarbera

McDonald’s Corporation scored an 85 percent ranking on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) “Corporate Equality Index.” HRC, the nation’s leading homosexual lobby group, publishes the corporate survey every year. The following are the 11 criteria used by HRC to evaluate whether a major company is sufficiently pro-homosexual and pro-transsexual; note that McDonald’s passed all but one test (a gender-identity ‘nondiscrimination’ policy– criterion 2a). (AFTAH has endorsed a nationwide boycott of McDonald’s.) See important explanatory notes at bottom:

2008 Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index Ratings and Breakdown:

  • Criterion 1a: [McDonald’s: YES] Prohibits Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation (15 points)
  • Criterion 1b: [McDonald’s: YES] Provides Diversity Training Covering Sexual Orientation (5 points)
  • Criterion 2a: [McDonald’s: NO] Prohibits Discrimination Based on Gender Identity and/or Expression (15 points)
  • Criterion 2b: [McDonald’s: YES] Provides Diversity Training Covering Gender Identity OR Has Supportive Gender Transition Guidelines (5 points)
  • Criterion 2c: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers at Least One Transgender Wellness Benefit (5 points) +
  • Criterion 3a: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers Domestic Partner Health Insurance (15 points)
  • Criterion 3b: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers Domestic Partners Dental, Vision, COBRA and Dependent Coverage Benefits (5 points)
  • Criterion 3c ++: [McDonald’s: YES] Offers at Least Three Other ‘Soft’ Benefits for Domestic Partners ++ (5 points)
  • Criterion 4: [McDonald’s: YES] Has Employer-Supported Employee Resource Group OR Firm-Wide Diversity Council (15 points)
  • Criterion 5: [McDonald’s: YES] Engages in Appropriate and Respectful Advertising, Marketing or Philanthropy (15 points)
  • Criterion 6: [McDonald’s: YES] Exhibits Responsible Behavior Toward the GLBT Community; Does Not Engage in Action That Would Undermine GLBT Equality. Employers Found Engaging in Such Activities Will — Have 15 Points Removed From Their Scores. (—) +++

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iMAPP’s June Marriage Law Digest Available

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

Josh Baker of the Institute of Marriage and Public Policy (iMAPP) writes:

After a busy month of May, June was a fairly quiet month for marriage-related cases and law review articles. The June 2008 Marriage Law Digest, edited by Bill Duncan, is now available at http://www.marriagedebate.com/pdf/MarriageLawDigest.June2008.pdf.

Americans For Truth Supports AFA’s McDonald’s Boycott

Monday, July 7th, 2008

mcdonalds_boycott.jpg Millions of Americans are not “lovin'” McDonald’s promotion of the homosexual and transsexual activist agenda. So far McDonald’s is not budging in its pro-homosexual advocacy. American Family Association has officially launched a boycott of the fast food chain. Homosexual activists are already vowing to buy the fattening food to spite AFA. You can contact McDonald’s HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera

We’re back from vacation — just in time to state our support for American Family Association’s boycott of McDonald’s. Actually, Americans For Truth has unofficially encouraged a boycott of the fast-food giant for the last few months — after AFA publicized McDonald’s budding, cozy relationship with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

Today I went on Janet Folger’s “Faith2Action” radio program to express AFTAH’s support for AFA’s boycott. We will be detailing the many ways in which McDonald’s supports homosexuality and gender confusion. The Oak Brook, Illinois-based corporation has an 85 percent ranking in the 2008 “Corporate Equality Index” scorecard put out by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group.

You can contact McDonald’s HERE, and we urge you to stop in at the local McDonald’s restaurant that you would normally visit and explain to them in person why your family will no longer be eating there. Here’s one approach:

“My family spends at least __ hundred dollars a year at your restaurant but we will not be visiting again until McDonald’s stops supporting and financing the homosexual agenda. Homosexuality is a sin, and I don’t want my consumer dollars going to subsidize the unhealthy and immoral sexual agendas that undermine marriage. Please convey to McDonald’s national executive team that their decision to promote homosexuality is costing the company business.”

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UK Christian Answers Totalitarian Brit: Homosexual Activists ‘Forcing their Worldview on Others’

Friday, June 27th, 2008

“In fact, the most hate-filled people we have ever met are the homosexual activists who are forcing their world view on others.”David Burdett, UK

Dear AFTAH supporters,

David Burdett’s excellent letter responding to a fellow Brit, Peter Bradley, who says Americans For Truth would be “imprisoned” in the UK, reminds us that the battle for Truth on this issue is worldwide in its scope. We who reject the immoral, anti-Christian homosexualist agenda and the homo-fascism that it naturally spawns must work together to preserve freedom and the time-tested Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. — Peter LaBarbera

Read Bradley’s censorious message HERE, and write us with your response defending American freedom and Judeo-Christian norms at americansfortruth@comcast.net. Mr. Burdett writes June 25 through AFTAH’s website:

Dear Mr. Bradley,

My wife and I are Christians and from England, we believe that the homosexual lifestyle in sinful and we have should have the right to be able to express our religious beliefs without fear of being branded as hate-inciting criminals. In fact, the most hate-filled people we have ever met are the homosexual activists who are forcing their worldview on others. We all have free will to live as we choose and I accept that. However, we object in the strongest possible terms to the ‘gay’ agenda being forced onto us via the schools (teaching four-year-olds about same sex relationships); via the TV (the Heinz advert [in the UK showing a homosexual male couple kissing; Heinz pulled the ad after British protests]; two priests getting “married” in a church last week; and the pro-gay government and their biased laws.

You seem to think the UK is some kind of great place to live. I guess you haven’t seen the statistics about England’s huge drug problem amongst the young, the rise in teenage pregnancy and spread of sexually transmitted diseases. All of this is due to being a Godless society — thank God we have people like Peter LaBarbera who are not afraid to speak the truth!


David Burdett
London, England

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P.O. Box 340743
Columbus, OH 43234

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